13: Ranks, way back home

"Master, Miss Mu seemed to have taken a liking to a bow but it seem as though she didn't have enough money." Xiao Er reported.

"A bow? How much is it?" TingXiao asked.

"5 Million."

"That cheap?" TingXiao questioned.

Aiya, Master is a prince of course you think 5 Million is cheap uh... Miss Mu is only a general's daughter how much will she have? Xiao Er thought.

TingXiao took out a few piece of papers and handed it over to Xiao Er.

"Pass them to the Shopkeeper, don't tell them who we are." Xiao Er took the pieces of papers and saw 5 Million worth of banknotes.

Xiao Er cupped his hands as he quickly left to do the task his master asked him of.


Jing Xuan sat in her room as she started cultivating. While she was cultivating she could feel someone's present in the room, but if she stop cultivating now it will hurt her organs.

She could feel a large hand lightly caressing her cheeks, before the hands lightly brush by her lips.

TingXiao smirked at her furrowed brows, and bought his hands up to lightly poke her nose. His eyes stared intensely at her lips, before he slowly bought his head down. She could feel his breath tingling on her face, before a sudden knock came and his presence disappeared.

What was i doing? He asked himself as he left the room.

After she finished cultivating, then she invited whoever outside in. However, she still couldn't forget the calming scent of lavender and Sandlewood that had lingered in her nose while she was cultivating.

Jing jie came into the room with some Pork buns because he knows Jing Xuan would be hungry after cultivating.

"Jing Jie, have anybody came into my room while i was cultivating?" She asked.

Jing Jie looked weirdly at her before saying, "No, the barrier should have kept outsiders out..."

"Strange... then who was that man?(cause she heard his chuckle.)"

"Man? Who came in?" Jing Jie asked shocked, his barrier should have kept outsiders out unless their cultivation is of a High Peak Sun Rank.

"I'm not sure but he left after you knocked on the door."

Brushing aside that thought, Jing Xuan reaches out to grab the hot pork bun and started munching on them. She patted Jing Jie's head to thank him before they headed to bed.

The next day when Jing Xuan have woken up, she prepared herself and Jing Jie before they headed to the Weapon Smith shop.

"ShuShu(uncle), we're here" Jing Xuan announced as she walked into the shop.

"Come, here are the books I've gathered and some of the notes I've made." He gestured towards the table filled with books.

Jing Xuan and Jing Jie was a little shocked at the amount of books present on the table and the amount of books needed to read, Jing Xuan sighed.

"Shushu!! Isn't this too much? Why don't you tell me verbally about the ranks?" She asked.

He chuckled at both Jing Xuan and Jing Jie's reactions before he took a seat and started explaining about the Ranks.

"In this continent we have about 10 ranks before you are able to travel to the Heaven Realm. These Ten ranks are, Earth Rank, Fire Rank, Water Rank, Nouveau Rank, Nouveau 2nd Rank, Nouveau 3rd Rank, Sun Rank, Moon Rank, Dew Rank, Crystal Rank.

You can cultivate normally until you've reached the Nouveau Rank thats when you have to choose your power type and there are 3 different types.

If you choose a Mage then you would have to invest in a wand to help with your spells, there are a lot of spells the Mage can learn to attack however Mage are only able to slightly heal themselves.

If you choose to be an Archer, you will of course need to invest in a bow and arrows. Simply said, Archer is about archery that will teach you precision and strength. As Archer doesn't have much prospects, when cultivating as a Archer your cultivation speed will increase by 2 times.

And lastly there is the Priest, it is usually chosen by girls as it focuses on group healing, they could attack however they are not that powerful. Of course, the healing is not as good as using pills.

After you've reached the Crystal Rank you'll be able to move up to the Heaven Realm and there are a few more ranks, Diamond Rank, Master Rank, Grand Master Rank, Celestial Rank and lastly Immortal Rank and once you've reached the Immortal Rank you can get one of your wish granted. Of course it is extremely hard to reach there."

One of your wish granted... that means if i could cultivate till I'm at Immortal Rank I'll be able to go back!? With this knowledge I'll be able to know how to return back to my world, with this i should focus on my cultivation.

"I can wish for anything and i can get it?" She asked

"Yes anything" he confirms.

Great this way i can really go home!

"Shushu, do you have any book about the Heaven Realm and about the power type?" Jing Xuan asked.

"Yes" he replied as he picked up two books and headed them over to Jing Xuan. She thanked him and started inquiring about the bow.

He bought both of them to room as he lifted the Bow and handed it over to her.

"Why are you giving this to me?" She asked.

"Uh? Haven't you asked someone to pay for it in the morning?"

Jing Xuan eyes widen in curiosity as she shakes her head. Well, it's free I'll just take it

"Heheh, a small misunderstanding. I'll take the bow! Thank you for these books I'll return to you once I've finished it"

"Let me bring you to see the creator of this bow." He said excitedly as he led them away.

"Master, you must get the spell for healing later!" Jing Jie reminded.


"Grand master!" The mister greeted as he slowly opens the door.

"You came? Who bought the bow?" The Grand Master, Hui Teng asked.

"This young lady bought it" the mister said as he gestured at Jing Xuan. When they made eye contact, Jing Xuan and Jing Jie both bowed at Hui Teng as a sign of respect.

"Come." He called out towards her.

She strode towards him with the bow in her hand. He seize her up, such a young lady can she even use a bow?

"Try shooting an arrow"

Jing Xuan did not bring her arrows so she looked around and when she spotted an arrow on the table she picks it up. Aligning the bow to the string, she lightly pulls the string back as she aimed at the red spot. Pulling more forcefully, she releases it.

"Bullseye!" Jing Jie announced excitedly, as his eyes flashed with admiration.

"Not bad. I assume you know about the benefits of the bow?" Hui Teng asked.

"Yes, i would like to ask you about the spell for the healing." She said straightforwardly.

"If you can shoot three arrows consecutively, and all bullseye i will tell you the spell."

Jing Xuan smirked, shooting three arrows conservatively is not a big deal to her and striking all bullseyes is also easy. She've done this countless of time. They must've underestimated her big time.

She grabbed another 3 arrows from the table, slotting them in between her fingers, she tilted the now and aligned the arrows to the string pulling it back she releases it with a 'pa' sound and the arrows shot out beautifully.

The arrows glided in the wind as it one by one hit the red mark. All bullseye. It was truly a magnificent sight, both Hui Teng and the shopkeeper was both stunned at the young lady's skill.