Banquet (4)

As the nobles continued to get drunk and mingle in the banquet hall, Jing Ling couldn't stand the rowdiness and decided to take a stroll in the garden Huan Ying had mentioned before.

Their conversation about martial arts techniques was cut short so she wanted to finish that conversation with him. However, she couldn't find him even after searching the whole garden.

"I guess he went back to his room," thought Jing Ling. "Oh well, we can continue next time."

She decides to sit in the pavilion near the pond to watch the moon. There is a full moon tonight and moon watching was something Jing Ling enjoyed to do even in her previous life. However, the sky in this world is much prettier. There is no pollution from living in a modern day city so thousands of stars twinkled like glitter in the sky and the moon illuminated the night.

Suddenly Jing Ling sensed someone approaching from behind and she became fully alert.

"My, I did not notice someone else was already here. I apologize for startling you."

"It's alright. I am leaving now so please excuse me."

For some reason, Jing Ling didn't like the dangerous look in the stranger's eyes and felt she shouldn't talk to him.

"Hold on! It's such a beautiful night, would you like to accompany me on a stroll?"

The man grabs Jing Ling's wrist and wouldn't let her go.

Huan Ying was observing the garden from the roof of the banquet hall when saw Huan Huo following Jing Ling.

"Tsk, what is that bastard planning to do now?"

He continues to keep an eye on them but when he sees Huan Huo grab Jing Ling, he bolted and ran towards the pavilion...

"Excuse me, but I don't even know who you are and you are being very inappropriate right now."

"How silly of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the Second Prince of this empire, please call me Huan Huo. May I have the honor of knowing your name?"

"Second Prince? Shit, I can't be rude and offend him but I also need to get away." thought Jing Ling.

"It's nice to meet you Prince Huo. My name is Jing Ling. I apologize but I must decline your invitation. I have been gone from the banquet hall for far too long. I'm afraid my Father and Elder Brothers are worried about me so I should head back now. Please let go of my hand."

"Oh? You're the famous Jing Ling! It's an honor to meet you but you shouldn't be such a killjoy. I'm sure your family won't mind if you stay a bit longer...right?"

Instead of letting go of Jing Ling, Huan Huo tightened his grip, making Jing Ling wince.

"Tsk. This bastard!" Jing Ling thought.

"Prince Huo, if you don't let go right now then don't blame me for being rude."

She no longer cared and glared at him.

"Is that a threat? Heh... I would like to see the champion's abilities myself."


Jing Ling uses her leg and sweeps him to the ground. One hand twists his arm behind his back and the other pressed his head to the floor.


"What's so funny?" Jing Ling frowned.

"Keke, you're much better than I thought."

"Better than you thought? What did you think I am? A weakling?"

"I had thought my brother went easy and lost to you on purpose but it looks like you really do have some skills."

"And why would he let me win?"

"That's because he wants to gain your favor and get you to join his..."

"Jing Ling! Are you alright..."

Huan Ying ran over to the pavilion to save Jing Ling only to find that she didn't need his help at all.

"I'm fine but your younger brother..."

"I know. Huan Huo, what is the meaning of this?"

"Hehe, Dear Older Brother, why are you getting angry? Nothing happened to her. Shouldn't you worry about me who is being crushed right now?"

"Stop pretending."

"Fine. I was...just curious but Miss. Jing really is unique compared to all these girls that chase after us. Don't you agree Older Brother?"

Huan Ying just kept glaring at him.

"Keke, I didn't know you could be so shy Older Brother. Say... Miss. Jing, would you like to join my faction?"

"Huan Huo!"

Huan Huo ignored Huan Ying and looked at Jing Ling.


"Yes. Honestly, I would like to take you as my Queen but you can act my advisor first. You can help me convince the masses that I would be a better fit for the throne than my Dear Older Brother. Thus I would like you should join my side."

"I decline."

"Don't be so rash. There's plenty of time for you to decide. I'm sure you will eventually see that I am a much better choice."

Huan Ying couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed Jing Ling off of Huan Huo.

Huan Huo got up and dusted himself off.

"Thanks for your help Older Brother. Now if you don't mind me, I will be leaving."

However, after a few steps, he turned around again.

"Ah Brother interrupted us so I didn't get to tell you, Miss. Jing. You shouldn't be so trusting of my Brother. He is the same as me and wants you to join his faction so be careful and don't be deceived."

Jing Ling didn't say anything until Huan Huo's figure had disappeared.

"So this what you meant when you said you wanted to see if I will be of any use to you?"


"I see."

Jing Ling didn't look at Huan Ying and heads back to the banquet hall.

"Hmm? Jing Ling where have you been?" Xiao Bao asked as she saw her return from the garden. "What happened? Why do you look upset?"

"Nothing. Have you seen my family?"

"Yes. Your Father is still drinking with Prime Minister Chun, Lady Jing Ying is talking Lady Chun and your brothers were flirting with some ladies."

"I see. Thank you. I'm going now. I'll talk to you next time."

"Ok. See you next time!"

Jing Ling went her Father and found him and the Prime Minister with one arm over each other's shoulder.

"Father, aren't you drinking a little too much?"

"Ah? Ling'er, You're here! Come, meet Prime Minister Chun."

"It's very nice to meet you, Prime Minister Chun."

"What a beautiful young lady. Talent and beauty, no wonder my grandson likes you."

"Your grandson?"

"Yes, his name is Chun Rong. My servant told me he sent you a necklace made from hundred-year-old obsidians and invited you to tea, or was I misinformed?"

"No, that did indeed happen."

"He isn't a bad Miss. Jing, please give him a chance. He has been quite sad these days because you didn't accept his invitation."

"I apologize, I had some important matters to attend to so I didn't have time. Maybe next time."

"Then I shall thank you in advance."

Jing Ling nodded and looked at her Father.

"Father, I came to tell you that I'm tired so I will be leaving first."

"Already? It's dangerous for you to head home this late by yourself. Bring your brothers with you."

"No, it's quite alright. They're trying to find you a daughter-in-law so I don't want them to miss their chance."


"See you later. Don't get too drunk or Mother will get angry again."

Jing Ling didn't wait for his reply and turned around to leave.