
'When a Saiyan tries to transform but hasn't enough S-Cells to truly turn Super Saiyan, the Saiyan briefly goes into a false Super Saiyan state known as Pseudo Super Saiyan. The only reason Cana didn't achieve Super Saiyan was only because she wasn't strong enough. Luckily she didn't outright kill him. Fortunately, it is a state one can only sustain for a few moments.' Broly went over to the now resting Cana, to check up on her. This form heavily burdens the body even more than the normal Super Saiyan, as what is achieved is essentially an incomplete form. She was completely exhausted after the fight, but luckily it was her last fight, so she had enough time to rest.

"Cana, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, I think? I don't remember much... I only wanted to win. I was so angry that I was about to lose, to lose everything I've worked for. My mind just blank for a second before I was congratulated by Daz. I asked him about what happened but was as clueless as me. A shame it seems it is quite the strong power, if I could make it my own…sigh."

"Pseudo Super Saiyan."


"The state you were in is called the Pseudo Super Saiyan. It is not so important that you remember what happened during your blackout, but you should recall everything before you transformed. It will help you transform into a Super Saiyan in the future."

Broly left her with these words. His last battle was awaiting him.

Cana was in daze before her eyes widened in shock, looking at the back of Broly.

Now Cana, Alea and Taro moved to the next round, only Broly and Aize were left with one fight. Coincidentally both their opponents were dracos. Broly could make out by the aura, the opponent of Aize gave off in its battles, that Aize will have a hard time against him. Aize was a bit weaker than his opponent, but if he stayed at a distance and shoot ki blast at him, he should be fine.

The dracos weren't bad at ki attacks, since the attacks of the CE forced them to use it more often. But the innate strength of those humanoid dragons were still their slashes. Slicing their opponent up with their claws or breathing fire. On close and middle ranged battles, they were standing on the apex.

Broly knew this, so like a smart man he chose to only fight him in close combat.

He needed the battle experience, even though he sparred with Alea, Taro and Daz almost every day in the last 2 months, it is not the same as they were still Saiyans. Now an opponent presented itself with unique and different methods for battle, how could he not be excited?

His weakness were still his techniques, which left him behind most. He used his superior body strength, his ki and his keen fighting instincts to bridge this gap and far surpassing them, but he knew how important close combat techniques were. An opponent which is adept in close combat, Broly only needed to suppress his ki and a perfect sharpening tool presented itself.

After every battle he would analyze his moves and always discovered new flaws and tried to fix them. He was constantly reducing useless movements, becoming sharper as he battles. Even in his previous battles, which utterly bored him, not even making him move, showed him new attack methods. Like the succubi. Although it had no effect on him, he learned that by releasing a bit of ki with his speech he could influence his opponent. Although it would only be helpful in making his opponent disorientated for a second, it still added something to his repertoire.


Without hesitation Broly closed in. Ducking under his opponent's slash, he slammed his fist into his opponent. Sliding across the stage, the draco took a deep breath.

Broly followed his movements only to see a yellow wall appearing in front the draco, approaching him.



A green sphere surrounded Broly at the last second, before the flames engulfed him. Pushing him backwards as the ground under him gave in. The tiles crackling from the high temperature. Only slowly extinguishing, after the breath stopped. The former white tiles were now charred black with a now black energy sphere resting on top, before shattering and revealing a figure in a white gi.

Putting out a small flame on his shoulder before once again dashing towards the draco. This time, however, he caught his slash, pulling him hard towards him. Letting him fall, just to meet his face with his knee.

Just as he connected a shadow formed above Broly, slamming him away. Flying a few meters before readjusting himself in the air. The dracos had tails and apparently used them as weapon as well, Broly thought as he sensed the blood trickling over his cheek.

"Don't think I will go easy on the likes of you!" Growled the draco as he for the first time took the initiative. Appearing in front of Broly wildly slashing at him. Broly barely dodging the claws, he waited for an opportunity. With every second he got pushed closer to the stage end.

The draco not giving Broly anytime to breath, pushed even harder, until he got swiftly hit in the face. It was not a strong hit but he lost his focus for a fraction of a second, enough time for Broly to exploit. A punch followed towards the side of the draco.

A clean hit on the right side of his body. Flying dozens of meters, before trying to stand up again just to immediately fell to his knees. He had a hard time breathing. His arms and legs felt like jelly, he just kneeled there trying to take a breath without success.

"A liver punch? Although you guys look way different than us, it seems our inner structure is rather similar." Broly smiling at his lucky punch. "But did you really forget that I too have a tail? Well a win is a win, I guess. It is not like it isn't a part of my body."

Without saying anything further, he closed in before kicking him outside the stage.

Earning the first place in his group, he went to have a look at Aize's result.

He seemed to have struggled a bit against the fire-breath as most of the stage got turned black, but he finished his opponent off with a few blasts.

[Narrator: The group of 5 won their battles and are ready to move to the next round. Only another fight left before they gain the right as disciples. Will they succeed? Or will they be stopped at the finishing line? Find out next on Broly the Saiyan of Legend!]