The Devil’s Violence (TW: DA)

The Lee trio played around and bantered as they ate.

Unlike her previous gloomy dinners, this time Yeo Ri was finally able to feel at home with both her brothers around. She felt safe and comfortable.

Though all they had for dinner was ramyeon, it tasted delicious with the company she was with. It had been such a long time since she last sat down to eat a proper dinner with the two, what with their busy schedule. Though, instant noodles were hardly good enough to be counted as a proper meal.

Unfortunately, her happiness was short-lived.

With a loud bang, the man announced his presence. He stormed inside with his heavy footsteps, clearly impatient for something.


Yeo Ri paled at his arrival.

"Let's hurry and go to bed," Yeo Ri pulled at Gun's sleeve, ushering them to hide in their room. She knew that with the man's temper, it would not bode well for the three of them.

"What are you so afraid for?" Hyuk raised an eyebrow. Worst come to worst, the men would just get another beating. "We're used to it."

He cracked his knuckles and twisted his neck around, as if getting ready for a fight. Just because he was used to it, did not mean that he would not fight back. He looked at Gun, as if challenging him.

Gun ignored the challenge. Unlike Hyuk who always bit back like a rabid beast, he preferred to just let it happen. There was no point in fighting back if the same thing was going to happen again and again. Besides, he didn't mind using his body as a shield to protect Yeo Ri. He was afraid that if he also fought back, that b*stard might target Yeo Ri, who was the weakest of the three, physically speaking.

"Hyuk-oppa, Gun-oppa, please, let's just go, okay?" She desperately begged them.

However, even if they agreed, they already ran out of time. Just as Yeo Ri finished her sentence, the devil walked in.

"Where do you think you're going?" He growled. Lee Do Joon sent a pointed gaze at Yeo Ri, as if telling her to sit still. "Move, if you dare."

Hyuk stood up first, protectively hiding the two from view. "What's your f*ckin' problem this time, old b*stard?"

"Old b*stard'?" Lee Do Joon sneered. "Mind your f*cking manners, boy!" He slammed his fist on Hyuk's face, sending him sprawling down on the floor. "Did I teach you to swear at your elders?"

"You taught me f*cking nothing, you doggone b*stard!" Hyuk quickly jumped up, sending his own fist towards the man. Lee Do Joon hadn't dodged quickly enough, and the hit landed squarely on his jaw.

"That does it!" Lee Do Joon held his bruised jaw, glaring before he lunged at the boy.

"Oppa!" Yeo Ri screamed in horror as the two exchanged blows. Yeo Ri wanted to get between them but Gun tactfully stopped her. He didn't want her to get hurt so he pushed her back, keeping her away from the fighting duo.

Clearly, there was a difference in experience and prowess. Soon enough, Lee Do Joon began getting the upper hand, beating the boy down.

"Oppa! No! Stop!" Yeo Ri's eyes reddened. Hyuk was curled up on the floor, protecting his vitals, as the man rained down hit after hit. His face twisted in a way that made it seem like he intended to kill the boy.

Yeo Ri managed to free herself from Gun, and immediately ran to Hyuk's side. Thankfully, he was still conscious. She kneeled in front of Lee Do Joon, shaking. She rubbed her hands together in a begging manner, "Please stop, Dad! Please let Oppa go! Please!"

Seeing the girl's action, Lee Do Joon raised his arm.

Gun widened his eyes in alarm. The father who was usually more lenient to Yeo Ri was suddenly so aggressive. He quickly covered the girl, protecting her. The slap connected on his back. It stung, but it wasn't as bad as the ones Hyuk received.

"Don't... touch... her..." Hyuk who had observed Lee Do Joon's actions pushed himself forward, warning the man.

"Get out of my way, Gun."

"..." Gun stared at him with a pensive look.

Lee Do Joon somehow decided that he disliked that look, and switched his target. "What's that look for, huh?! Do you think I'm pathetic?! Is that it?!"


"Is that what you're thinking?! Huh?!"


"Fed and clothed you, yet this is how you repay me? Disobedience?"


Gun gritted his teeth. There was no use in using words with this crazy b*stard. He was just going to do whatever he wanted.

Yeo Ri watched as Gun crumpled beside her, face devoid of colour. The man had aimed at where people wouldn't normally see, so it was hard for her to know the extent of his injuries.

Now that he had vented to his heart's content, Lee Do Joon smiled with satisfaction. "See, this is what you get for going against me, my sweet little Yeo Ri." He bent down, smiling at her. He reached out to touch her cheek, caressing it softly. "The next time you do, I'll kill them for real, okay?" His tone was soft and gentle, but it did nothing to deter the dark undertone of his words.

Yeo Ri stilled at his words, face pale. Silent tears spilled out from her eyes as she bit her lips. She hung her head low in hopelessness.

Satisfied with her expression, Lee Do Joon smiled. He released her cheek, and whistled happily as he went back to his room.