11: Promise

Ps(Did you cringe at the weird names for the herbs i did I'm sorry HAHA)


Jing Xuan grabbed the Grasbine that was on the side and started grinding it, adding in some pearl powder and continued grinding it until it was of a paste like consistency. She then added some Yellow illusion extraction, mixing it together into a liquid like solution.

On her right was some snake venom, she poured a decent amount into the solution and stirred them. She left the solution alone for a day before she added the extraction of the Morat's claw poison into the solution to increase the potency of the poison.

She had to left it to set again for a day before she smeared the arrow heads with the poison she had made, then placing the remaining poison into a bottle and kept it in her bag.

"You're pretty good, although you're such a novice you managed to correctly extract the poison from the plants and animals and make the poison in about a week not bad." Zhi Hao praised Jing Xuan.

Jing Xuan had promised that she would also helped out to rescue Zhi Hao's family however she had to complete her mission and break the first wall to South kingdom first and she had exactly 17 more days before she had to leave to head back to the camp.

"Its because you taught me well enough. Since I've already learned to make this poison, i want to discuss with you about some stuff. Shall we head over to the inn im staying at to talk about it?..." she asked

"Alright." together they headed towards the inn Jing Xuan is staying at, Jing Jie set up a sound barrier so as to stop noises from getting out.

"Okay Let's get down to business." Jing Xuan remembered that the West Kingdom's Prince posted a mission at the Black Market to help with rescuing Zhi Hao's Family and that she could do the same.

"To rescue your family, i think we need to do some serious planning. Both of us may have some skills however to actually get a family away safely under the eyes of the Emperor's we need more people. We will post a Mission up at the Black Market to get Merchants to help us in exchange for something depending on the Merchant. If they want pills you can make them, if they want beast's core i can help and if they want money i can help too.

First, if you know any good assassin or anything you can ask them to help you scout the area or get the map of the enclosed area. After the mission, we will head there and spy." She explains, Zhi Hao nodded his head as he agreed with Jing Xuan's saying. In all honesty, it was plainly because Zhi Hao did not know how to handle these situations and can only depend on her.

"Well, Since thats settled i am going to walk around the town wanna come?" She asked.

"I'll pass, I will be searching for some herbs in the mountains."

"Okay suit yourself. Jing Jie~ lets go walk around!" She said excitedly as she left Zhi Hao in the room and walked out hand in hand with Jing Jie.

Strolling hand in hand, Jing Xuan walked into a Weapon smith shop trying to look for a bow. The bow from the military is good... but it doesn't resonate well with her and she hopes to find a bow for her soon.

"Hello Mister, do you sell Bows?" She asked.

He looked up to the young lady in front of him, no less than 15 who already looked absolutely charming. Her baby fats on her cheeks started disappearing after she joined the camp, her chin was sharper and her doe like eyes shore brighter than before charming people, beautiful straight brows and thin lips. He wondered why she wanted a bow.

"Yes we do have some bows up for sale. Is it a present?" He asked.

"No, its for myself." Jing Xuan said without concealing, it wasn't as though the villagers were of threat to her.

"Oh? Young miss cultivates?"


"You've reached Nouveau rank?" He asked.

Does this mister know about cultivation? Maybe i can ask him to guide me a little.

"Shushu (uncle) do you know about cultivation? Do you have time to spare to teach me about the different ranks and the powers?" As Jing Xuan was supposed to be a guy and one from a military family, he should know about the ranks and such. So she couldn't bring herself to just ask someone to teach her.

"How long have miss cultivated? And what is your rank?" He asked curiously.

"I've been cultivating for 3 months and is in the last level of the High Peak Earth Rank." Jing Xuan said casually.

This lass! She is actually already in the last level of the High Peak Earth Rank!

If only he knew, she had to also train in a military camp alongside everything else.


"Master, we found out the identity of the Poison Master that helped created Cs 100 for the Emperor. His name is Chen Zhi Hao." Haku reported to the Prince of the West kingdom, TingXiao.