As they entered the city, they were greeted with a bustling city. Most of the races seen, were emitting strong ki but those, who gave Broly a sense of danger, were those who didn't emit anything. This was surprising since in the series it was implied that few species except for the earthlings had a technique to conceal or amplify their ki.

Most would have another transformation which boost their ki, but to hide their ki should be near impossible since most beings don't even have the ability to sense ki.

It became clearer as they went deeper in to the city, that this city is not ruled by Saiyans. The Saiyans didn't really seem to have a high status in society either, except for the occasional glance from other warriors, they were mostly ignored by the common people.

Soon they arrived at their so-called headquarters. The entrance hall was large, a few men were discussing something at the sides, seemingly preparing to move out for a mission. Straight ahead was an elevator with a staircase on the right side.

While they were waiting for the elevator to arrive, Gine said to Broly that she was going to show him something, to explain the current peril they were in. The hunter squad and the guide already left evidently uninterested in the upcoming conversation and being somewhat exited to leave for some new mission.

Standing in the elevator, she took a card out and put it into a slid right next to the button panel. Blinking green as a new button at the bottom appeared.

Apparently going into their secret basement. As they were walking out the elevator and along the corridor, Gine began talking.

"You are probably wondering what I'm going to show you and why. You see, the city, the people, even though there are disagreements, maybe even hatred between our races, are trying our best to survive. Our race is no different."

"They are dangerous. A race that is powerful enough to force so many races to work together."

"Yes, the CE's are unimaginable strong. The strongest in this city, our city lord had a rough time against these creatures, even though he has a power level of 50 million. But their strength is not the only thing frightening about them."

'So, the strongest is above 50 million. With my current strength I'm no match for him, but I will bridge this gap soon! Hehe'

The voice to his side dragged him back to reality before he could further indulge in his fantasies.

"It is the ability to suck away your life force. With every physical exchange they get stronger, until you end up too exhausted. There is also their troublesome poison which prevents you from natural healing. Without external help, it is almost impossible to heal your wounds. That is why the city lord is still recuperating. But we got have a few years to spare because of that."

*Gasp* Broly was shocked by this information.

'Even if their strength is not that impressive in the whole scheme of things, it is still scary to have an opponent who can suck up your life force. What are ways to heal your life force? They probably don't have any senzu beans and even with that it may not even cut it. No wonder all the people living here have such a high control of ki.'

As they entered another long corridor, they saw an old short man with glasses hunching over what seemed to be a high-tech computer.

Just behind the computer desk was a glass wall and behind it a completely black humanoid being. It looked like it was born straight out of the darkness. It didn't have any facial expression and its skin seemed to suck up the light around its near periphery. It seemed to fade for a moment before solidifying again, as if it was blinking in and out of existing. As Broly looked at the creature, he became agitated, few seconds past before regaining his composure.

"It is starving to death." Said the man without looking up.

"This is how they starve and eventually die. They don't leave corpses, ashes, energy or any other kind of remains. It is like they cease to exist or never existed in the first place."

"What are they feeding on?" Just as the words came out he realized that he already got the answer from Gine a moment ago.


Letting the information sink in for a second, before Gine continued to explain.

"To be honest, you are the only one from the younger generation I brought down here. The reason I let you know all of this is because of your high-power level.

The reason why we could increase our strength in these past years to such a high level was because of a particular fruit, which will also help you fight against these creatures for a longer period of time. It supplements you with high quality lifeforce and can thereby diminish part of the damage done to you.

But even without its help, you managed to increase your strength by a lot It shows how much potential there is in you. In the future you will become an exceptional warrior, maybe even a Super Saiyan"

"Ahem. Gine could you tell me the name of the fruit and what it looks like?"

"Sure thing, the locals call it the fruit of life. It is a light orange color with numerous prickly thorns on the rind"

'The fruit of might! But this is supposed to be non-canon! Well, I'm also a canon but there was a movie scheduled. Does this mean every movie will take place in the future as well? Wait! Did she say they used the fruit of might?'

"Do you have more of those fruits?" seeing the panicked face of the little child, amused Gine.

"Haha. Yes of course and we can still get more in the future, you don't have to worry about not getting one any more. It only needs time to grow and a lot of energy. But luckily you led us to energy crystals, so we can exchange one with the city."

"You mean those glowing crystals in my cave?"

"That's right. In the center of the city the tree which bears the fruit of life needs massive amount of energy and those energy crystals can provide just that. Non-warrior race tends to the tree. They grind the crystals and put them into soil. After a few days a fruit will ripe and be ready for plucking. The hunter squad, those who escorted us, are already on their way to mine them."

"By the way how many crystals do you need for one fruit?"

"About 2 crystals and from what I could see, there were around 100 crystals littering about, some even bigger than normal one's." with a big smile on her face obviously happy to strike it rich, she looked at Broly.

"So before we go and measure your exact battle capabilities, any more questions?"