If Only Time Would Stop

While Gun was busy talking to Min Chae, Hyuk was still in their room.

He had woken up a while ago, but since it was still early, he took his sweet time. He moved the pillow he was hugging under his head, then shifted his body to his right.

Yeo Ri was sleeping facing his side.

It was rare for him to be awake before Yeo Ri, so he wanted to enjoy it.

Her mouth was slightly ajar, and he could've sworn there was some saliva dripping out.

"Stupid girl, what are you going to do if a fly flew into your mouth?" He chuckled. He propped his head with one arm and used his other hand to close her mouth. But, he did not let go. He felt her soft cheeks with his fingers, trailing the tear marks left from yesterday's breakdown.

His gentle expression hardened at the thought.

"Stupid girl," he mumbled again. "What's the point of keeping things like that to yourself? You should've said something! Do you think your Oppa is a decoration? What, you don't think I'll help you? Don't make me worry about you, you stupid girl."

Since the girl was sleeping, he freely rebuked the girl, saying all the things that he wanted to say but couldn't when she was awake.

"If you cry one more time, I swear I'll rip that pretty mouth off. Rely on me more, why don't you, you stupid girl! It's not like we're estranged... anymore...! It's not like you hate me! Always treating me so well but wouldn't even tell me when something's wrong... hmph, you idiot! Stupid!" Hyuk ranted as he poked her cheek softly.

"Mmngh..." Yeo Ri's nose crinkled at his teasings, looking as if she would wake up at any moment. Hyuk abruptly retracted his hand, losing his earlier brazenness. He flipped to the other side, pretending as if he had done nothing.

"...Oppa?" Yeo Ri sleepily mumbled. "It's cold..."

Yeo Ri trembled from the coldness of the morning, then scooted closer to Hyuk. Seeming satisfied with the human furnace, she hooked an arm around his waist and cuddled closer. She rubbed her face on his warm back before settling into a comfortable position. Yeo Ri hummed in satisfaction before falling back to sleep, a ghost of a smile on her face.

Hyuk froze at her action.

Currently, the girl stuck closely to his back. He could feel her steady breathing and the rise and fall of her chest from his back.

His body was tense and he did not dare to make a move in fear of a reaction.


His heart was beating like crazy.

While Hyuk was screaming inside, a certain girl was having the time of her life.

Yeo Ri noticed the fast beating of his heart and smiled imperceptibly. Who told him to disturb her sleep to scold and tease her! This was payback. She knew that both Hyuk and Gun were always careful not to wake her up from sleeping on most days so she used it to her advantage. And, true to his nature, Hyuk didn't dare to move, even despite his usual reluctance to touch her, so he wouldn't wake her up.

After torturing him for a few more minutes, Yeo Ri finally stopped. She pretended to wake up naturally, "...Uh? Oppa...?"

She yawned, rubbing her eyes and pushed herself up. Her hair was messy but she paid it no mind.

"Oppa, you still haven't gone to work?"

Hyuk did not turn to look at her. He merely replied with a noncommittal sound. "Not yet," he said.

She was puzzled by his reaction. Yeo Ri tilted her head, calling out to the man who was refusing to look at her. "Oppa?"


"Oh, sorry. You must be sleepy. I'll go make breakfast, okay?"


Yeo Ri left, laughing to herself. After the little episode, she felt immensely better.

Meanwhile, Hyuk who was lying on the floor face down was muttering a mantra to himself, "you're a piece of trash, you're a piece of trash, you're a piece of trash..."

"Lee Hyuk, you piece of trash," he growled. Finally, he could no longer endure it and dashed towards the bathroom. The sliding door banged loudly due to his rushing.

Yeo Ri flinched at the sound.

Watching Hyuk pass by, Yeo Ri hurriedly called out, "Oppa, the hot water—"

The man ignored her and continued towards the bathroom without stopping.

"—is right here. Don't forget to pick it up... or not." Yeo Ri sighed, then smiled wryly. "Who's the stupid one now?" she muttered. He was probably late for work. Although she felt bad for keeping him in bed for a while, it was also his fault for sleeping in, she thought unapologetically.

Yeo Ri quickly made a simple breakfast, then went back to the room to get Hyuk's things.

By the time he finished his business, Hyuk finally realised that he didn't bring his towel. He came out of the bathroom, wearing his previous clothes, now drenched with water. He shivered from the cold.

"Here," Yeo Ri handed him a clean towel and a change of clothes. "Even if you're late, you shouldn't have forgotten your towel," she said. There was an amused glint in her eyes that made him twitch.

"...Thanks." He quickly locked himself in the bathroom to get changed.

The two ate breakfast together in awkward silence.

"Oppa? Is something the matter?" Yeo Ri asked, attempting to break the silence.

"No. It's nothing."

"Oh, okay."






"Are you avoiding me?" Yeo Ri furrowed her eyebrows. She thought they had made some progress, but was he reverting back to angry, grouchy, rebellious Hyuk again?

"...What are you talking about? Just eat your food, idiot." Hyuk coughed and cleared his throat awkwardly. He quickened his pace and finished his rice in record time. "I'm going," he muttered before disappearing.

"Mm. Be careful on your way~" Yeo Ri sent him off with a smile.

She watched him speed away on his bike, feeling a sense of fulfilment after spending her morning like that. 'If only we could do this everyday,' she thought.

She hummed and sang as she cleaned up the dining table, putting away the leftovers.

However, a certain voice made her stop in her tracks.

"Lee Yeo Ri."