Competition (1)

The next day, Jing Ling woke up extra early to leave the house before everyone woke up. If her Father finds out that she registered the competition he would kill her so before Jing Ling left she instructed Yun to tell her Father she went to see the Emperor if he asks.

As she walked around the city, Jing Ling didn't have anything to do so she found herself walking towards the battle arena. When she got there, people were already lined up to fight for good seats. As a competitor, Jing Ling didn't need to wait in line and just walked in.

Once the field was in sight, Jing Ling saw that they had placed 5 square, stone platforms in the arena since yesterday.

"Hm... there's not that much room to move around on those square. It'll be easy to get knocked out by the opponent. But if the opponent is much weaker than me it'll be faster to just knock them unconscious."

While Jing Ling was making her plan, the rest of the competitors and audience began to fill up the seats. Soon there weren't enough seats and people had to stand or sit on the stairs. Lastly, the Emperor and a few other important officials arrived.

Jing Ling noticed that there were a few groups of people huddled together.

"Hmph, Old Kang you're here with your Monster Academy's loyal dogs as always."

"Of course, Sir Deng they are my most trusted men, unlike your self-centered Liang Academy followers."

"My men are many times better than yours. In fact, you can sit there and wait for my students to annihilate your dogs."

"Kekeke. We shall see. Don't cry when your precious students get slaughtered."


"Master Xun, congratulations for being promoted to Headmaster of Xing Academy!"

"Thank you old friend. You're not bad yourself. I heard your An Academy is now ranked first in the North!"

"Bah, how could we compare to you, Xing Academy has been ranked first in the East for decades!


In the center platform stood Grandmaster Tian and before any major fights broke out he announced the start of the competition.

"Ahem. Greetings I am known as Grandmaster Tian. This year I will be the overseer of this competition."

The crowd went wild as many of them have only heard of Grandmaster Tian but never saw him before.

After a few minutes, everyone settled down.

"Now, to ensure fairness, all competitors will come and draw a ballot. The number you pick will be used to determine your opponents."

Jing Ling went down and drew the number 18 before going back to her seat to wait. All around her people were whispering while glancing at her but she ignored them and mentally prepared herself.

"Now that everyone has a number, we will call your numbers in pairs to each platform where you will fight. You are not allowed to kill your opponents or fatally wound them. You just need to render them motionless or knock them outside the ring. At any time you are allowed to forfeit but you will be disqualified. Any questions?. Then let us begin. West platform number 32 and 109, east platform 500 and 146, south...!"

As Grandmaster Tian called out the numbers, Jing Ling became disappointed that she wasn't called yet. "Oh well, I'll just observe the competitors."

However, as Jing Ling watched the matches she became even more disappointed. "They're all awful! They're so weak and slow even compared to when I was the same realm as them. Are they hiding their true abilities? No, it doesn't look like they are..."

Unlike Jing Ling, the rest of the of the crowd was all hyped up while cheering for their family or just someone they saw was not bad. Whenever one of the battles ended, the crowd would become even louder to cheer for the winner.

One battle after the other ended and winners proudly walked back to their friends and family while the losers cried.

"Number 18 and 112 proceed to the center ring."

"Finally!" Jing Ling stood up and made her to the platform. Today she chose the wear a tunic as well but today it was a light green color. Her hair was tied in a long ponytail that went down her back while a sword as kept at the side of her hip.

Her opponent was a 14-year-old indigo martial who towered above Jing Ling. She didn't even reach his chest. As he saw her approach the stage, he snickered.

"Little girl are you sure you want to be here. You better forfeit this match before you get hurt."

"Sigh. Let's get this over with..."

"Hmph, a cocky one eh. Don't say I didn't warn you when I smash you to death!"

"'re not allowed to kill your opponent idiot."

While the two were having their childish exchange, the audience began to stir as well.

"Is she the one?"

"Yea, the 12-year-old violet mortal."

"Headmaster Kang we should try and recruit her into our sect. If we nurture her she will grow up strong and then we can easily overthrow the Liang Academy."

"Mhm, we shall see how she does in the competition first."


"What a promising young lady."

"Oh? Are you also interested in recruiting her Master Xun?"

"Of course, my Xing Academy could use talent people like her."

"How about a little competition old friend? Let's see who will be able to acquire the young lady."

"Hou. What will the winner get?"

"I want to have access to your personal cultivating chamber for 10 years, and if you win I'll hand over the crystal mine I recently discovered.



"WHY? Why is Ling'er down there?!?!" Master Jing Jun cried "Yun said she went out to visit the Emperor today, there's no way he would let her attend..."

"Hm. Why can't Xiao Ling enter, Father? She will probably win this competition anyways. Then we can brag and show her off." Jing Zheng asked.

"You don't need to know why. After this, I'm going to be executed by the Emperor... remember to take care of your mother boys."

Jing Cheng and Jing Zheng looked at each other as they both thought their Father has lost his mind.


"HM?! Don't start the match in the central area yet! Grandmaster Tian come here!"

"Yes, your Majesty?"

"Why is Miss. Jing down there?"

"This is... She registered yesterday but under another name. She called herself Chen Xie so I didn't know it was her until just now..."

"Damnit. It's not like we could just pull her out of the competition now... but she'll be exposed to them if they see her fight."

"Actually, our intelligence has already caught wind that they are already looking into Miss. Jing since yesterday."

"Yesterday? What happened yesterday?"

"Yesterday Jing Ling registered which means her realm and age was revealed."

"...What's her realm?"

"Violet mortal."

"... a 12-year-old violet mortal?! She's even faster than Ying'er"

"Yes, she is... I think we should let Miss. Jing continues in the competition. She has already been exposed and we can't suddenly disqualify her without a reason."

"Mhm, we shall go with that."


"I apologize for keeping everyone waiting. We shall resume now. Number 18 Chen Xie, number 112 Liao De, you may begin."

Immediately Liao De ran head-on towards Jing Ling with his fist raised, ready to punch her. Jing Ling was just standing there and didn't bother to move but her eyes were calm and steady.

For other people, Liao De isn't slow at all but for Jing Ling who is always sparring with her older brothers, Liao De's movements were just too slow in her eyes.

She lifted her left hand as Liao De came within reach, preparing to catch his fist.

"Hmph, you're overestimating yourself, little girl. Let me see you try and stop THIS! BURNING FISTS"

Liao De's fist was suddenly wrapped by a flame and he immediately aimed at Jing Ling's face.

Jing Ling was quite surprised that Liao De was able to convert his Qi into flames. It took a lot of skill and control. If one isn't careful, the attack could explode and harm the cultivator. However, Liao De's flame needs practice.

"Such a shame, I wouldn't even consider these flames hot. At most I could say is that they're slightly warm..." Jing Ling thought as she nonchalantly caught Liad De's fists without even having to take a step back.

"Overestimating myself? It's not that. You're just not strong enough for me to take seriously. Now will you forfeit or shall I make you?"

"Pft. I refuse to believe I will lose to someone who's half my size," but as he tried to pull his fist out of Jing Ling's hands he couldn't.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance." Jing Ling said as she used her right hand to land a punch at Liao De's stomach while she kept his fist in a tight grasp.

"UGH!" Liao De cried as he held his stomach and fainted from the pain.

"Number 18, Chen Xie, winner!"

The crowd went wild as Jing Ling exited the platform and as she was returning to her seat she was caught by her Father.

"Ling'er you..."

"Oh...Damnit, Father. How could you recognize me when I have such a perfect disguise?"

"What disguise? All you did was change your clothes and tied up your hair, anyone would be able to recognize you-you stupid girl!"

"Hmph, just wait till we get home! I'll give you a piece of my mind."