Good news

[Host, there is bad news and there is good news.]

[The bad news is that your soul is quite damaged due to your frequent trade of genes. It will be quite difficult to repair your soul. Until then, your control over your soul will be quite jerky.]

[The good news is that what you have done isn't totally a losing proposition. It is actually a really good investment. First of all, nano-photons that are obtained from a single individual demonstrate the phenomenon of entanglement. Meaning that even when they are separated by a large distance, they are still connected to each other.]

[Since you sold your genes at the grey market and only rich and influential people buy from there, there are now several influential people with your genes in them.

You can think of them as banks. As long as they cultivate their soul, your portion of the soul in them will also grow and if you meet them later, I can help you extract that portion of the soul from them. Of course, that will require several harsh conditions like a high soul strength and physical contact with the target.

At a suitable level difference between your soul strengths, you can even manipulate their thoughts to a certain extent. Depending on how much of your genes they have, the control over them will be even stronger. So, you can use them as resources to reach the pinnacle.]

Although Aman knew how morally dubious this was, he couldn't help but be excited about this turn of events. His misery could now be turned into his strength.

He whispered another question aloud. "How do you know all of this? Do you have a memory unit within you and what kinds of information do you have?"

[Yes. I do have a memory unit but it is only 1TB in size due to space constraints. I mainly use your brain for storage. I do not have full access to my internal memory yet since the data is compressed using nano-photon technology. Thus, to access the higher levels of data, I would need you to have the corresponding soul strength.]

[What is mainly there is the data required for my initialization and my core program. Other than that, what I can access is some basic information about my functions and the GENE Project. I also have some of the memories I accumulated from my previous masters, though most of that is compressed using high density nano-photons, so I don't have access to it yet.]

"If you are sharing my brain with me, why can you hear my thoughts but I can't for you?"

[You can. But I think in binary so you are just treating it like white noise. If you want, I can switch to thinking in your mother tongue.]


Suddenly, Aman was assaulted by a deluge of thoughts. There were so many noises in his head and he couldn't make anything out, only catching highly technical snippets which were gone much faster than he could process.

"Stop!" groaned Aman as he clutched his head in pain.

The noises faded back into a background drone.

"Why was that so incomprehensible!?"

[A human mind can multi task only three things at once. I can multi thread 18. So, you were unable to follow my processes.]

Aman felt a wave of exhaustion. He felt dizzy.

[Host. It is suggested that you supplement your energy with glucose or an energy bar. My over capacity operation of your brain has burnt a lot of energy. If you don't recover it soon, you will collapse. I will minimize my operations till you do.]

The voice suddenly cut off.

Aman rang the calling bell for the nurse to ask about Preeti's situation and see if he couldn't get some energy bars or glucose supplements.