Chapter 26: Tournament Begin

In the early morning, people gathered around the stadium gate and all kind of foods and merchant goods were sold to people. There was even a betting shop which the school funded, some people were here to place their bets on the officials.

In order to get into the stadium, they needed a ticket that had been sold at the Lion Guard. Angus bought two tickets for his parents so that they could see their son in battle with cultivators.

Soon the stadium seats were all filled and his parents got 1st line seats thanks to the really expensive tickets which cost 10,000 silvers each. Outside the stadium, people started betting on the officials by pointing the picture showed on the wall.

"100 silvers for that guy to advance into 2nd round"

"2,000 silvers for Max Fang to reach last round"

"Wait, let me check their names and pictures before we bet. Easy money after all"

People gone crazy with betting while the officials were all gathered at the field in the stadium. Angus was among of them and he felt the crazy Ki around him, he recognized some people that were on his list of potential strong opponents.

The atmosphere was very tense as the officials either glaring at each other or focusing on cultivating but some were weird. One man had a baby in his arms and he fed the baby with milf bottle, a pretty girl used a mirror to look at herself while telling herself that she got this and she would win.

He even saw a man slept on the floor, he couldn't see the man face but every time he snored, wind blew from him. He remembered that the man was already here when the officials came.

Big Sis and Max were serious as they sat down and cultivated. Shiro was also there and it was the first time he saw him, he looked like samurai with his armor but there was a problem, the guy was glaring at him like he was his arch enemy.

"Hey Perfect, did I ever do something to that guy?"

"There isn't any face that resemble the man at all, maybe you did do something to him but you didn't remember"

Some new officials came after that and the gate to the stadium closed mean that no more entry for any late officials and audiences.

The moment the gate closed, 5 people came out from the VIP seats. It was Leon, Tara, the old man from the library and the old woman who gave him Angus his official emblem. The last person was a beautiful woman with golden hair, she had a fierce glare from her eyes like a lion. Her Ki and aura was amazing to the point every officials looked up, even the sleeping man wake up and quickly got up to see her.

Leon sighed because the officials didn't even pay this much respect to him, the school headmaster. His wife was too amazing, sometimes people asked him how did he marry such beautiful yet dangerous woman who rejected every man that proposed to her.

Leon was only absent minded a little bit then he went up to the highest stand and looked down at the officials.

"Welcome to the 45th Officials Tournament. Once a year, the school open the tournament for the officials to compete with each other. The officials strengths are much different from normal ones and the tournament was made for people to see but not only that, the officials can get more experience and strength when they fight each other with equal strength or stronger or even weaker. No matter what, they are officials and they will proof themselves why they are OFFICIALS."

With Leon's loud and exciting speech, the audiences clapped their hands. The whole stadium filled with clapping noise and the Officials were all fired up as their Ki exploded out. Luckily, there was a shield around the stadium that protected the audiences from the Ki but they could still feel the pressure.

"Nailed it"

Leon was happy because of his amazing speech.

"Hey mom, how long did dad practice his speech?"

"All times yesterday, and he even practiced in front of the mirror multi times"

Tara and her mom knew how hard he had put into the speech but it was very funny how he left his works and tried to practice his speech from yesterday.

Agnus was more than happy to face stronger opponents which he could go all out without holding back.

Leon knew how hard for some under rank 5 to face senior Officials who were rank 5 so he asked them if they like to fight in Junior Officials matches, the prize won't as great as the senior prize but it would at least make them happy enough to join the tournament. More than 60 officials went to Junior matches, some chose to stay and included Angus.

There were 40 officials in senior matches and all them were confident in their strength.

"Let the tournament BEGIN"

Each contestants randomly received a number wooden plate to match with their opponents next numbers. Mean that if one person had number 7 then his opponents would also had number 8.

This random method was simple and crude so maybe weaker officials met someone stronger but this was the fastest and most efficient to weed out the weak ones.

The tournament also allowed Ki weapon and gears under rank 5. Ki weapon was like cultivation rank and they would be graded based on power and quality. Angus arm guards, armor and shoes were under rank 5.

(Sorry for the Ki weapon and gears thing, I should have included this early but forgot)

Senior matches was first to begin and Angus had number 12 plate. All the contestants already received their plate then the judge came with a small stone in his hand and he sent Ki into the stone. A huge platforms suddenly appeared in the field and the judge called out number 1 and 2.

Number 1 contestant was a young man with knifes hanging around his hips, he looked a ninja with his black clothes covered his body except for the eyes. Number 2 was the man that had a baby in his arm, he wore simple Chinese clothes and he was also a young man but already married and had a child. Before the man went onto the platform, he gave the baby to a female staff.

"Daddy is going to leave for a while, I will be back soon"

On the platform, both of the contestants faced each other and the judge was in the middle. The judge saw that both of them were readied and he signaled the battle began.

The ninja was the first one to start the match by throwing 3 knifes at the opponent, those knifes were sharp and small so normal person couldn't see it. The knifes reached the man but they were stopped the moment they were one meter from him, the knifes dropped down.

He then attacked the ninja with a Long range Mystic art, he summoned 2 Ki spears and threw at the ninja. The spears were fast but ninja dodged them with ease and the ninja threw knifes again.

Like last time, the knifes didn't touch him so he didn't move from his position. He controlled the spears to hit to the ground and exploded.

The powerful attack didn't leave a scratch on the floor but it created shock wave and it knocked the ninja off his balance.

He took the chance to attacked the ninja with a Ki spear again but this time time he moved and quickly attacked. The spear attack left a deep cut on the Ninja's body, blood came out but stopped immediately after that.

Despite being in a disadvantage, the ninja still kept throwing knifes and after a few minutes, he was out of knifes and all of them were on the floor.

"Throwing knifes all the times, are you really official?"

"You think I throw knifes just to amuse you? Beside, every officials had their own trump card"

The ninja raised his hands and all the knifes, on the floor, flew up and attacked the man from all directions. The knifes moved like dragonfly and some of them already went deep into his flesh but he wasn't panicking as he summoned more spears and used a spear art to repel the knifes attacks.

The audiences was excited to see such level of battle and Angus couldn't wait for his battle. The battle on the platform right now was even more danger than fighting a normal rank 6.

The tension in the battle didn't last long, the man spear attacks was fiercer and more accurate. The knifes on the ground were chipped and some already broke. The ninja saw his chance of winning was small so he decided to use his trump card.

"Dark Night"

When the ninja used the trump card which created a space darkness on the platform making everyone outside couldn't see what happened inside. In the dark space, the ninja threw more hidden knifes and the man couldn't see the attacks because it was too dark for him to see.

Angus already went to one of the darkest places so he could see the people inside and some high rank cultivators could also see them.

Inside the dark space, the man received many injuries while the ninja just stood not too far from him and smiled as his victory secured. Then he noticed the man also smiled and gathered more Ki around then made more than 20 Ki spears.

"You still too naive to think I can not hit you in the dark. How about I attacked everywhere? I am sure 1 or 2 will hit you."

All of the spears surrounded him flew out and the ninja couldn't dodge because all of the place he could dodge were all filled with spears. In the end, 3 spears hit him in the chest and in the stomach.

"First match, contestant number 2 win"

The judge called the doctor to come and save the young ninja boy after announcing the winner.