A Taste of Forbidden Fruit

Kwon Tae Yang worked quickly. Yeo Ri had no idea how he did it, but his side—Heo Woo Seung's side— always seemed to be equipped with unusual connections and deep pockets. It was like they had an inside person everywhere. After having used his services so wantonly, it was the first time Yeo Ri considered that maybe she should be more careful with them.

Within a week, he managed to secure a face-to-face visit with Lee Hyuk, under the supervision of a trusted prison guard.

Before her scheduled time with Hyuk, Yeo Ri was told to meet the prison warden, who was the person who had allowed the visit in the first place.

The prison warden was a portly, eagle-eyed middle-aged man. Despite his size, one could tell that he had some experience in the military. However, the moment the young actress entered his office, the stern expression melted into an amiable smile.

"Miss Lee Yeo Ri!" he greeted boisterously, laughing in delight as he basked in her presence. He didn't think he would ever get the chance to see her, in the flesh!

"Hello," the young girl, minding her manners, politely greeted with a deep bow. The warden beamed, pleased that the young celebrity had such good manners. His already good impression of her increased.

"Come, come sit," he ushered the girl. "How was the drive here? Not too bad, I hope?"

"It was okay. Thank you for granting me this opportunity, sir," Yeo Ri smiled sweetly, mustering her gratification towards the man. What they had done was probably illegal, but the warden did not seem to care about his abuse of power. Rather, he seemed quite excited, his smartphone ready in his hand as though itching to get a picture.

"My daughter is a big fan of you, Miss Yeo Ri. She really liked you in that historical drama, and she went to see that movie with the goldfish thing in the title several times as well. I've been busy lately, but we plan on watching your new movie this Sunday. She really, really likes you, you see," he gushed. Even though he knew the Lee siblings' history, he was tactful not to bring it up in front of the girl. She was not the pitiful girl in the case files anymore; she was a proper celebrity, and did not need his discourtesy. The warden softened his demeanour, feeling proud that the girl did not let her past bog her down. She was certainly a good role model for young girls, and he could not be happier that his daughter had chosen to idolise this good, lovely girl instead of those fancy-schmancy pretentious male idols.

"I was hoping I could have an autograph, and maybe a picture...?"

"Oh, it's alright, sir," Yeo Ri blushed, as though she did not expect his words. "I'm not very famous, but if you're okay with me..." Yeo Ri smiled shyly.

"Great!" he exclaimed, quickly pulling out a sheet of paper from his desk and passing it to her along with a pen.

It was not Yeo Ri's first time signing her autograph. It looked more outlandish than her formal signature, but her... 'fans' seemed to like the way she exaggerated it. "Who should I...?"

"Ah, yes, Hae Rim! Her name is Yoon Hae Rim," he pronouced clearly.

"To... Yoon... Hae... Rim..." Yeo Ri carefully wrote the letters, ensuring that she made no mistakes, and added an uplifting, personalised message under her autograph.

"Wonderful!" the warden laughed happily. He could imagine just how happy his daughter would be once she saw it!

Yeo Ri held up the piece of paper as the man prepared to take a wefie with her, his pose surprisingly modern with a finger-heart.

Yeo Ri gritted her teeth, reminding herself to not mind his closeness. She couldn't offend this man. Remember, she told herself, do it for Hyuk. Stewing her irritation and revulsion, Yeo Ri imitated him, tactfully changing her pose with every tap of the camera button.

Ten shots later, the prison warden was finally satisfied with what he had.

"Oh, look at the time! I'm sorry for keeping you for so long, miss. Please, don't let me hold you up. I'm sure you miss your brother very much."

"Yes, thank you, sir," Yeo Ri's smile was etched perfectly on her face, showing no signs of the impatience she was feeling inside.

The prison warden saw her off with a fatherly smile as she followed a prison guard towards the private area they had prepared for her meeting with Hyuk.

Once they were out of his range of sight, Tae Yang, who had been quietly following behind her, pulled out a handkerchief and tactfully wiped away at the areas that had been touched by the middle-aged man. He knew Yeo Ri did not like to be touched by strangers, especially older men, and he hoped that his actions could lessen her anger somewhat.

Fortunately, she seemed to appreciate his gesture as her jaw relaxed.

The prison guard in charge of guiding Yeo Ri tried his best to not look back and ogle at the young actress. He knew she was an actress, her popularity rather high for a new one. It was his first time meeting a celebrity, and he tried his d*mnest to appear professional and uninterested in front of her. But of course, no one could resist stealing a few glances at her; she was so beautiful that it stole his breath away.

"We're," he croaked as they stopped in front of a door. He cleared his throat, "we're here, miss."

Yeo Ri's smile brightened at his words. She offered him a 'thank you' as he held the door open for her, and the girl eagerly entered the space.

Hyuk was already waiting inside when she got there. He sat on one of the seats, his leg shaking anxiously with a look of nervousness on his face. The supervising prison guard stood at the corner, arms crossed, holding the handcuffs that he had just taken off from the inmate.

"Oppa!" Yeo Ri's lips trembled. How long has it been since they saw each other like this? So close, without a slab of glass between them?

Hyuk's head snapped up at her voice. Eyes wide in surprise, he jumped from his seat, his legs moving reflexively towards her.

His arms were held out as though he wanted to pull her into his arms, but as he took one step forward, he froze, a flash of hesitance crossing his gaze. He remembered the last time he tried to touch her, and he wondered if it was alright for him to touch her.

"C-can I hold you?" he asked timidly, his usual fierceness gone. In front of his beloved, he was nothing more than an insecure, lovestruck sod.

Yeo Ri chuckled in amusement. Even after all that they had gone through, Hyuk was still so cute. She boldly reached her hands out, throwing herself into his semi-opened arms.

For a long moment, Hyuk was at a loss for words. All that was in his mind was the way the girl melted in his embrace, their bodies seemingly molded to fit together. With just one hug, he finally felt complete again.

They hugged for a long time before Yeo Ri made the first move and broke it up. However, she continued to cling onto him, unwilling to let go. She could see and touch Gun everyday, but it was different with Hyuk.

—She did this. She had caused all of this. He went to prison for her sake; she was too weak to end things on her own, so she made him the scapegoat.

She would never forget his sacrifice.

"Can I... kiss... you?" Hyuk whispered, his voice so soft that she might have missed him if he they had not stood so closely. He stared into her eyes searchingly, his uncertain gait reflected in her glistening pupils.

Yeo Ri offered him the world's most loveliest smile. She picked his palm up, letting it rest against her cheek. For a moment, she felt like they were the only two people in the world.

His calloused palm scratched her smooth cheek gently as she rubbed her face onto it. His hand grazed her soft lips, and he could feel her breath as she nodded, "Yeah."

Yeo Ri closed her eyes as he brought his other hand to touch her face. He swept her hair back behind her ear, and as gently as someone handling a fragile item, he bent down and placed his lips softly against hers. His arms moved into a more comfortable position as he drew her closer, deepening their kiss.


The two spectators within the room was shocked.

The prison guard had his hand on his mouth, almost letting out an audible gasp. He was the prison guard in charge of Hyuk's cell block, and thus was very familliar with the inmate. He'd even read his letters and delivered them to the boy, but not once in his life did he expect the pair to kiss. Suddenly, he felt like he fully understood why Hyuk was always so defensive when someone mentioned his precious little sister...

On the other hand, Kwon Tae Yang's mind was blown. A multitude of thoughts crossed his mind at the speed of sound, and he questioned life as he witnessed the two's intimacy. Lee Yeo Ri was truly... unpredictable. His little miss always seemed to surprise him at every corner. Nevertheless, he was her caretaker, and it was his job to ensure her safety and loveliness remains unscathed.

Kwon Tae Yang averted his eyes from the Lee duo, steeling his resolve.