To You, Who is So Precious and Lovely

Yeo Ri was angry.

Angry, angry, angry.

She had no idea where this anger was coming from but she couldn't stop it. Her anger bubbled like an over-boiled pot of water, ceaselessly spilling over the edges, affecting everyone and everything around her.

She wanted to hit something.

Hurt someone.

—She did, but it didn't do anything to relieve her anger.

"I'm tired," she told Secretary Kwon as soon as she finished her shower, hair still dripping wet. "Take me home."

The man faithfully lowered his head, "Yes, miss."

And so he took her home.

The drive back was silent, but she could tell that Secretary Kwon was concerned about her from the way he kept glancing back at her through the rearview mirror.

He pulled into the parking, but did not unlock the door. Turning to look at her, he said, "Miss, I'll walk you to your door."

He knew this silence.

He could see how Yeo Ri was on the brink of insanity. She had been too aggressive earlier, and he could see it still affecting her. He was afraid of what she might do to herself if she was left alone.

Part of him blamed himself for not taking care of her better, even though taking care of her mental health and emotional stability was way out of his pay-grade.


The girl made a noncommittal sound. She didn't want company; she didn't trust herself enough in another person's company, but at the same time, she needed something—someone—to hold on to.

By the time they reached the entrance, she was drained. Yeo Ri did not want to be angry anymore. It was tiring.

All she wanted to do was sleep. A good, dreamless sleep, in the warm embrace of her beloved brother. It would be nice if Hyuk was here, too. She missed the nights where she would be sandwiched between them, sleeping with her two knights guarding her sides. It felt like nothing could harm her then, with her brothers protecting her.

But that devil just had to ruin her little corner of happiness, didn't he?

"Miss... will you be alright alone?" Secretary Kwon spoke up. He knew Gun would not be home for a while due to work. For some reason, he felt like he needed to stay with her; make sure she was alright.

"I... Allow me to come in, miss. I shall accompany you until your brother returns," he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Suit yourself," the girl sighed.

For the second time ever, Kwon Tae Yang invited himself into her house. He glanced around briefly, noticing little change since his first visit. Perhaps slightly messier, though the Lee's messy was the equivalent of an average person's tidy.

Secretary Kwon stood awkwardly as the girl moved around her home, picking up the few things that were unkempt and rearranging them into their proper spots.

"What are you doing?" she asked the man, her eyebrow raised.

"Um. Uh..."

Honestly, he did not think so far. He was worried, so he wanted to stay with her. But what would he do now that he was with her?

Yeo Ri chuckled, briefly flashing him a small but amused smile. She shook her head as though she was speechless with his brazenness. He was always like this; serious but thoughtless. Breaching her privacy whenever he wanted but never cared to take responsibility.

How annoying.

"Come with me," she said, pulling him into the bedroom. She walked over to the study desk and turned the chair over.

She pushed him down onto the chair and climbed up his lap, straddling him in the same manner as she did with Woo Jin.

But instead of cruelty, he was met with ardor.

Yeo Ri's hands caressed his chest almost lovingly, and her heated gaze never left him as she brought her face closer.

Kwon Tae Yang held his breath as the girl slowly kissed his neck, making her way up to his jaw, cheeks, and to the corner of his lips, giving each spot a feathery kiss.

He did not know what he was feeling.

It felt both right and wrong, and he felt a confusing mix of happiness, shock, fear, and excitement.

His heart beat loudly in his chest as the girl explored his body as though seducing him.

His eyes clouded briefly as he hesitated. Clenching his jaw, he took a sharp breath and pushed her back firmly.

"M-miss... This is sexual harassment," he said seriously.

The girl blinked her eyes, surprised, then smiled. "That's right... I'm sorry." As though his answer pleased her, she stopped her teasing and allowed herself to relax.

She leaned into his embrace, resting her head in the nook of his neck.

Kwon Tae Yang's vigilant gaze softened. He released his firm hold on her and gently wrapped his arms loosely around her.

Part of him was happy that she trusted him enough to act so defenceless, but another part of him was scared. She was unpredictable, and one wrong move could have doomed him.

She laid motionlessly for a long while.


"Kwon Tae Yang, why do you treat me so well?"


"—Don't give me bullsh*t like 'because I'm being paid to' or 'it's my job' or whatever. I know there's more to it than that."

"Because..." Kwon Tae Yang lowered his voice, his gaze deepening.

The words left his mouth before he could think, "it's because you're so lovely."

Yeo Ri let out a short laugh, "Lovely? Is that it?"

"Yes. I think you are so lovely. I want to pamper you, treasure you, and see you smile all the time."

"..." Yeo Ri laid in his arms quietly, as though she was contemplating his answer.

"Do you like me? Do you want to f*ck me?"

Kwon Tae Yang flinched. Frowning, he replied in a seemingly offended tone, "No! Absolutely not. Though I do like you, I could never do something like that to you!"

Yeo Ri seemed taken aback by his vehement reply. How strange, she thought. Here was a man, an outsider, who confessed that he had affections for her but didn't want to have sex with her. Not even Hyuk could have that kind of confidence, and they grew up as siblings.

"Why?" Yeo Ri asked softly.

"Miss... No, Yeo Ri," Tae Yang changed his tone, dropping his formalities, "you deserve all the love and happiness in the world. To me, you are a person who exists to be cherished, and I will make sure that nothing will hinder your path or harm you."

Yeo Ri snorted, not believing his words. But... it felt nice. She closed her eyes, releasing her breath that she had unconsciously held.

"Let me rest for a bit. I'm tired."

Kwon Tae Yang's gaze darted to the bed a few steps away from their position.

"Why don't you go lie down on the bed, miss? There's still plenty of time before your brother comes home."

"Mm... Good idea."

Yeo Ri got up, staring at him with half-lidded eyes. She wrapped her arm around his neck, whispering suggestively, "Do you want to sleep with me?"

Kwon Tae Yang's breath hitched.

"W-what are you saying, miss?!" Why does she keep leading him on?! Is she testing him?!

Amused with his reaction, she smirked. "You know I have trouble sleeping alone. Keep me company, will you?"

The man gulped, licking his dried lips.

The girl got up and pulled him to the bed by his arm, and in his shock, he allowed her to do so without putting up a fight. It was an uncomfortable situation, but at the same time... he didn't have the heart to say no to her.

The girl stopped at the bedside, and began taking off her top.

"Miss—!" His eyes widened and he immediately looked away.

As soon as she was finished with taking off her clothes she carefully folded them and placed them on the bedside table. "What? Aren't you going to take off your clothes too? They'll get wrinkled."

"Ah... yeah..." Kwon Tae Yang's head was buzzing with jitters that he barely comprehended her words and sluggishly began to take off his suit.

Yeo Ri slipped into the bed first, and beckoned him to join her.

Kwon Tae Yang, now down to only his boxers, could not believe this situation. Were they really going to...?


He snapped himself out of his dirty thoughts with a resounding slap.

"What are you doing?" Yeo Ri eyed him strangely.

"No, nothing," he replied, his eyes shaking. He awkwardly climbed into the bed, lying down at a respectful distance away from the girl.

"..." Glancing at the taut man, Yeo Ri heaved a small sigh. She scooted closer to him until she was close enough to feel his body heat. She placed her head on his arm, effectively using it as her pillow.

"Hold me," she mumbled.

He did as she asked, twisting his body slightly and wrapping his free arm around her. She settled into his warmth, as though she had found her spot.

Finally, she fell asleep.




He couldn't believe it.