[NSFW] The Devil Comes Again (TW: CSA)

After they finished lunch, there was nothing else to do.

Jin Goo sent the trio back to their house and parted ways with them.

Now home, the three crept back to their room, cautious of the spawn of Satan that was their father. Fortunately, his shoes were gone, which meant that he either went to work or went off to somewhere else while they were gone. Probably to get drunk, they surmised.

The weekends passed by peacefully without much disturbance.

Lee Do Joon hadn't returned in days and the Lee brothers were starting to lower their guards again. At least for a little while longer, they didn't need to face off against that wretched man.

It was now Wednesday.

Gun had been going home immediately after school the past two days, skipping his after-school lessons, due to his worry for Yeo Ri. However, after being persuaded by the girl, he was finally going back to his old routine. However, as soon as the lessons finished, he would instantly go home instead of going to the study room.

Yeo Ri sat in front of the TV alone. She was bored.

Hyuk had went out. His friend In Guk had been going to his workplace to substitute for him but that made the manager unhappy and he was on the verge of getting fired. Thus, he had to go back to work. Luckily, most of his injuries had already healed thanks to a youth's overwhelmingly strong vitality. In a matter of a few days, he seemed as good as normal.

It was time for the news, but she found it so boring that she almost fell asleep.

"—A woman in her mid-twenties was reported missing last week around the OO area and still has yet to be found. If anyone has any information regarding this woman's whereabouts, please call us at XX-XXX—"

The sound of the door opening interrupted her ever-faltering concentration on the news. She instantly jumped up, her face lighting up. "Oppa, you're home alrea—"

Just as she turned around, she froze.

"Yes, Dad's home." Lee Do Joon smiled widely at the girl.

Yeo Ri's face drained out of all its colours. It was a good thing she was already sitting on the couch, else her weakened legs might have caused her to fall on the floor.

Without wasting any time, Lee Do Joon grabbed the girl's arm, not letting her get away. He had been fantasising about sleeping with her again after that first time, and no other woman seemed to be able to satisfy this craving of his.

"Dad, no! Please!" Yeo Ri fended him off, flailing her arms around to avoid his hands.

It seemed like he could not wait any longer. Lee Do Joon pinned her on the couch, blocking her thin frame with his own. In one move, he easily seized her flailing arms and securely pinned them on top of her head.

"No! No! No! Please, stop! Please!" Yeo Ri shook her head vehemently, begging him to stop.

He acted as if he had not heard her pleas. He paused, frowning disapprovingly. "Since when did you start wearing these kinds of ugly clothes?" He hooked a finger on her pants' waistband, his thumb trailing over her narrow waist. She was starting to blossom into a woman's figure, he thought.

He slowly pulled down the waistband, revealing her underwear. He smiled in anticipation, feeling his lust growing.

Yeo Ri tried to kick him off, but immediately, he used his legs to stop hers. With her legs pinned down too, she could barely move.

Yeo Ri was wracked with sobs. "Please... Please..."

"Yeo Ri-ah, you look the best in dresses. So, if I catch you wearing another one of these things again—" Lee Do Joon's eyes narrowed dangerously. He increased the strength in his hold on her waist, making her want to curl up from the painful pressure he was giving. A bruise was definitely going to show up there, she shivered.

"Girls should wear dresses and skirts, right?" He relaxed his hold on her legs, taking off her pants. He discarded the ugly thing somewhere on the ground. Yeo Ri's legs acted up once again, so he pinched her thigh strongly.

Yeo Ri yelled out in pain, her legs curling up to avoid him.

"Stop moving, or I'll do worse," he threatened. "Don't make me angry when I'm in such a good mood."

He slipped his hand into her panties, stroking her crotch. She wanted him to take his hands off but fear rooted her to the spot. She didn't dare move.

Noticing her obedience, he took his other hand that was holding her arms down and used it to spread her legs.

Yeo Ri flinched and tried to curl up, but the man held her legs apart, forbidding her from hiding herself.

Yeo Ri gritted her teeth and bit her lips. She turned away, her body trembling. She covered her face with her arms as she cried silently, hoping that the man would just finish the deed as soon as possible. She had mentally and physically given up.

Yeo Ri could hear the sound of his movements, her body tensing up. Soon, she could feel him poking at her entrance.

Yeo Ri cried out in pain from the invasion. Streams of tears never seemed to stop from her eyes as he violated her. She weakly whimpered from being roughened up.

However, the sound of her whimpering seemed to awaken something in the man, and his thrusts became more fierce. Soon enough, he was reaching his climax while she bit back a scream.

Seeing that the man had no intentions of pulling out, Yeo Ri was frightened. She mustered her strength and tried to grab the arm rest, trying to wrench herself away from the man. But, he immediately noticed her actions and pulled her back. He pulled her hips closer and thrusted deeper into her.

"No! No!" Yeo Ri shook her head, clawing at the couch.

"Stop moving!" He yelled, grabbing her hair.

Yeo Ri breathed heavily as her eyes welled up again. "No, no, please..." Like a broken record, she could only repeat the same thing.

With one final thrust, the man leaned on her, putting all of his weight on top of her. He groaned, releasing his seed inside her.

Yeo Ri tensed, her eyes wide. Her insides clenched at the foreign liquid that entered her, making the man shiver in pleasure. "You're so tight, Yeo Ri-ah," he purred.

The man thrusted inside her a few more times for good measure, then finally pulled out. He kept her legs spread, staring for a while. He could see Yeo Ri's crotch twitching and he licked his lips, feeling his desire flaring once again. However, that was enough for the day. He had things to do later and had only came home for a brief intermission.

He watched as his semen trickle out of her, smiling in satisfaction. Now, he had definitely confirmed that her body was his, and his alone. The thought made him giddy. It had been such a long time since he was so drunk on a woman's body.

She couldn't go anywhere. He was pleased with the fact that he was in complete control of her.

Lee Do Joon put back his pants, looking at the crumpled girl. She hadn't moved an inch at all, her legs still wide open.

"Remember my words, my sweet little Yeo Ri," he knelt beside the girl, whispering lovingly as he stroked her chest.


Yeo Ri did not reply. Her face was hidden underneath her arms and all that was visible was her petal-like mouth that was slightly agape.

Lee Do Joon moved away from the girl, thinking that he should make use of those pretty lips of hers the next time.