Crazy Hormonal Teenagers (NSFW-ish)

Hyuk met up with Bomi afterwards.

The girl was so pissed at Hyuk for abandoning her that she kept on talking and scolding him. Hyuk was gradually getting annoyed by her harping so he kissed her to shut her up. Since the girl herself was not really that angry with him in the first place, she quickly melted into his arms, batting her eyes coquettishly.

"Wanna go to my house? No one's at home right now," she purred. She figured it was high time she 'snagged' him.

"Go alone," Hyuk said, rejecting her invitation with a straight face.

"Hey, are you being serious right now?" Her face morphed into displeasure. 

Instead of replying, he pushed her away and started walking.

"Wait, wait, wait! There's a hotel near here; we can go there instead. How about it?" She grasped his arm, refusing to let him go without getting what she wanted.

"No," Hyuk flatly said. "Let go."

"Hey! Am I not your girlfriend? Why are you treating me like this, seriously!" Bomi whined, stomping her feet. 

Hyuk looked at her derisively. "Girlfriend? Since when?" This girl, is she delusional or something?

"You—!" Bomi's face burned. They had already made out several times and went on dates together, isn't that already a sign that they were dating? "B*stard! Whatever, I even offered myself to you, can it be that you're gay? A monk? Oh, is your d*ck that tiny? Not confident, are you?!" She seethed.

Hyuk frowned at her accusations. The crazy b*tch was being unreasonable again, he thought. He wondered why he kept putting up with the girl. "Hey, crazy b*tch, not everyone is as cheap as you. Do you have to throw yourself at every guy you see? Are you a f*cking wh*re? Have some f*cking pride, seriously," he mercilessly dissed her.

"Lee Hyuk!" Bomi was furious over his words. Cheap? No pride? Did he do something meritorious to be able to say those words to her? Just because she played around with guys every now and then, she's a wh*re? She raised her hand to slap him, but his fast reflexes caught it before it landed on his cheek. "Watch your mouth! Just you wait, I'll make you swallow those words!"

Hyuk smirked contemptuously. "Oh? I'd like to see you try."

"I'm going to tell everyone you r*ped me!" Bomi threw out a bomb. She was pissed. If he thought that she was an easy girl, then he was dead wrong. Anyone who messes with her will pay for it, by hook or by crook. She'd make sure of it. "See how you're going to get out of that hole, Lee Hyuk."

Hyuk laughed incredulously, his sneer deepening. "Seol Bomi, you're really something else. Fine, I'll give you what you want." He easily twisted her arm and dragged her to the nearest hotel in the vicinity.

"W-what are you doing! Hey!"

Hyuk threw paid for a room and threw her on the bed. He grabbed her chin forcefully, "Do you think I won't hit a girl? Don't test my patience, b*tch. I'm warning you," he said, his voice low.

Bomi shivered. Hyuk looked like a demon with his sharp eyes. She felt as if she would really get hit if she crossed him. "I-I..."

Hyuk released her chin and she fell backwards onto the bed.

Hyuk had thought that he had sufficiently scared her off, but to his surprise, she actually grabbed the hem of his shirt, stopping him from leaving.

"...Hey, do you dislike me that much? Why are you so mean...? All I wanted was to be with you," she said. At that moment, she dropped her 'bad b*tch' act and laid out her vulnerability in front of him. "I don't care if you have another girl in your heart. All I need is you." She looked up at him with upturned eyes. Her makeup was runny and her ponytail was a mess, but she acted as if she did not care about them.

The sight of her was so pitiful and defenceless. It reminded him of Yeo Ri, he thought. Thinking of that innocent and naïve girl, he softened.

Something glinted in Bomi's eyes as she noticed his behaviour. Ha! As she expected, guys were weak to this kind of white lotus act. Even Hyuk seemed to be no different. Today, she will conquer him no matter what. 

"Hyuk, please..." she said, lowering her voice. Her tone was mixed with neediness and desperation. She pulled Hyuk to the bed before kissing him. Taking advantage of his pause, she reversed their positions and straddled him. Bomi took out the hair tie in her hair, letting her long black hair fall over her back and shoulders like a velvety wave.

With her hair down, she looked two-points more similar to Yeo Ri. Hyuk's brain seemed to be more twisted than he had thought as it superimposed Yeo Ri's image with the girl on top of him.

She kissed his jaw and trailed her lips downwards. Their position was so provocative that Hyuk found it hard to snap out of it. 

It was obvious that Bomi was more experienced than him. She teased him profusely, letting his desires grow. 'Ha, a virgin? I knew it!' She thought triumphantly as she observed Hyuk's behaviour. She was going to win this game.

She began rocking her hips, further fraying his self-control. Slowly, she unbuttoned her blouse. She led his hand to her voluptuous breasts before diving for another kiss.

Sufficient to say, Hyuk was stimulated. His eyes darkened, turning hazy. However, he was not satisfied being on the bottom. He grabbed her and twisted their body around, once again reversing their positions. Bomi yelped in surprise, but did not fight back. He's losing, so she'll let it slide.

He attacked her collarbones, licking and sucking with vigour. Kneading her ample chest, he closed his eyes and sighed. Bomi stared at him with a victorious smirk, her eyes fluttering with lust. 

"Yeo Ri..."

Bomi froze.

"Yeo Ri..."

She had thought that she had misheard him, but that was not the case. He really said someone else's name. Being a replacement for another girl felt like a huge insult to her.


Bomi felt that the name was really familiar. She thought back to where she could have heard it.

"What the f*—?!"

Bomi's eyes widened as she remembered where she had heard the name. Yeo Ri, Lee Yeo Ri—wasn't that the name of Hyuk's younger sister?

"You f*cking disgusting creep!" She screamed, feeling goosebumps rising all over her body. She couldn't believe that she was pining after a pervert who was lusting after his own little sister. She slapped him with all her strength, "Get away from me, you f*cking incestuous b*stard!"

Hyuk snapped out of his trance, touching his flaming cheek with a dark look. 

Bomi hurriedly buttoned up her clothes and picked up her things, leaving Hyuk alone with his thoughts inside the room without looking back.