Assassins (2)

"Your Majesty, there's an emergency!"

"What? What happened?"

Emperor Huan sat up while still half-asleep.

Head Eunuch Ping ran into the bedchamber and kneeled.

"Sir Chun came back and reported that Miss... Miss. Jing was attacked by assassins."

The Emperor sprung out of bed with a serious expression on his face.

"How is she?"

"Sir Chun is bringing Miss. Jing to see Doctor Su as we speak so we do not know yet. However, Miss Jing was covered in blood when they arrived."

"Lead me there now, and call Grandmaster Tian here immediately."

"Yes, your Majesty."



Sir Chun kicked down the door of Doctor Su's room and startled him.

"What are you doing? How dare you kick down my door?" Doctor Su shouted angrily.

However, the moment his eyes landed on Jing Ling's bloody state he quickly assessed the situation.

"Miss. Jing! You. Quickly, put her down over here."

He pointed to a clean bed to their left.

Sir. Chun did as he was told and left the room.

Doctor Su immediately removed Jing Ling's clothes and was shocked to see the number of injuries she had but quickly recovered himself and worked on stopping the bleeding. He began by washing the cuts with hot water before grinding Mugwort Leaf and Biota Leaves into a paste and applying it all over her wounds. He bandaged her from head to toe like a mummy and left her to rest.

As Doctor Su walked out of his room, he saw a few people waiting outside including Sir Chun.

"Your Majesty and Grandmaster Tian, why are you two here so late in the night?"

"Miss. Jing. How is she?"

"She has too many wounds and most of them are very deep. I have stopped the bleeding for now but she has lost too much blood. She has a fever right now so until this passes I can't say for sure if she will make it."

"You mean she will...die?"

"Unfortunately, yes. If Miss. Jing's fever doesn't break or gets too high, her life will be in danger. There will also be a problem if anyone of her wounds become infected so we must be careful. Honestly, with the state Miss. Jing's body is currently in, I am surprised she hasn't died yet."


"Doctor Su, I will leave Miss. Jing in your care. Please waste no efforts in saving her."

"Of course your Majesty, this humble servant will go take of Miss. Jing now."


The Emperor nodded and Doctor Su retreated.

"What should we do your Majesty? What if Miss. Jing doesn't make it?"

"There is nothing we can do except hope that she can brave this through. Have you learned anything about the assassins yet Chun Rong?"

"Not yet, I left my men the search the Jing Estate but they have yet to send me a message. We brought back their leader and he is currently in the torture chambers being interrogated but he has yet to say anything."

Just then. one of the men left behind came over to report.

"Sir! All the residents in the Jing Estate are in a state of unconsciousness. We tried to wake up Master Jing Jun but no matter what we tried, he did not give us any response."

"Unconscious? Were they knocked out?" asked Grandmaster Tian.

"No sir, we checked for any signs of an impact but there were none. It was the same for everyone else as well. We did, however, find one of these in every room."

The man takes out a small pouch filled with power in incense and Chun Rong takes the pouch.

"Good work. You may go back and continue to keep watch."

"Yes!" and he disappears.

"Your Majesty, do you mind if I have Doctor Su examine the contents of this pouch?"

"No, go ahead."

"Thank you. I shall bring hand it over to him now."

Chun Rong left, leaving the Emperor and Grandmaster Tian alone.

"This is definitely an attack from them isn't it your Majesty?"

"Most likely. The problem is how did they find out about her so quickly? We have been highly cautious with any information related to Miss. Jing and her family."

"...I can only think of two explanations. A spy has infiltrated into our ranks or there is a traitor among those who know."

"Yes, I have thought that too but who could it be? We have only informed a handful of people and they are all our most trusted personnel."

They looked at each other with grave expressions. If anyone of those people is a traitor, there will be a huge problem. The empire could be at risk.

"Sigh. For now, let's deal with the problems at hand first. Grandmaster Tian, I need to ask you for a great favor."

"What is it, your Majesty?"

"I need you to head to the Southern border and let General Jing know about what has happened tonight."

"But your Majesty, what if they conduct a large-scale attack while I am gone? The palace and the people will be in great danger."

"I know but that stubborn old man won't come back even if I send an imperial decree let alone a normal letter. Without him at the borders, we would be vulnerable to sneak attacks from those tribes and he knows it. Thus, I need you to fill in his post until the Jing family matters have settled down. This way he won't have an excuse not to come back and take care of his family for once."

"Sigh. As you wish. I will prepare for the journey now and set out as soon as possible."

"May you have a safe journey."

"Thank you, your Majesty."