Another Day, Another Job Well Done

Kwon Tae Yang loomed over the unconscious man known as Woo Jin as Yeo Ri approached them. In one hand he held a taser baton—police-issued—that he had borrowed from one of his men, and in the other he held his phone which had been recording the whole thing, and later he would send the recording to the tech team and have it edited to suit their narrative. With the clip, it could be used as proof of the man's harrassment towards the young girl.

The girl flexed her sore wrists, courtesy of Woo Jin's roughandling. She looked down at his fallen body, laughing at his overconfidence. Did he think he was the only one around with deep pockets? As if she would deal with a pervert unprepared.

It had been out of her expectations that he would take her to his office, but she was prepared to be led to a secluded place. From the beginning, Yeo Ri had been tracked and bugged by Secretary Kwon. She didn't want to agree to it at first, but Yeo Ri knew the gravity of the situation. They had went so far as to involve the police, after all, albeit secretly. There was no chance of her ever getting hurt in the first place, and the situation had only escalated so far because she wanted to catch him in the act.

Yeo Ri returned to the room to pick up her stuff. Turning her back to Secretary Kwon, she said, "Check the place. See if you can find anything."

"Understood," Secretary Kwon nodded solemnly. He texted the people they had on standby, ready to raid the room just in case there was anything incriminating left lying around as well as deal with the unconscious man outside.

Yeo Ri stopped by the bathroom, cleaning herself up before returning to the set studio.

Lee Yeo Ri stared at her reflection for a long moment. A wraith stared back at her, eyes dripping with cold anger and delirium, her hair flying wildly.

Calmly, she straightened her clothes and brushed her hair with her knife-brush.

The girl set down her brush on the sink and washed her hands.

She raised her hand, dragging her nails across her neck, where the disgusting man had left his mark on her, all the way down to her collarbones. She gritted her teeth as she held back the desire to scream bloody murder.

This humiliation, this disgrace—she will never forgive him.




Meanwhile, on Kwon Tae Yang's side.

"You guys go check the room. Hidden cameras, bugs, laptops, and whatnot. Anything that might have blackmail potential, we take. You, help me with this... thing."

"I got you, sir," the man he singled out brought out a large suitcase, stepping over two other unconscious blokes, setting it down next to the man on the ground.

The two worked together to bound the man and tucked him into the suitcase. It was slightly cramped for his size but the two somehow managed to make it work.

With the 'package' secured, he thanked his men for their good work and dragged the suitcase wih him to the checkpoint. Luckily, the suitcase was equipped with wheels which made his job so much easier.

The suitcase was later passed on to two other people.

"Good work, Mr. Kwon," they greeted him.

He nodded at them, "You guys too."

These two were the same people who dealt with Yeo Ri's stalker before, and they knew the drill.

They took the suitcase from the younger man's hands and headed directly to the back entrance where they had parked their car.

Kwon Tae Yang watched the two walk away emotionlessly, as if he had not just trafficked a human being. He straightened his suit, flexing his sore shoulders, then looked up at the nearest CCTV.

He made a slicing motion with his hand, signalling the person in charge of the CCTV to wrap things up.

Oh, this kinda feels like he had just finished a heist like in the movies.




Two men worked together to haul a suitcase into the boot of the car.

The 'package' was heavy, but they were undeterred; they were veterans, and the 'package' they were transporting wasn't active, so they completed the task relatively easily.

They waved at their coworkers, who were busy smacking around a bunch of no-good lowlifes on the other side of the back entrance, then boarded the car to deliver the 'package' to its address.

The trip did not take long, and the two efficiently arrived at their destination.

Fortunately, the 'package' remained unresponsive, thus the two were able to inconspicuously deliver the 'package'. They rode the elevator and pressed the floor number of the little miss' safehouse.

Since the whole floor was empty aside from the miss' unit, the two relaxed their guards.

One of the 'deliverymen' looked down and scrunched his brows, flexing his leg as though he wanted to kick the suitcase. "The miss is too kind. Trash like this should just be thrown into the Han River," he grumbled.

"Don't be ridiculous," his companion replied, "The Han River is polluted enough as it is. Love your environment, why don't you. Trash should be burned in an incinerator... with a proper smoke filter, of course. We already have too much fine dust in the air."

The man seemed to consider his friend's words and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. But I still think dumping it deep underwater is the best course of action..."

"D*mn, it's because of people like you that our descendants can't have good things..."

"F*ck off! You don't even have kids, you forever-alone."

The two stopped in front of the door.

"Sh*t, do you remember the passcode?"

"It's the missy's birthday, right?"

"Ah, yeah, that was it."

Beep beep.

The door unlocked for them.

The man pushed the suitcase to the side as he took off his shoes. It was rude to enter a house with one's shoes on, after all.

"You get the door, I'll get the rope."

"Sure. Wanna hit the saunas after this?"
