Another One Bites the Dust

"Call me names one more time and I'll make sure you can't talk anymore, okay?"


Yeo Ri's fingers dug deeply into the man's throat, strangling him with an inch of his life.

Secretary Kwon was quaking in his shoes as he witnessed the young girl snap.

She bore a cold smile on her face, her eyes reflecting a gulf of gloom.

He had seen fragments of her resentment several times before, but this was the first time he saw it so closely.

The wretch in front of him was not Lee Yeo Ri.

No, he could not believe it—

—There was no way the spoiled but lovely young lady could do something like this without batting an eye.

"Miss, please stop! You'll kill him!" he warned, hastily holding her back. He tried to pry her hands away from the suffocating man, who was having a hard time breathing thanks to her unyielding grip on his windpipe.

Sh*t! She was out for blood!

It was then Kwon Tae Yang realised that Yeo Ri was not here to play around. "Miss, please...!"

Instead of listening to his pleas, Yeo Ri tightened her hold even more.

"Ahk—!" the stalker choked. His eyes widened as if he couldn't believe this was happening to him. Was he really going to die, he mournfully thought. Who knew that the seemingly normal girl turned out to be a psycho!

Secretary Kwon gritted his teeth. "Pardon my discourtesy!" he grunted, using his full strength to pry her away from the man.

"Aaa—gh—uhk—cough! Cough!"

Finally, he managed to stop her.

The girl in his arms was silent.

"...Let me go," she quietly ordered.

Secretary Kwon lowered his head to meet her gaze, then his heart skipped a beat.



Her eyes were so, so dark that they seemed like two endless black holes, swallowing up everything around them.

Kwon Tae Yang instinctively released her, stepping backwards in unexplainable fear.

"M-miss, I—I—"

Who was this?

The girl... was a monster.

"Aaa... aaa... aah—"

After recovering his breath, the stalker could not keep his head straight. All he could see was the girl's eyes boring into his'. He could recall her hands, how tightly she had crushed his throat. He moaned incoherently, tears and snot dirtying his face.

"Will you answer my question now?" the girl's soft voice resounded in the silent room.

"I-I-I—" the man stuttered. "I-I'm s-s-sorry! P-please don't hurt me...!"

"I-I-I was just a li-little angry b-b-because you w-were ignoring me a-and s-s-s-sent all those messages e-even though I w-was being n-nice!"

"Nice?" Yeo Ri scoffed. She had seen the screenshots. He was pushy at best, and when Secretary Kwon had politely refused his request to get acquainted, he suddenly flipped. She wasn't even the one who sent those messages, yet she was the one getting all the hate. So annoying!

"Just because of a stupid reason like that?" The corner of her lips twitched. "Ridiculous. Because of that one small thing, you decided to stalk me?"

Yeo Ri could not help but laugh due to the incredulity of the situation. Was it so easy for people to want to ruin someone just because of such a small thing? Apparently, it was. And this man in front of her was proof. Unable to bear her rejection online, he had taken matters to real life.

"I've read it in the report, but even after hearing it with my own two ears, I can't believe it. How can someone be so... despicable, I wonder." Yeo Ri tilted her head as she stared at the quivering man.

The report that Secretary Kwon had prepared for her had also included details of the stalker's private life and other information, and as it turns out, he had a history of harassing other women before as well.

Yeo Ri flexed her fingers as she stared at her still-red palm.

"F-f-forgive me...! I-I must have lost my mind! Please! Please! Forgive me! Forgive me!" the man squeaked.

Yeo Ri's hand formed into a fist, and punched him in the throat.


He tilted backwards, and his weight brought the chair down with him.

"Aa... aaaaaaaaah!" he screamed miserably.

Yeo Ri watched him fall, then walked close to his face.


She planted her feet on his face, breaking his nose.

"—!" Secretary Kwon closed his eyes at the savagery, his body flinching as he swallowed his dismay.

Yeo Ri kicked him several times before she finally stopped.

She stared at her dirtied shoes mutedly. "Too bad..." that she wasn't wearing high heels. Imagine how much damage there would be if she had worn high heels!

A smile slowly grew on her face, washing away her apparent wickedness. The monster slowly turned back into the angel.

"Ah, I feel so refreshed now. Thank you for helping me with my stress, Secretary Kwon."

Kwon Tae Yang swallowed his saliva with difficulty, his hands trembling. He nodded to the young miss, speechless, as he moved to check the fallen man's pulse.

Despite the blood and bruises, his pulse was beating properly. Secretary Kwon breathed a silent sigh of relief.

"I..." Secretary Kwon opened his mouth to speak. However, he paused, as if he changed his mind. He shook his head and sighed. "Miss, how should we proceed from this point?"

"What else?" she blinked her eyes innocently at him. "Send him home, of course. If he reports this to the police, you'll take care of it, right?"


"Thank you," she smiled warmly at him. "You're the best, Secretary Kwon."

She approached him, and despite his wariness, he did not run away.

The girl wrapped her arms around the man.

"What would I ever do without you?" the sweet-faced demon whispered coyly.

The man's heart skipped another beat, and he could not believe how relieved he felt as he received her rewarding embrace.

F*ck, the man swore inwardly.

He was a goner.