[NSFW] The Angel Who Was Dragged Into Hell (TW: CSA)

"You," he slurred, "You're starting to look so much like your mother."

Yeo Ri was startled. She looked back in alarm and tried to pull her arm away. "Dad...?"

"That b*tch! That b*tch who cheated on me!" He growled, tightening his grip on her arm.

Yeo Ri winced and shrunk away from the man. Things seemed to be taking on a dangerous turn, and all she wanted to do was run away. She could see the glint in his eyes; anger, hatred, and something else.

"I loved that b*tch but she betrayed me!" He shouted, pushing her down. Now, Yeo Ri was trapped. There was nowhere she could run off to.

"Dad, what's wrong with you...? Let me go!" She struggled to get away in a panic. "It's me, Yeo Ri! I'm not mom!"

"She betrayed me!" He shouted again.


"Shut up!" Lee Do Joon raised his hand, slapping the girl unceremoniously. With his drunkenness, he did not even bother controlling his strength. Soon, a large, red palm print appeared on her cheek.

Yeo Ri froze. Her eyes widened in surprise.

Though her father had been quite abusive, never once in her life had she been hit by him. Part of it was thanks to the fact that her brothers were always there to protect her, but it was also because her father seemed to favour her more than her brothers.

As if unaffected by his action, Lee Do Joon smiled derisively. He grabbed her chin roughly and tilted her face upwards so that their eyes meet, "Listen, Yeo Ri-ah, never become like your mother, okay?"

"D-dad, please stop!"

He narrowed his eyes. He raised his hand again, slapping her a second time.

Tears pooled in Yeo Ri's eyes. She trembled and begged him to stop.

"What? Are you going to betray me too, my sweet Yeo Ri-ah?" He slammed her head on the floor. "The more I look at you, the more you look like that wretched woman." His eyes travelled downwards as he scanned her body.

"Even your body is starting to look like her's," he smirked with contempt, his eyes stopping at the spot where the skirt of her dress hiked on her thighs.

"That d*mned sl*t, let's see if she also gave birth to another sl*t," he grabbed her thigh with one hand and held her down with the other.

"Dad, what are you doing?!" Yeo Ri's heart chilled. She struggled even more violently but the man did not stop. "Dad, why are you doing this to me?!" She sobbed, trying to push him away, but he was too strong for her small body.

Again, she received a hit from the irate man. "I told you to shut up! Who knows whose b*stard you are! I've taken care of you for so long, so you should at least be grateful and pay me back!"

"Stop! Aaah!"

Roughly, he forced himself on her.

Yeo Ri felt as if she had fallen into hell. Pain invaded her, stemming from the place she was being violated from.

"No! Take it out! It hurts!" Yeo Ri cried. "Stop!"

No matter how much she sobbed and begged, the man turned a deaf ear. He grunted as he thrusted into her again and again and again.

"Oppa! Help!" Yeo Ri screamed until her throat felt raw. The man pulled her hair roughly, pushing her face on the floor. "Oppa!"

"Shut up!" He growled. Her screaming was getting on his nerves. "No one's home. Don't even bother! No one's going to save you, you dirty sl*t!"

"No!" Hearing his words, she struggled even harder. "No, stop! Stop!"

Lee Do Joon grabbed her by the hair and made her look at him. "Listen here," he hissed. "Keep struggling, and I'll make sure your brothers won't live to see tomorrow. Got it?"

Yeo Ri shuddered violently. Something in his eyes told her that he was not joking.

"No, please..." Yeo Ri's voice died down. In her mind, she pictured her brothers lying in their own pools of blood, with the man laughing maniacally near them. 'See, this is your fault,' the man says.

"No..." The threat worked on her. Soon, she stilled, stopping her efforts to get away. She stared at the ceiling, hoping that he would let her go soon.

"Good girl," he purred in satisfaction. Receiving no resistance from the girl, he continued violating her with more vigour. His thrusts became more rushed as he pushed deeper.

Yeo Ri bit back her voice, her fists turning white from the strength she put into gripping the bedding underneath her. A tear dripped from the corner of her eyes as she looked at the ceiling.

She hoped that someone might come home soon, and save her from this hell.