Passing With Flying Colours

"H-huh?" Yeo Ri stared bewilderingly at the stoic yet somewhat haughty-looking man. "J-just like that?"

Do Kang Rok did not bother explaining his decision before waving the candidates off. "You can leave now. The numbers and names of the shortlisted people will be posted in fifteen minutes or so."


"E-excuse me, what do you mean?!"


After hearing the man's decision, the other three candidates jolted in their seats, astonished.

The other groups all took so much time but they were barely inside for ten minutes. The seats haven't even warmed yet but they were already getting dismissed.

"I've found the perfect 'face', so continuing the audition would be meaningless," he blandly said towards the other three. Then, he nodded to the two other interviewers flanking his side, signalling a silent command to them.

"Wait a minute—" Number 14, Park Lina stood up abruptly. A flash of desperation and anxiousness crossed her eyes, but neither the heir nor the two interviewers paid any heed to her.

With a curt tone, the female interviewer chased them out of the conference room.

Yeo Ri walked out of the room dazedly.

She had no idea what just happened. It had all been too sudden.

Robotically, she returned to her original seat in the waiting room and sat down quietly by herself.

"Hey, congratulations," someone suddenly said to her. It turned out to be one of her group-mates, Number 13's Lee In Ha, followed by Number 16's Eun Jae Hee.

"Huh...? Ah, yes... thank you," Yeo Ri breathlessly responded. Her gaze was unfocused, as if she was daydreaming.

Number 13 and Number 16 exchanged glances. Judging by the girl's fazed look, it was clear that she also thought that the thing that had transpired earlier was unbelievable.

The two of them could not help but sigh—the heir's decision was not unfounded. Yeo Ri had been such a scene-stealer. Just watching her made everyone feel as if they were watching a real commercial—and the girl had done it so naturally and effortlessly. The girl was just that charming; even her small act of drinking water could turn heads. The two could not help but be a little envious and defeated.

"Hey! What are you?" An angry female voice sounded. "I haven't seen you before, so you must be new. Did you have connections or something? There's no way a newbie like you can get the job so easily unless you cheated!" Number 14's Park Lina stormed in front of Yeo Ri, her arms crossed. There was a severe look on her face as she glared hatefully at the younger girl.

Park Lina had no intentions of hiding their discussion. Those who had been unaware of what had happened in the conference room earlier all turned their heads to watch the confrontation.

"I-I'm not sure what you mean. This is a surprise for me too," Yeo Ri squeaked. She avoided looking straight at the lady, instead choosing to stare at the ground. Her hair covered the menacing glint in her eyes.

After the incident, Yeo Ri had a hard time controlling herself against any sort of angry or malicious intent towards herself. It reminded her of that b*stard who ruined her life—it made her feel like strangling someone after remembering that b*stard's d*mnable face. If only she could turn back time and kill that b*stard with her own two hands, she thought.

However, Park Lina perceived her reaction as timidity and cowardice. Her lips pulled into a sneer, "Don't lie! Or else, how could he have chosen you even though nothing happened yet?!"

Park Lina was pissed. Her agency had already reassured her that this audition was going to be a walk in the park since most of her rivals were newbies, but the fact that she had been brushed aside and overshadowed by the girl had caused her pride to take a hit. It was not a good feeling since she had gotten cocky due to her career having been smooth-sailing since its beginning.

"You cheater! You definitely cheated!" Park Lina yelled loudly, causing a scene.

Yeo Ri shrunk in her seat, her fists balling. Her body trembled with the intense urge to fight or flight.

The spectators misunderstood the reason behind her trembling and turned to look at Park Lina with disapproving eyes. Even if she did something wrong, was it any reason to bully the poor young girl like that?

"Hey, why are you cornering her like this?!" Lee In Ha said. "Stop being so petty just because the interviewers didn't notice you," she added spitefully. Eun Jae Hee stood beside her, nodding in agreement.

"What did you say, you bi—!" Park Lina raised her voice, her eyes spitting fire at Lee In Ha. "Who are you to talk to me like this, huh?!"

"Get off your high horse. Do you have princess syndrome or something?" Lee In Ha muttered, eyeing the crazed lady with narrowed eyes.

Hearing the arguments, the crowd was in a cacophony of murmurs. Their judgemental looks washed over Park Lina, causing her face to burn brighter from shame and anger.

"—!" Park Lina gritted her teeth. She could feel everyone's eyes on her.

"This is not a place for catfights. If you want to scream and shout, please do it outside."

The familiar monotone voice of the female interviewer rang out behind them, edged with coldness. Her eyebrows were scrunched in annoyance, looking at the noisy girl with a denouncing glance.

After saying her piece, she moved to a noticeboard and pinned up the piece of paper she was carrying in her hand. Without minding the commotion, she went on to speak, "Those whose names are listed on this list, please re-enter the conference room. As for the rest, feel free to leave. You've worked hard, but unfortunately you are not whom our company is looking for." Then, she left.

After the interviewer left, the candidates crowded the post, and after scanning it after a few seconds, many sighed in disappointed.

On the simple piece of paper, only three names were listed, and Yeo Ri's name was on the top.