The Wraith, the Gatekeeper, and the Parasite


It was the start of a new school term, and for Yeo Ri, it signified the start of her press tours. September was going to be a busy month, with two of her debut films coming out at the same time. It could almost be a rival situation, if only the two films had been in the same league.

Unlike [Runaway Kids], [Miss Goldfish and the Mutt] was a small production. The director for the latter film was not as famous and decorated as the director for [Runaway Kids], and the cast was also not as popular. While [Runaway Kids] had plenty of rookies in its cast, the two male leads were accomplished actors and celebrities, and they had plenty of cameos by other famous veterans. Despite that, Yeo Ri did not discriminate and still equally worked hard on both of her starring roles.

It was on one random afternoon, after she was done with another one of her promotion interviews, when she suddenly received an email.

—The schedule for her next project was released.

It was Director Bang's newest work, titled [The Blight].

"I'll pick up the hard copy from the office later," Tae Yang informed the girl after he was similarly notified by the production team. The table reading was not for another few days, but it would not hurt to prepare beforehand. The girl quite liked to prepare for her roles in advance, after all.

"Mm," she replied distractedly, absorbed by her phone. Her interviews had begun airing on air and online, and with the [Do or Die] movie finally releasing, her name was garnering quite the traffic. She had exploded in popularity once again, and this time, the netizens were given plenty of content to work with. They had made creative edits and compilations of her clips, and many had left positive comments about her. Just like that, her SNS account gained thousands of followers by the hour.

Yeo Ri was about to take a photo to greet her new followers when a shadow blocked her path.

The girl paused, looking up to see that Tae Yang had stepped forward, shielding her from something—or someone.

"Hello," a familiar male voice greeted.

"What do you want?" Tae Yang raised his guards, glaring at the man in front of him through his tinted lenses.

It was Woo Jin.

He had his usual smile on, and if it wasn't for the bandages peeking out of his collar, one would not have realised he had been injured and traumatised.

"Don't be so stiff," he laughed amiably.

Tae Yang clenched his jaw, looking like he was ready to brawl. He pushed Yeo Ri closer behind him, making sure that the d*mnable man wouldn't have a chance to grab her.

"I'm not here to pick a fight," Woo Jin assured, but the bodyguard-secretary-manager was not keen to believe him. "I just want to talk. In private."

Tae Yang sneered. The last time he let the b*stard talk to his Yeo Ri in private, she was almost assaulted by the guy. There was no way he would allow Yeo Ri to be put in the same situation again, especially now, when they haven't had anything prepared in contingence.

"I know what it looks like," Woo Jin says, raising his arms in surrender. "But really, I'm not trying to get revenge or whatever." He stared at Kwon Tae Yang with an almost magnanimous gaze. "In fact, to prove it, you can come with. All I need is a moment to speak to M-m-m-miss Y-Y-Yeo R-Ri," his tone was calm, but he still couldn't shake off his stutter when he said her name. Rather, he was grateful that he couldn't see her behind the manager, for he might really keel over and break even before he could say his piece to her. He was ready to see her, but not ready enough.

"Why not just talk here?" Tae Yang demanded. He was positive that this was just a ploy to get back at them. He probably had a whole gang of blokes just waiting to ambush them at wherever he insisted on going. He wasn't going to fall for that trick!

Woo Jin smiled as he brushed his hair back with his hand. "Well, it's a bit of a sensitive matter, you see."

"Hm..." Yeo Ri hummed in thought at his proposition. The two men flinched at the sound of her voice.

"I'll go with you," Yeo Ri started.

"Miss—!" Tae Yang raised his voice in dissent, but Yeo Ri cut him off.

"On one condition—I choose the place."

"Alright. We'll do it as you want," Woo Jin smiled gratefully. He hid the tremor in his hands by reaching for his shades from his suit, putting them on just in time before the girl made herself seen. Even with the tinted glasses dimming his sights, his heart still skipped a beat at her appearance.

"Whatever," Yeo Ri replied flippantly. She said nothing as she walked over to the car, not waiting for Tae Yang to open the door for her.

Tae Yang glared at the man, but since Yeo Ri had made her choice, he could only comply. He entered the driver's seat, purposely taking his time to get ready.

"Where would you like to go, miss?" he begrudgingly asked.

"A hotel or motel, or something. Somewhere discreet. Not too fancy, but safe enough that we won't be overheard." Yeo Ri crossed her legs and closed her eyes after she gave her orders. "Also not too far; I don't want to miss my next appointment."

"..." Tae Yang's mind whirred in thought. He could think of a few places that would not only match her requirements, but also close enough that some of his men would be able to rush over if something happens.

"Understood," he replied curtly. He put on his bluetooth earphone and called a number. While the call was ringing, he added an address into the navigation system. The directions loaded quickly, and he began driving as the call connected.

"Hello? R Restaurant? I would like to reserve a VIP room, for right now."

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that on such short no—"

"The room shall be reserved under the name 'Heo Woo Seung'."

"What? Ah—y-yes, right away, sir!"

"Good. We will be arriving in fifteen minutes."

"Y-Yes! We will be awaiting you, sir!"

Tae Yang ended the call with a tap.


Yeo Ri smiled silently. She opened her eyes, "You're so useful. I knew I had a reason to like you."

Tae Yang coughed awkwardly. "Mr. Heo is a VVIP member of R Restaurant and its affiliated Clubhouse. He has free access to the VIP rooms and other benefits," he glanced at the rearview mirror uneasily, "um, I will need to inform him..."

Yeo Ri frowned, but gave a nod. "Fine. Do what you need to do." She was borrowing his things, so it would not be good to act so patronisingly.

Tae Yang's shoulders slacked in relief. She was really starting to thaw; that was good. Maybe he should ask for a bonus for his hard work trying to clear the bossman's name, he mused.

Thankfully, they had missed the afternoon lunch rush, and the traffic was not too heavy. They arrived within fifteen minutes, with Woo Jin's car tailing not too closely behind them.

The two went in first to check in, then informed the waiter to bring Woo Jin to their room.

The VIP room was rather big for a private dining room. It somewhat reminded her of the one she had gone to with Heo Woo Seung back when she had briefly stayed over at the Heo household. The stupid her hadn't realised that her life would change forever because of that day—because of the things she had heard that day.

Yeo Ri frowned slightly as she entered the room. She glanced at the table; food had already been laid out despite the fact that they hadn't ordered anything.

"The appetisers are complimentary," Tae Yang supplied as he noticed her look. He had been here a few times before while shadowing his father and Mr. Heo.

Dutifully, he pulled out a chair for the little lady and poured her a glass of water. He could have called an attendant to help with the service, but to ensure full confidentiality, he had sent them away. Besides, he did not think that his Yeo Ri wanted to stay for a long time anyways, seeing her stoic gaze.

It did not take long for Woo Jin to find his way to the room. Upon entry, the first thing he saw was Yeo Ri, casually sipping a glass of water with her legs crossed, looking like the epitome of regality. Her eyes grazed him with stinging contempt as she looked towards him from the cusps of her glass.

Woo Jin flinched, his smile strained. To be facing her scorn so directly—

—he was blessed.

She was looking at him, focusing on him, and only on him. He was reflected in her eyes, but he knew that she did not put him there. He was lesser than a bug in her eyes. A useless, worthless, foolish piece of trash, her gaze seemed to say.

His legs shook, threatening to fall. He almost forgot to breathe as he recalled the feeling of her holding a knife against his throat. Her gaze was reminiscent of the cold, sharp blade. The thought lingered in his mind as he mechanically closed the door behind him and stepped into the room.

Now, they were alone.

"M-miss Y-Y-Yeo Ri," he began, ignoring Kwon Tae Yang's threatening presence. In any case, no one was scarier to him than the girl sitting in the chair.

"After what happened between us, I assume there's no need for me to be formal?" Yeo Ri asked, smiling slightly. She was outwardly calm, but inside, she prepared for the worse. Her enemy was a man with deep pockets, after all, and she only had herself if not for Heo Woo Seung's resouces.

"Y..." he stammered, "If that's what you wish, miss."

"Now, tell me, what was so important that you had to speak to me in private about?"

Woo Jin could read between her lines. It was clear that he had displeased her by wasting her time. He shivered, and his lower body throbbed. To think, that just a few days ago, he was in that position, and now...

He couldn't decide if he should be scared or happy by this development.

His smile was slipping off, and a cold sweat was forming on his back.

Th girl set her glass aside, but continued to hold onto it languidly. Woo Jin somehow felt like she would throw it at him if he crossed her line. Oh, how the sharp glass would shatter and injure him so. He could imagine himself begging for her forgiveness as she stepped on him, grinding him against the remnants of the broken glass.

The fear kept him on his toes, and Woo Jin felt better than ever. It was amazing, how alive he felt in the moment. He had never felt like this before.

"M-miss," he took a deep breath, "For the longest time, I thought hurting others was the only way I could feel something... anything..."

Yeo Ri narrowed her eyes at him, as if questioning where he was going with his pointless chatter. Woo Jin swallowed his saliva with difficulty. Her every reaction sent searing, sharp jabs to his chest, reminding him of what she was capable of. "I-it used to make me feel so good... B-but after you showed me how terrible I am for doing such things, I-I—!"

He moved closer to the girl, looking like he was about to tackle her. Tae Yang rushed in before the insane b*stard could make a move against his Yeo Ri.

"I repent!" Woo Jin shouted hastily as Kwon Tae Yang pinned him down. "I repent! Please forgive me! Please punish me, my angel—!"

Hearing his words, both Yeo Ri and Tae Yang cringed in incredulity and disgust. Their faces scrunched up, clearly repulsed by the grovelling man.

"P-please—!" Woo Jin thrashed about like a wild bull, pushing Tae Yang off of him. Now free, he scrambled closer to Yeo Ri, latching onto her leg.

"Ugh!" Yeo Ri reflexively kicked him, a shriek threatening to tear away at her throat.


Her chair screeched loudly as she pushed it back in her haste, and she almost fell off. The man's hands felt like caterpillars crawling wantonly over her leg.

"Get off, you sh*t—!" Yeo Ri grabbed her glass and threw it at the man. It hit his head, but the sturdy thing bounced off intead of breaking. The place he was hit bled lightly, and the man's face flushed in excitement.

"Yes...! Yes! Miss, punish me...! Please punish me more...! I-I have sinned! I am a foolish, sinful man!" He clung to her leg, panting with a lustful gaze. Saliva pooled in his mouth as he thought of the ways she would punish him. Would she slap him? Step on him with the sharp heels of her shoes? Perhaps, would she grab the high-end, quality, stainless steel cutleries and stab him with them?

He became hard at the thought.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you?!" Yeo Ri shrieked in irritation. She was baffled by this development; she had been ready for a confrontation, but this was out of her expectations. Did she hit him too hard that he lost his mind?

Tae Yang did not tarry and immediately caught the man, and this time, he made sure to secure him properly, his arms hooked tightly to trap his arms.

Yeo Ri's expression worsened once she noticed the tent in his trousers. She gritted her teeth, her eyes set ablaze by his gall.


She kicked him square on the stomach with all her strength that even Tae Yang took several steps back from the brunt of her attack. Yeo Ri had practiced Taekwondo for self-defence and exercise, and though her rank and expertise was not high, she had sparred enough times to know how to kick. Her legs, toned from exercise, added with the adrenaline coming from her anger, should have made the kick incredibly painful.

"Cough—!" The kick had knocked out the air in his lungs, and Woo Jin felt as if all his organs were getting misplaced.

"Ha... Haa..." A smile formed on his lips at her show of violence.

—Yes. This was it. This was what he deserved.

"...Laughing? You're laughing, right now?" Yeo Ri's voice was low as she drew closer to the man.

There she was, the angel, with her soulless eyes, staring at him straight.

She was looking at him, but he was no longer reflected in her dark, murky orbs—as it should be.

Woo Jin attempted a smile, looking all kinds of wrong due to his insanity and pain. "Yes...!" he rasped.

"What the f*ck is so amusing that you're laughing now, hm?" Yeo Ri's voice was soft, like a mother gently prying the details of her child's sudden, but fleeting, interest in something.

She motioned for Tae Yang to let go and step back, and the man obediently did as she wanted. Woo Jin collapsed in a heap on the floor. He struggled to pull himself up as Yeo Ri grabbed his hair roughly, pulling at it painfully.

"Aah..." the man moaned as bursts of pain attacked his skull. His hand fumbled towards his crotch. He rubbed his privates urgently before shoving his hands into the band of his pants.

Before he could pull anything out and tarnish her eyesight, Yeo Ri sent him flying with another kick.

"Kugh...!" he groaned in pain. However, minutes later, his gaze turned back to her, carrying the same pleasure-filled lustful look he had been looking at her with.


Yeo Ri's lips curled in derision.

"Haa... Haa... f-forgive me, my angel," he trembled. "P-please punish me...! I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness, my angel...!"

She could see his hand moving inside his pants.

Incensed, Yeo Ri screamed.

Suddenly, all she saw was red—

—the red of her innocence—

—the red of his blood—

—red lips, red tongue, the fake redness of her cheeks—

—The devil's red.

Her hand overlapped with the devil's claws as it shot towards the thing's throat. Her voice overlapped with his, "YOU F*CKING PIECE OF SH*T!"


The wraith raged, claws digging into fragile flesh, her weight crushing the man's chest.

'Let him die! Let him die!' the devil cheered, his joyful laugh echoing in her mind. 'Kill him!'

"—Miss! Miss!"

Yeo Ri barely snapped out of her mania thanks to Kwon Tae Yang. He pulled her away from the half-dead man, practically having to drag her away. He held her tightly in his arms as she fumed.

"Shhh... it's okay! You're safe! I'm here...!" he tried calming her down, his hand continuously carressing her head in his attempt. "Please don't cry...! I'm right here, Lee Yeo Ri! Look at me! I'm right here! I'll protect you, okay?!"

Lee Yeo Ri froze.

Yeo Ri slowly lost the strength in her body. She raised her trembling hands to her face, feeling the wetness streaming down her cheeks.

She... was crying...?

She stared at her hands. Nails caked in blood, and splotches of liquid on the areas that had came into contact with her face.

Yeo Ri felt her anger wash away in the blink of an eye.

Exhaustion filled the gaps, leaving Tae Yang to collect the pieces.

"Oppa... Save me..." the angel weeped as she buried herself deeper in her keeper's coccoon of safety.

Kwon Tae Yang's heavily thudding heart finally slowed down to normal as the girl melted in his embrace. His heart ached at the girl's soft sobs. His jaw was set as he glared at the offender, not caring that the man was nearing death's door just moments ago.

"F-forgive... me... my... angel..."

Kwon Tae Yang's vein popped.

He silently picked up the broken girl and walked out of the room. Outside, his two most-trusted men, Twister and Mr. Park, waited like proper bodyguards. He stopped, not looking at either of them, "Clean up the place. Throw the trash where it belongs."

The two nodded grimly in response.

—And then the trash was thrown.