[NSFW] The Monster Under the Bed, In the Closet (TW: SA Trauma, M*sturbation)

"—Witnesses claim that they saw a black van drive by, dropping off what looked like a sack, in front of the lobby of W Hotel. It was later confirmed that the eldest son of the W Hotel chain was inside the sack, and he is currently receiving treatment for his injuries at a private hospital. No suspects have been found as of tonight, though the police suspects that it may be the work of a hate group. Alarmingly, on the same night, several shocking videos and chat screenshots allegedly belonging to Mr. Woo went viral online—"

"Turn it off!" the elderly Mr. Kim ordered. The hotel staff who came in to assist him immediately dove for the TV remote and switched off the television.

Mr. Kim rubbed his temple wearily.

It had been a day since they found Woo Jin tied up in a sack, looking worse for wear. Their men had brought him up to one of his frequently used suites, and after he was cleaned and treated, the young man had shut himself inside the bedroom. They had tried to get him to the hospital, but he had fought against it. The man was immovable, and they could only get a doctor to make a house call. Luckily, Woo Jin had not suffered any serious wounds, though he did require stitches.

Mr. Kim had been busy with trying to find out what had happened, and while he was waiting for his men to investigate, they were hit with more trouble. Somehow, Mr. Woo's past crimes had resurfaced, and their men was rushing to clear up the scandals while still investigating his disappearance.

Woo Jin had been a troublemaker since his youth, but they always had the upper hand. Any sort of accident can just be brushed off with a little bit of money.

But this time, it was different; he actually got hurt. Mr. Kim, who had been placed by his side to take care of him by the Senior Mr. Woo, was rattled by this development. What would he say to Chairman Woo?

All the people that could be called had been called, and he could only be thankful that since Chairman Woo was recently hospitalised, he would not have the chance to pay attention to the medias. There was still time to stabilise the situation. However—

—He turned to look at the bedroom door that was hanging slightly ajar.

Woo Jin had yet to leave the room for days, trapped in his trauma. No matter how they tried to pry it out of him, Woo Jin just wouldn't respond to them. Mr. Kim needed more information to be able to deal with the situation better, but that was impossible with the way Woo Jin was now.

He took a deep breath.

Mr. Kim pocketed his phone and dragged his feet to the door, knocking lightly to announce his presence.

"No... no... nonononono no..."

Woo Jin was hiding under the sheets, his body rocking as he mumbled gibberishly.

"Sir, please get a hold on yourself!" he scolded as he approached the scared man. "Just what happened to you? What did that girl, Lee Yeo Ri, do to you?!"


Hearing the name, Woo Jin rocked his body even faster. "Lee Yeo Ri...! Lee Yeo Ri...! Lee Yeo Ri...! Y-Y-Y-Yeo...!"

Mr. Kim had only intended to vent his frustrations, and did not expect to get any reaction from Woo Jin. After all, Lee Yeo Ri was just a young, weak girl. What could she ever do to scare away someone like Woo Jin? His charge probably encountered a mafia gang or something, he thought, but his reaction to the little girl's name was much too peculiar.

"Sir, sir! Speak, did she do something to you?!"

"Aaaah! Ahhhhhh!"

Woo Jin flailed as Mr. Kim grabbed his arm. He seemed to have lost his mind as he pushed the elderly man away. "Go...! Go away! Get away from me...!"

Mr. Kim backed away at his aggressiveness.

"...Sir, please..." Mr. Kim inhaled and exhaled slowly. He rubbed his face to recollect himself.

Once he finally regained his bearings, he bowed at the insane man, "Please excuse me, sir. I shall leave you to your rest."

After bidding his farewell, he left the room, shutting the door with a soft 'click'. Small as it was, a lead was a lead. He had more calls to make, now.

Now that he was left alone, Woo Jin managed to calm down somewhat. He pulled the sheets over his head, shrinking into a foetal position as though trying to make himself look smaller.

Day and night blurred together as he lost track of time. Lee Yeo Ri haunted him, his every waking moment, and even his nightmares.

He could not forget the horror that he went through.

"Are you enjoying it?" the ghost of the girl whispered, soft and sultry, but all he could think of was the threat dripping under her sweet words.

He shivered, and hugged himself.

"This is what you wanted, right?" the wretch laughed at his agony.

Woo Jin recalled her petrifying gaze, the way she smiled at him like he was nothing but a plaything. He remembered the way she held a knife to his neck, not caring if she might cut him, and the way her hand pulled and squeezed his shaft as though she was pulling at stubborn, dirty weed.

His hand snaked to his crotch, covering it tightly as though he was afraid she might appear from under the bed and torture him again. His shoulder throbbed painfully as he accidentally applied pressure on it.

"Ugh...!" he groaned.

Each of his scars were a reminder of the nightmare he went through, and though it had only been a short moment, the moment stretched into forever, the pain and fear permanently etched inside his mind and soul.

"You should be enjoying this!" the ghost of the girl shrieked in his mind.

He flinched, grasping his crotch tighter. He shook as the fear permeated through his body again, reminding him of what he went through. The pain, both real and phantom, caused him to curl up even more. He breathed heavily as he sobbed.

"F*ck...!" he cussed. Woo Jin did not want to feel the way he was feeling, but even the mere thought of the girl crushed his guts.

He was afraid.

It was the first time he was on the receiving end of such tortures, and he was afraid. What she did barely scratched the surface of the thing's he'd done when he was in her position, but now that he knew what it was like to be on the other side, he was so f*cking terrified.

—That girl was a monster, he thought, even more than he had been.

"Aaaaah... aghhhh!" Woo Jin howled as he tightened his grip on his crotch. No matter what he did, he could not rid of the girl from his mind.

Every time he closed his eyes, she would be there, smiling, reaching for his c*ck. The knife in her hands would hover dangerously close to it, and the girl would giggle every time the tip grazed against the tip.

"AaaaaAAAGGGGHHHH!" he cried out, breaking into cold sweat as the imaginary blade cut into him.

"Aaaaah...! Aaaaaaah...! Aaahhhhhh!"

In his mind, he could see the girl, sitting in front of him, looking at him dead in the eyes. The unfamiliar yet familiar black holes engulfed him, suffocating him as he was dragged into them. Her full, reddish lips curved into an enchanting smile, beckoning him to fall deeper into the void.

Her cold ghost hands reached for his crotch, leading him as she laid her hands atop his.

His d*ck throbbed at his imagination, and he began to unconsciously rub his crotch furiously.

But his d*ck itched even more, and no matter how much he rubbed it, it did not ease the discomfort he was feeling. He pulled it out, and began touching himself roughly.

"Ahahahahaha!" The girl's grin widened and she began laughing at him. "Are you enjoying it?" her phantom asked, her smile now as warped as the insanity in her dark, chilling gaze.


She laughed and laughed and laughed.


He pulled and squeezed his shaft, but even through the pain, it did not feel right.


"No! NO!" he screamed as he continued his manhandling. "Nononononono—!"

The monster's haunting laughter continued as he begged her for mercy.