The Beast Caves

The atmosphere during dinner was somewhat awkward. Only the clinking of the utensils could be heard as they ate.

The sound of the doorbell broke the silence.

"I'll go get it," Yeo Ri volunteered. She wondered if the three friends had a fight. In Guk was unnaturally silent and no one bothered to initiate a conversation over dinner.

"Oppa, welcome back," Yeo Ri brightened up as Gun entered the house.

"I'm back."

"Hm? What are you carrying, Oppa?" Yeo Ri took a peek at the paper bags he was carrying curiously.

"These? Here," Gun handed the bag containing Yeo Ri's clothes to her. "New clothes. I thought you'd need some since we left a lot of stuff back at the house."

"Really?! Thank you, Oppa," Yeo Ri excitedly accepted the bag. She ran to the sofa, taking out the contents. "How pretty," she smiled, her eyes glittering happily at the new clothes.

"Oi, since when do you have money to afford those?" Hyuk scowled. "Don't tell me that you stole them?!"

"I get money prizes for placing first in the exams," Gun says matter-of-factly, rather annoyed at his brother's assumption. "How do you think I've survived this long without any of that person's or your support?" Before he entered high school, Gun used to tutor other students and made extra money for doing their homework or writing essays. It didn't pay much, but it was good enough for survival.  Now, he could make just as much money just by being the top student. It was also one of the reasons why he chose to go to his current high school despite the distance.

"..." Hyuk clamped his mouth shut. It wasn't that he didn't want to support his younger siblings, but he was also tight on money. Though he occasionally gave pocket money to Yeo Ri, he never thought about whether Gun would need it. Besides, Yeo Ri rarely spent the money for herself, since she usually shared it with Gun.

Gun turned towards Yeo Ri, "They're just secondhand clothes from the thrift store, though. Later, when Oppa has a job, Oppa will buy you a lot of pretty new clothes," he says with a gentle smile.

"Thanks, Oppa," Yeo Ri beamed at him.

Gun felt relaxed after seeing Yeo Ri's joy-filled face. He stroked her head affectionately, smiling indulgently.

"Hyung, too. You can pick something out from this one," Gun says blandly, glancing at Hyuk. He pointed towards the other bag that he had brought with him.

"I don't need it," Hyuk frowned.

"Suit yourself," Gun replied indifferently.

Jin Goo observed their interactions. When he saw that neither of the brothers were going to speak up again, he nudged Hyuk.

"Hey, let's have a talk later."

Hyuk looked at Jin Goo quizzically, "Sure."

Everyone finished up with their dinners and went off to do their own things.

Hyuk followed Jin Goo and In Guk to Jin Goo's bedroom.

Since the three looked like they were preoccupied with something, Gun tactfully stayed downstairs and accompanied Yeo Ri even though his body was screaming for rest.


The three sat in silence.

"...So? What is it that you guys want to talk about?" Hyuk started.

"Hyuk..." Jin Goo paused. "You... what's your relationship with Yeo Ri?"

Hyuk froze.

His body tensed and his pupils dilated.

"Wh... what are you talking about? Of course, she's my sister," he looked away. 'Did they find out?' He thought. He broke into cold sweat from the thought.

"Don't lie! I saw you! You two—!" In Guk abruptly stood up, yelling. "You d*mn b*stard!"

In Guk was about to lunge at Hyuk, but Jin Goo immediately held him back.

With his hand tightly grasping the back of In Guk's collar, Jin Goo pursed his lips into a thin line and sighed. "Just like what In Guk said, we already know about it. Can't you just tell us the truth?"

"...!" Hyuk grimaced, hiding his face with his palm.

They were found out.

This meant that they had to stop.

'No,' Hyuk desperately thought. 'Not yet... I'm not ready yet...'

This came to him so suddenly. He wasn't ready to leave Yeo Ri yet. He couldn't bear to distance himself from her yet.

"You f*cking trash!" In Guk roared.

"..." Hyuk's body trembled at the insult. It pierced his heart, making him remember just how much of a piece of sh*t he was for falling in love with his own blood-related sister.

"Did you think that just because you two didn't come from the same womb, that it was fine to date her?!" In Guk says, adding another jab at Hyuk. "You're a f*cking trash, Lee Hyuk!"

The words spewed from In Guk's mouth seemed to have riled him up. Hyuk suddenly got up, grabbing In Guk by the collar.

"I know!" He shouted. "YES, I KNOW!"

Hyuk was breathing heavily as he held in his pent up frustrations. His eyes were red, and a lone teardrop fell from his eyes. "Do you think I don't know? Everyday, every hour, every f*cking minute! I'm always reminded by how much of a trash I am! I also don't want it to be like this! I also hate me!" His voice cracked.

"..." In Guk quietened as they listened to Hyuk's outburst.

"Do you think I haven't tried to stop it? Again and again and again... but what can I do? I... I love her," Hyuk trembled, his words shaking with emotions. "I love her too much."

Hyuk attempted to smile. "I know how sick I am, I really do. But In Guk-ah, how can I stop these feelings? I've endured for years, but they only seem to grow stronger everyday. What should I do?"

He laughed with self-derision, "What should I do? It hurts so much that I feel like dying."

"..." In Guk couldn't reply. He looked away, his throat bobbing. He saw how desperate Hyuk looked. In all the time that he had known the guy, he had never seen Hyuk cry. Even as he was ganged up by some thugs looking for revenge, he had never backed down. Even as his bones were broken, he didn't shed a single tear.

"Let's all calm down first, alright?" Jin Goo finally says after a long period of silence.

Hyuk released his hold on In Guk. He turned away, furiously wiping his eyes. He couldn't believe that he allowed his emotions get to the better of him.