[NSFW] Between Hell and Death (TW: SA)

Yeo Ri was in a world of pain.

She laid on the ground, unresponsive, but still conscious.

Bite marks and bruises marred her skin. There was nowhere that hadn't been marked by the man.

Yeo Ri had thought that she had grown numb to the pain, but every time he thrusted into her, she could feel a sharp twang of agony shooting up her spine and straight to her brain.

"..." Yeo Ri wheezed, but no words left her mouth. She had no more strength to fight back. Her throat was raw and bruised from the abuse.

Silent tears flowed from her eyes, wishing for the torture to end.

She didn't know how long he had been going at it, but it felt like the time had been stretched into an eternity. Finally, after the nth time, he came inside her and took his dirty stick out.

But, her torture had yet to end.

After filling her insides to the brim, he changed his target.

He flipped her on her stomach and propped her backside upwards, then unceremoniously slammed his phallus into her anus.


He groaned in pleasure, but the girl on the receiving end could not stop herself from screaming.

"It hurts...!" She sobbed. It was the first reaction she had given him after almost an hour of not responding. "It hurts!"

She scratched the floor with her nails, trying to drag herself to the door. However, the man had her pinned down; she could barely even move an inch.

One of her nails broke from the force of her scratchings. Although breaking her nail was painful, it was not as painful as the pain she was currently feeling on her private parts.

"Stop! Please!" She croaked, a fresh batch of tears falling down her cheeks.

The man played a deaf ear to the girl's wailings. He was enjoying the tightness of her virgin hole too much to be paying attention to her.

"So tight," he moaned.

Yeo Ri groaned and whimpered from the pain, struggling to free herself.

"—pa! O...ppa...!"

Seeing her haplessness, Lee Do Joon's lips curled up. "Mm, yes, Dad is right here, Yeo Ri-ah."

"No...!" Yeo Ri continued to sob until her strength faded once more.

Just as she was about to lose hope—

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of someone banging on the door could be heard.

"OPEN UP, YOU B*STARD!" Hyuk roared loudly. He kept beating the door, as if trying to knock it down.


Lee Do Joon sneered at the door with ridicule, then continued violating Yeo Ri as if he was unbothered by the commotion. He was at the peak of his pleasure and could not be bothered to deal with the useless brat outside.


He leaned down next to Yeo Ri's ears, "You hear that? After I'm finished with you, he's going to die."

"No... no!" As a last-ditch effort, Yeo Ri tried to shake the man off again. However, her actions backfired; the movements seemed to excite him rather than throw him off.

He increased the ferocity of his plunges, practically ripping her a new one.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Yeo Ri screamed loudly.

It hurts so much that all she could see was white. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she collapsed.

She drifted between consciousness and unconsciousness, barely even noticing as the door flew open. When the thing poking her behind was finally removed, she heaved a silent sigh of relief and curled up into a semi-foetal position. 

Everything turned blurry and the sounds around her faded away.

Through her dampened senses, a woman's hand reached out to her. The woman spoke to her softly, whispering, "Everything will be alright. Goodnight, sweetheart."