
After the trio left, Huan Ying went home as well but all he could think about was the sensation of holding Jing Ling in his arms.

"Hey, Ying are you here?"

"Yes, come in Bao'er"

Xiao Bao opened the door and entered Huan Ying's room.

"What happened? Why are you in such a good mood? I expected you to be depressed since you lost."


"Heh... Does it have anything to do with what happened at the end?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hehe, don't need to be embarrassed, Huan Ying. So do you like Jing Ling?"

"I don't like her. She's just... interesting."

"Pft, for you to be interested in anything other than training is already a miracle. Does that mean we can recruit her to our side now?"

"Why are you so adamant on bringing her to our side?"

"I like Jing Ling. I want to be friends with her. She's straightforward and doesn't back down in a fight unlike all those fake sluts in the harem and those rich girls hoping to marry into a powerful family.

"She is already in a powerful family but Jing Ling is indeed special."

"Fufu, I'll take this as you are agreeing to let her join."

Meanwhile, at the Jing Family's house, Jing Ling was getting a headache.

"Father, did you see what happened?! We caught Jing Ling embracing the Crown Prince!"

"I know! you don't need to tell me anything. Everyone in the damn arena saw. They all figured out her identity after you shouted that she's your sister too. I told you to pick up your sister, not make a scene for no reason you fools!"

"What! How is that not a reason to freak out? Our pure little sister has been tainted by a man's dirty hands!"

"He was just helping me when I was falling down. You're exaggerating Brother Cheng."

"Hmph, that's not what the people outside will think. Watch by tomorrow, there will be rumors of you and the Crown Prince's public display of affection circulating."

"No way... People in the arena clearly saw what happened."

"Rumors are call rumors for a reason. The people will gossip even if it's not true. Heck, they even make things up to spice it up."

"I think they will probably focus on Xiao Ling winning the competition instead. Since they found out she's from the Jing Family, your sickly reputation's going to be replaced."

As expected, by the next day Jing Ling's popularity skyrocketed. All the men were talking about Jing Ling winning the competition while the females were speculating about her relationship with the Crown Prince.

"Hey, have you heard about the champion of this year's tournament?"

"Of course, I was there yesterday and saw it with my own eyes! That last attack was amazing, I am never going to forget it in my life."

"I'm so jealous! I didn't get to go yesterday."

"Man, you should have seen the lass. Not only is she a genius she's a beauty as well. Truly worthy of the title of the Song Empire's Goddess."

"Goddess? But isn't she's only 12 years old and I thought Cao Xia held that title?"

"Yeah, but Miss. Jing's looks already surpass Cao Xia. Sigh. If only I was 20 years younger, I would be able to ask her for her hand in marriage!"

"Hmph, even if you were younger, she wouldn't pay attention to you. I walked by the Jing estate on my way here and there was a line of men trying to ask for her hand. All of them were from prominent families too. The man who gets her hand in marriage must have saved the world in his past life."


"Hmph, what's so great about a little girl who hasn't even come of age yet. Men are so fickle, the moment someone is a little pretty they immediately hound after her."

"Exactly! She's only 12 years old but she's already in an illicit relationship with the Crown Prince. She probably purposely fell at the end to gain his attention."

"She must be a witch. Who knows what evil methods she used to obtain the Prince's attention."

"I bet the Crown Prince isn't enough for her. Look at all those families asking for her hand in marriage! She probably seduced all those men in the past too!"

"Ugh! How could the Crown Prince get together with such a slut?!"

"The Crown Prince is just toying her. Watch, she will get tossed aside once he gets bored of her."


Master Jing Jun sat in the main hall of the Jing estate as he looked at long stream of people before him. He has been receiving these visitors since early this morning but it's already noon and he has yet to see an end to the line.

"Great Master Jing, I am a messenger from the Chun family. Our young master would like to present Miss. Jing with this neckless made from hundred-year-old obsidians."

Master Jing Jun waves his hand and a servant standing on the side takes the gift and places it in the room next door which has been filled to the brim with other presents now.

"Thank you for visiting us today and we appreciate your sincerity."

The Chun family's messenger smiles.

"No need to thank us. Our young master greatly admires your daughter and would like to get to know each other over tea tomorrow evening."

"I will make sure to let my daughter know about Young Master Chun's sincerity."

"Many thanks. Then I will no longer bother Master Jing."

"Mhm. Servants please escort our guest out."

5 minutes later...

"Great Master Jing, I am a messenger from the Yun family. Our young master..."

"Groan... When will this be over?! This daughter really knows how to cause me trouble."

The sun had long set by the time Master Jing Jun had a meeting with the last messenger.



"Are you done greeting the visitors now?"

"Hmph, who's fault do you think it is that I need to spend the whole day sitting here being tortured?"

Jing Ling laughed. She hadn't expected that winning the competition would bring her so much attention.

"Shouldn't you be glad that you have such an outstanding daughter?"

"What outstanding daughter? If only you listening to me and didn't enter the competition I wouldn't have this headache. Right now I'm just worried about what reckless plans you're going to do next."

"I'm not planning anything... for now."

"Enough, Ling'er go look at the presents and messages all those young master brought. You can decide whether you're going to meet them or not. Don't bother to reply if you're not interested in them. Have Yun send a message to those you want to meet."

"There's no need to trouble Yun. I don't plan on meeting any one of them."

"?! Not even one? They're all from reputable families with decent looks and abilities. You're truly not going to even look?"


"...Ling'er, don't tell me... are you really involved with the Crown Prince like the rumors say?!"

Jing Ling spits out a mouthful of tea.

"koff, koff. How can you believe those rumors Father?"

"Well... "

"Wait. Forget it. I don't want to hear want to hear it."

"Fine. Fine. I'll have the servants bring the gifts to your courtyard and you can do with them as you please."

"Thank you, Father. I will retire for the night now."

"Rest well Ling'er."

"You too Father."