
The conference ended smoothly.

Yeo Ri could not help but breathe out a sigh in relief as she left the stage. She immediately reached her arms out to her brother who was waiting eagerly backstage.

He received her weakened body in his embrace readily, muttering 'good work' and 'you did well' to console her.

Yeo Ri relaxed as she rubbed her face in his chest. It was finally over! It was hard to keep her composure when it was so easy for people to focus on her. Being on stage was too unnatural of a setting and difficult, and the girl wished she never had to do it again, though it was highly unlikely considering her big dreams. However, it did not occur to her that this was a double standard considering that acting in front of a camera in a man-made set was just as unnatural as a stage, and her stage-fright was rather irrational.

The crew was going to have an afterparty later, but since Yeo Ri was underaged, she was allowed to abstain from participating as they had planned to drink themselves silly.

And so, after the press conference ended, Yeo Ri decided to go home and rest.

As they were on their way to the car, Yeo Ri suddenly stopped.

"—Ah, sorry, but can I go to the restroom first?"

"Okay. Do you want me to come with?"

"It's okay, Oppa. I'll go alone."

Yeo Ri smiled at her brother before exchanging glances with Secretary Kwon.

There seemed to be an unspoken agreement between them as he responded to her gaze with a discreet nod. He swiftly took out his phone to notify something to someone, then gestured for the girl's treasured brother to take a seat on the nearest bench while they wait for the girl to come back.

The clueless boy watched as his sister disappear within the crowd, taking a sharp turn to the left as she headed to the nearest bathroom.

Unnoticed by everyone else but the two masterminds, an inconspicuous man trailed after the girl from a distance, taking up the 'chance' to confront her by her lonesome.

Yeo Ri leisurely walked into the secluded area where the restrooms were.

She checked the stalker's position through the reflection of her phone screen, pretending to fix her bangs as she walked. Confirming that he was far enough for her to have a buffer period before he caught up to her, she quickly entered the women's restroom despite the obvious 'Cleaning in Progress' sign placed outside.

"Hello," she greeted the two men who were waiting for her inside.

The two men nodded towards her, acting nonchalant despite the fact that they were in the women's bathroom.

The two men were dispatched by Heo Woo Seung as Yeo Ri's muscle for this particular plan which she had devised herself. It was a straightforward plan meant to trap her stalker by using herself as bait, and as she lured the stalker to the predetermined location, the two men would capture the stalker and bring him to the safehouse for... questioning.

Since they didn't have much time before her stalker shows up, the two men went ahead to hide themselves. One hid inside the utility closet while the other chose one of the stalls, leaving the door slightly ajar while he sat on the toilet bowl with his legs raised as if to show that the stall was empty.

After waiting for a brief moment, the bathroom door swung upon and in came the mantis.

Yeo Ri hid a smile as she displayed a shocked look at the man's entrance. "W-what are you doing here?! This is the women's bathroom, you know?!" she shrieked, as if truly surprised that a man had brazenly entered the place.

"Lee Yeo Ri, you b*tch!" the man cried out as he glared at the girl.

Yeo Ri's brows furrowed. "Who are you? Do I know you? Why are you being so rude to me? Get out!"

The man's eyes flashed at her words. "Don't f*cking pretend, you d*mned b*tch! I keep trying to talk to you nicely and be your friend but how did you treat me? Like a f*cking retard! How dare you, you snobby b*tch!"

"W-what?! Who the hell are you!? I don't even know you!" Yeo Ri screamed, her voice trembling with fear.

"Shut up, b*tch! It's because of stupid b*tches like you that nice guys like me finish last!"

Yeo Ri inwardly rolled her eyes. He wasn't making any sense, but his aggression was real, and that was enough reason for her to take him down.

"Get away from me, you psycho!" Yeo Ri stepped backwards.

"I'll show you—"



Before the man could finish his words, a loud slam could be heard as Yeo Ri's two hidden muscles came out of their hiding place. The one closest to the aggressor immediately punched the man, and the other did not hesitate to tackle him on the ground. The two worked in tandem and swiftly knocked him out before the man could even scream bloody murder.

Peace was restored in the restroom, and Yeo Ri's face morphed back into calmness. It was as if her fear and shock had all been an act.

"Good work, misters," Yeo Ri smiled gratefully at the two men. "Thanks to you two, we finally caught this bad man. I can sleep with ease now. Truly, you've helped me tremendously."

The two men accepted her gratitude with a slight bow, acting in deference to her. "It was our pleasure to assist Mr. Kwon and you, miss," one of them replied somewhat respectfully.

The other man turned towards the utility closet, pulling out an extra large luggage bag. The man unzipped the bag and took out a pair of handcuffs of which he directly used on the unconscious man. The two men then lifted the stalker and stuffed him inside the luggage bag, then zipped it up.

"We'll handle the 'goods' with care. Please, miss, take care on your way home."

"Alright. Take care as well, misters." Yeo Ri bowed towards them in farewell as they left with the baggage in tow. From the beginning to the end, they conducted themselves with professionalism, giving out the indication that they were used to these types of 'clean up' jobs. It was truly a wonder on how and why Heo Woo Seung had these kinds of employees working for him.

Smiling happily to herself, Yeo Ri washed her hands before exiting the bathroom and returning to her brother and Secretary Kwon.

—On Kwon Tae Yang's side, he received a text from his subordinate: 'It's done. We left through the emergency exit. Currently on our way to transport that thing to the agreed location.'

'Good work,' he briefly replied. 'Remember to quarantine the thing properly,' he added.

"—I'm back. Let's go home now," said the angelic demoness as soon as she made her reappearance.

The accomplice could only lower his head and conform to her wish. "Yes, miss."

"Yeah," the angel's oblivious keeper agreed.