Of Confessions and Secret Emotions

Joo In Guk, exhausting his connections, booked a private room at a high-class but lowkey restaurant for his 'date' with Yeo Ri. Although he had agreed that he wouldn't do anything fancy, it would only apply if they hadn't set a date beforehand.

In Guk also took into account how famous Yeo Ri had been lately, and wanted the girl to dine in comfort. It wasn't everyday that he could take her out on a 'date', after all.

In Guk smiled to himself. He recalled their very first 'date', how Yeo Ri had despaired over her ice cream, and the misunderstanding that came afterwards. He felt both relieved and dispirited knowing that Hyuk wasn't around to beat him up for taking his sister out this time. It was such a curious and conflicting feeling, he mused.

In Guk snapped out of his thoughts when a familiar black car rolled into the drop-off area in front of the restaurant. He'd been watching from the windows, and once he saw Yeo Ri leave the car, he immediately exited the room to fetch her.

"In Guk-oppa," she greeted, a pout on her face, "you said it wasn't anything fancy." The exterior of the restaurant bordered on plain, but the interior was classy and she felt rather underdressed with her simple blouse and skirt combo. Seriously, what is with these men and VIP rooms? Still, she was grateful since she didn't want any attention.

Yeo Ri followed him to the room, with Tae Yang not far behind. She'd told him he didn't need to come with, but the man wanted to be cautious. She stopped him at the door, gesturing him to stand guard. If anything happened, which she doubted, he could reach her easily.

"You didn't invite Jin Goo-oppa?" the girl asked as she looked around the fully-furnished room. She had always associated them as a pair with how frequent they hung out together.

"I didn't," In Guk scratched his neck, "I wanted to spend some time with you alone, so..." he mumbled bashfully.

"Oh," she replied nonchalantly. She had realised that this was the second time since they had met that they were alone without either Hyuk or Jin Goo or both of them tagging along.

"Let's stop standing around and eat first, okay? The food here is really good; they even have some Michelin stars—" In Guk launched into a conversation about the restaurant to fill the awkwardness edging in the air. Underneath his easygoing manner, his heart was racing and he could feel his palms sweating.

He was really going to do it! After years of suppressing his crush on her, he was finally going to confess!

His nervousness prevented him from tasting the delicious food as they ate. His brain whirred in full speed as he thought up of topics after topics to keep the conversation going.

They finished eating without In Guk breaching into the important thing that he wanted to speak to her about. He gradually grew quieter as his nerves flared, and for the first time in a while, he was tongue-tied.

But In Guk had never been one who could keep words to himself. He couldn't handle the pressure of keeping his mouth shut and spontaneously blurted: "Yeo Ri-ah, I like you. I love you."

The words dawned on him quickly, and knowing that there was no turning back, he pressed on, "I've always liked you. I know that this is sudden, and I know you're... together, with Hyuk, but I feel like I'll regret it if I don't tell you. If you feel uncomfortable with it, I'll... do my best to give up on you."

He lowered his head, blushing and somewhat ashamed. Part of him was ashamed that he liked her—not because of who she was, but rather because he had the morals, or lack thereof, to have fallen for such a young and innocent girl. She was still in elementary school when they had met, he recalled, and he'd been pining after her since. He felt like a dirtbag thinking he could just wait for her to grow up and potentially get together with her. It was disgusting. Hyuk was disgusting, too, but he was envious of his friend. He actually managed to get the girl, despite the odds, that f*cker.

Yeo Ri was surprised by In Guk's confession, but calmed down quickly. He was Hyuk's best friend, after all, so it wasn't strange that he knew about them. And it wasn't like she was completely oblivious to his feelings either. No, Lee Yeo Ri was too sensitive of a girl to not have realised the way he looked at her and treated her. Since he'd been a stranger compared to Hyuk, she'd noticed it much faster.

Yeo Ri gathered her thoughts, and after a long silence, she finally spoke: "I'm sorry, Oppa."

In Guk flinched. Despite knowing the outcome, he still had hoped... No, what could he ever hope for? Who did he think he was? His blush deepened as he forced himself to smile. "It's okay. I just wanted to tell you my feelings. I didn't mean to corner you, so please don't feel pressured or apologetic."

Yeo Ri sighed. "I'm sorry, Oppa. I can't return your feelings. You're a great person, but... I... don't feel the same way. I've never thought of you that way, and I probably never will. To me, you're just Hyuk-oppa's friend, and I can't think of you as something more. And... it wouldn't be fair to Hyuk-oppa if I accepted your feelings. I'm sorry."

"No, it's really okay, Yeo Ri-ah. I understand what you mean." He took a deep breath to digest the rejection.



"...Yeo Ri," he began after another long bout of silence. "Why him?" he rasped quietly as his eyes reddened. In Guk looked away from the girl, pressing his eyes with his hands in an attempt to stop the tears. It was inevitable, but the rejection still stung badly. His heart felt like it was being ripped to pieces, and his body screamed at him to run away from the shame of it all.

"Because he's my brother."

Yeo Ri did not drag out her answer. She knew why she stayed with Hyuk, even though they had grown up together as nothing but siblings. She knew that his love for her was different from her love for him, but her love was enough for her to make the choice to be with him.

"Because I love my brothers so much that I'd do anything for them."

—She had chosen this path. For Gun, she would be the world's loveliest child. For Hyuk, she would be the sweetest lover. And perhaps, one day, she would be something for Jin Goo too.


In Guk contemplated her answer. It sounded to him that Hyuk's feelings were one-sided, but Yeo Ri had resigned herself to accept it, simply because he was her beloved family. Despite the morbidity of the relationship, In Guk could not help but feel jealous of Hyuk for being born as her brother.

"...It won't be easy," he finally responded. He was sure that they would stay together until death did them part. Something told him that there was no way in hell either of them would separate from the other. It might be illegal now, since Yeo Ri was still underaged, but once she comes of age, there won't be anything that could stop them from seeing each other. "Your relationship... isn't illegal, lawfully speaking, but... society..." he sighed. "It won't end well if the rest of the world finds out. And the genetic defects your kids might be born with..."

Yeo Ri snorted at his last concern. "It's not like I can get pregnant anymore," she smiled wryly. "Besides, even if I could, it doesn't matter. We're not related anyways."

"H-hey, Yeo Ri-ah... Even if you don't share the same mothers, that doesn't mean—"

"—We're not blood-related," she cuts him off. "Mom had an affair with another man. I confirmed it," she half-lied. She hadn't absolutely confirmed it with a DNA test, but there must have been some truths based on the evidence that that man had shown her.

"H-how?" In Guk stuttered, flabbergasted by the revelation. "Does he—does your brothers—know about this?"

"I told Hyuk-oppa, but I don't think he believes me. Gun-oppa doesn't know. My birth father came to see me some time ago," she said.

"What did he say," In Guk's expression tightened. He sat up straight, clenching his fists as though he wouldn't hesitate to hunt the man down if he ever did something to her.

He should have seen it coming—due to her recent fame, so many people must have came up to see her. In his mind, Yeo Ri's birth father appeared as a terrible, opportunistic person.

"..." Yeo Ri refused to answer. She pursed her lips, brooding quietly as she flashed back to that day in the VIP room much like the one she was sitting in at the moment.

In Guk understood that it was too private of a conversation thus did not push further into the topic.

"What are you going to do now? Will you... live with your birth father?" he asked. It wasn't a bad choice, despite the questionable nature of it all—she would have gained a new family, and once her name had been removed from the Lee family registry, wouldn't Hyuk be able to legally marry her?

Yeo Ri's expression soured. With a sneer, she said, "Why would I do that? That person doesn't even want me. I'm a stain in his life. Why would I chase after someone who abandoned me?"


In Guk was shocked. He had never seen Yeo Ri so angry and hateful. It was as though she was a different person. Whoever her birth father was, he must be top-tier trash for such a nice girl to hate him. It was a shame that Yeo Ri was fated to have such trash fathers.

"I'm sorry," he suddenly apologised.

"Huh? What for?"

"Just... I wish I did more, for Hyuk, for you, and for Gun too. I wish I was more involved. There were so many things that I could have helped with but I..."

"Stop. Don't do that to yourself, Oppa. It was our—my—problem to begin with. Don't blame yourself for something that's already in the past," the girl soothed.

In Guk could no longer hold back the dam in his eyes. His heart hurt from her selflessness. He sobbed, but he continued to force a smile. "Look at you... You're so young but so mature. I wish... you had more time to just be a kid."

Yeo Ri laughed. "I'm still a kid. I still have plenty of time." She had three more years to be a kid, she thought.

"Yeo Ri-ah... Can I... have a hug?" Actually, he wanted to ask for a kiss, but he knew it would be too much. He wasn't a scumbag either, and knowing her history, he wouldn't want to pressure her. Besides, she and Hyuk...

Well, even if he was against it, there was nothing he could do. She had been serious in affirming their affections—they were an item, and that was that. There was no room for him, or anyone else, in the Lees' tiny, closed-off world.

Yeo Ri smiled softly. She did not verbalise her reply as she stood up and wrapped her arms around him, patting his back lightly in reassurance.

She was so glad that Hyuk had such good friends.