
Aman frowned. "You mean the Virtual reality where you are surgically hooked up to a pod so that it can regulate your body functions and jack into your nerves?"

He shook his head. "I'm not ready for that sort of commitment for a game."

"No. Not that sort of VR. What I am talking about is a lot more advanced than that. Instead of the nerves, it connects with the soul itself so there are zero invasive surgeries involved." Ananya reassured him.

She continued. "What exactly do you think the purpose of the Indian Institute of Eugenics is? Like… why cultivate the soul at all. In today's technological society, isn't going beyond the human limit rather redundant? It's not like guns will suddenly become ineffective. Then why spend so much resources to create these elite warriors?"

Aman thought about it. Actually, if the answer was that the government wanted to train up agents and anti-espionage personnel, then he would have to say that the plan was pretty stupid.

After all, the covertness of the agent was their best weapon. When you could just look into a roll list of the Indian Institute of Eugenics and say who was an agent, it made little sense.

Actually, the only reason he had wanted to join the Indian Institute of Eugenics was that they would help him reach a perfect ten in all fields at least before he passed out, thereby greatly shortening his recovery. He hadn't gone to think about the government purpose in any sort of detail.

Finally, he had to ask. "Why?"

She replied, "Have you ever had an out of body experience? Like you feel that you are looking at your body from the outside. Even if you haven't, you must have had an absurd dream where you saw things impossible in reality, or went to some place which you had never seen before.

"Well, these things are the result of your soul touching the spirit world, also known as the dreamland. I don't know much about it but basically, the dreamland is the result of the nano-photon that have dissipated out of the dead bodies and accumulated in the atmosphere.

"It is a layer of nano-photon that have formed from the accumulation of the departed souls of all lives on earth since the first bacteria.

"It is full of all sorts of fantastic sceneries and even mythical creatures. Basically, the imagination and thoughts of all sentient lives on earth have shaped the dreamland into a magical alternate reality."

Aman's eyes widened. "So, you mean that the purpose of the Indian Institute of Eugenics is to explore this dreamland. Then what is this Spirit Dimension you speak of?"

"Yes. The dreamland is full of untapped resources. You can only enter there as a soul body while your body is placed in the deepest of sleeps. The resources there are extremely helpful for soul cultivation and what is more, any technique you learn there can be used in the real world as well. Several cultivation techniques have already been brought back from the dreamland.

"Since you go as only a soul, you can't take any tech with you… so you can only depend on your cultivation. The Spirit Dimension is a VR that has been created with the dreamland as the model. It is very rudimentary and currently, all that is there is a network of arenas where one to one duels can be held using soul techniques.

"It is actually training for entering the dreamland. The arenas will match opponents internationally and the leader boards will be created. It is actually another way to find people with talent to join the exploration of the dreamland. Right now, it is a race between countries to explore more and gain more benefits.

"This is because not all those who are selected for Indian Institute of Eugenics are combat talents however talented in soul cultivation they might be. You can go to the gaming arcade in the city mall and show your card. They will let you use the pod. There are very lucrative rewards involved and the higher your rankings, the more you earn.

"Right now, the Spirit Dimension is still in the beta phase but soon, it will be made open to the public. Then the competition will be intense. I think you should try to capitalize on this head start. Although your soul is damaged, your control is very good according to your selector. So, I think you might be able to do really well and improve yourself."

Aman took the card from the table and put it in his pocket. "Thank you. I will try hard."

Then he took his leave.

Watching his receding back, she frowned, then shook her head and sighed. That feeling must have been a misconception. Taking out her phone, she checked an app.

SD Rank checker:

User ID: 875t167465

Rank: N.A.

She would just keep an eye on him… maybe she would be pleasantly surprised.