An Old Acquaintance and a New Friend

Dr. Hong took Yeo Ri to circle the park once.

Just as she stopped to rest her tired legs from all the walking, her phone buzzed.

"Yes? Oh—I'll be right there—Don't! You'll agitate the patient! Just wait for me—Yes, okay. I'm on my way right now."

Dr. Hong turned to Yeo Ri, "Sorry, but there has been an emergency and I need to go now. I'll get a nurse to bring you back, so just wait here, okay?"

"Mm." Yeo Ri replied disinterestedly to the frantic doctor.

"Just stay here, alright? Someone will come get you soon!" She shouted as she started running towards the ER.

Yeo Ri watched the doctor with half-lidded eyes. Although it was chilly outside, Yeo Ri was wrapped up in several layers of warm clothing and a blanket. She had even received a hand-warmer from the doctor, so she was actually quite comfortable. Added with the slightly stinging feeling on her face, the sleepiness from her earlier nap had been brought back.

Soon enough, she closed her eyes and started to doze off.

"—Hey! Excuse me, are you alright? Excuse me?"

Suddenly, she was shaken awake by someone.

Yeo Ri blinked her eyes open blearily.

A girl's face appeared in front of her. Her forehead scrunched as she examined the other girl's complexion.

Although spring was drawing near, it was still currently winter. It was not good to fall asleep outside. The girl had thought that something was wrong with Yeo Ri and thus came over to see if she was fine.

"I'm fine," Yeo Ri replied, her eyes silently signalling her discomfort over their close proximity.

The girl drew herself back slowly, heaving a breath of relief. "That's great. I thought something happened to you. Sorry for being rude."

Seeing that Yeo Ri was fine, she fell back on the bench next to where Yeo Ri and her wheelchair was parked. She took a deep breath of the cold, crisp air, her tensed shoulders relaxing.

"So what were you doing here all alone?" The girl asked.


Yeo Ri was unfamiliar with the girl, so she kept her mouth shut.

"Oh, I'm Ra Hee, 16 years old. What about you?" Ra Hee did not mind Yeo Ri's unfriendliness and introduced herself. She held an easygoing smile, looking unperturbed. In any case, it was rare to see someone her age in the hospital so she could not help but want to become friends.

"...Yeo Ri," Yeo Ri replied. The girl reminded her of Min Chae with her cheerfulness.

"Yeo Ri, huh? Nice to meet you!" Ra Hee stuck out her hand with a grin. "Wanna be friends?"

"Do whatever you want," Yeo Ri responded weakly. Her face felt numb after being prickled by the cold for so long. She wondered when the nurse who was supposed to bring her back was coming.

"Yay!" Ra Hee cheered with a large grin. "You look a little younger than me, so I'll speak casually, okay?" She informed.

"..." Yeo Ri did not reply, thinking that the girl had already been using casual speech (banmal) since the first word they had exchanged.

"Hey, I come here to draw everyday, so if you're free, let's play together," Ra Hee suggested, pointing at the sketchbook she placed on the side. Although drawing was fun on its own, she was dying to hang out with a girl her age. Even though there was not much they could do physically thanks to her situation and her new friend's condition, it was fine as long as they could talk more.

"Oh?" Yeo Ri's brow jumped at the sight of the familiar sketchbook. It looked similar to the one a certain girl she had often observed carried. Was Ra Hee that very same girl? Yeo Ri felt surprised. What a coincidence, she thought. Though, Yeo Ri was not sure if she was the same girl considering the distance between her room which was on the sixth floor and the park was quite large. Looking back at the older girl, she did seem like the girl.

"I'm not very good at it, but I like to draw. Next time, I'll show you one of my finished drawings," Ra Hee smiled sheepishly, scratching her head.

Yeo Ri thought for a moment before nodding, "Okay." She was actually quite curious as to what Ra Hee had been drawing all this time.

"Patient Lee Yeo Ri! Patient Lee Yeo Ri! Where are you?!" A voice suddenly called out.

"Ah, the nurse is here," Yeo Ri mumbled. She tilted her head slightly to the side, waving to the frantic nurse.

Once the nurse closed by, her eyes widened at the two girls. "Ra Hee? And—it's you?"

Yeo Ri scrutinised the nurse. She seemed familiar. "Ah!" She exclaimed in recognition. This was the very same nurse who had tried to help her back when Hyuk was first hospitalised! "It's nice to see you again, Miss Nurse."

"Yes, it's nice to see you again," she replied with a smile. However, her brows wrinkled at the sight of Yeo Ri in the wheelchair. "I was wondering what had happened to you since you didn't call, but it seems like you've..."

Yeo Ri shook her head at the nurse, "I'm fine. Everything's over. I'll heal sooner or later."

"—I see. I'm glad you're alright." The nurse sighed. At least the girl was still alive, she thought optimistically. Then, she turned to the other girl, "Ra Hee! How many times have I told you not to skip your dialysis sessions! Your doctor has been calling me nonstop!"

Ra Hee pouted, "But I don't wanna! It's painful!"

"You've been receiving treatment for years; if you keep skipping, then it'll only take you longer to recover," she scolded, her hands on her hips.

"Ah, Unnie!" Ra Hee stomped her feet whiningly.

"Ra Hee, you better go back obediently before I drag you there myself," the nurse firmly ordered.

"Go back; I have to take care of this patient. I promise I'll go see you later, okay? Be good." The nurse sighed, patting the girl's head.

"...Fine." Ra Hee crossed her arms and grumbled. She looked back at Yeo Ri. "I'll see you tomorrow!" She flashed a small smile at the younger girl before stomping her way indoors.

The nurse stared at the sulking girl with a helpless sigh. "Geez, that girl..."

The nurse defeatedly pushed Yeo Ri's wheelchair, following the path she came out from.

"Is it someone you know, Miss Nurse?" Yeo Ri asked.

"Ah, the girl from before? She's my sister," the nurse explained.


"Let's get you back to your room, shall we?"
