The Final Battle!

While the audience was still in shock the two on stage distanced themselves from each other. Broly's eyes were filled with excitement as he looked towards his opponent. Broly already had numerous cuts all over his body, but none of them lethal or near as serious as they looked. During the time they fought each other Broly used his body to endure the superficial wounds but always dodged the dangerous ones.

His perception was heightened to an extreme degree. So much that he corrected his own movements whilst fighting against an opponent, who is not only faster but also stronger than him. Every attack of Zinjo could potentially finish this match, declaring Zinjo as the victor. But as more wounds Broly sustained, rather than slowing down and losing in strength, his movements became sharper than ever before. Beside that Broly's endurance was higher than Zinjo's and it was evident to all.

While Broly looked awful as he was covered in his own blood and sweat, his breathing was long and steady. Zinjo on the other took short and erratic breaths, looking exhausted already. Of course, the wounds on Broly were still something he had to deal with. Even if he can sustain countless wounds, everyone had their upper limit, as long as Zinjo could push him that far or dealt a crucial hit, Zinjo would win.

Without thinking any further Zinjo dashed at Broly again, aiming all his attacks on vital areas. Pushing and pressuring further until Broly would break.

After Zinjo missed a hit once again, a fist landed on his stomach lifting his body into the air. He landed and took a few steps backwards while holding his stomach, breathless. His eyes were widened from the pain. He looked to the front as he saw the smiling Saiyan.

"You're running out of time Myrmidon! I'm still waiting for you to crush me."

Broly's first attack in this battle and it already almost forced Zinjo to his knees. Zinjo couldn't believe this. He already transformed and wounded Broly numerous times. How was it possible that Broly could still go on? He should have won with ease already, so why? Zinjo already lost a bit confidence as he saw the steady figure in front of him. He didn't notice that Broly used his Compelling Speech, which he copied from the succubus, to influence the mood of Zinjo.

Fear can be a powerful weapon, the emotions heightens alertness, keeping the body and brain focused and allow the person to stay their ground and fight or to run away as quick as possible. But many also freeze up, a primal instinct, mostly for the predator to be less likely to see it.

Now Broly became the predator in Zinjo's eyes and instead of readying for battle, he froze up. Broly of course saw this and rushed towards Zinjo and struck his chest.

Zinjo flew with his back to the ground across the stage. He tried to get back his bearings but before he could Broly already jumped on his stomach, crashing Zinjo into the ground. Broly stood on the body of Zinjo before jumping up and accelerating downwards, again pushing Zinjo deeper into the ground. He started using Zinjo's body as a trampoline, largening the crater under Zinjo with every hit.

After a while Zinjo escaped the repeated attack before facing Broly again. This time filled with battle-intent.

"Hehe. That's more like it."

Broly exclaimed as he started running towards Zinjo, initiating another round of devastating exchanges.

Thunder-like explosions rang out on the stage. The complete stage filled with dust and shrapnel. It was thoroughly destroyed by the two. After a while two exhausted figures were standing still in the middle. They already battled for half an hour. The time limit was lifted as it would be the last fight, fortunate for Broly as his endurance surpassed Zinjo. Both were now exhausted to the extreme. Zinjo was already pushed past his limits, his legs shaking from exhaustion. He couldn't go on with this kind of battle he had to win this in one last strike.

Broly was thinking the same way, although he had stamina to spare, his body was riddled with wounds. Most of the blood on the stage was from Broly, the loss of blood was ultimately affecting his mind. Already on the verge of losing his conscious, he charged all his remaining strength into the technique he prepared for this tournament. The technique from the original Broly. A highly compressed energy sphere, the Eraser Cannon.

Zinjo started to charge up his energy. His blade-arm pointed to the sky began to shine brighter the second.

On the other side of the stage Broly powered up his energy, leaking it out to the surrounding. Filling his close periphery with a green light. Afterwards he gathered the green light energy from around his body into his palm. Shining through his fingers before being formed into a bright-green energy sphere.

On the same time Zinjo slashed down sending out an orange sharp wave of ki. Broly threw his sphere in response.

"Fire Splitting Blade!!" "Eraser Cannon!!"

In an instant the two ki attacks met in the middle of the stage a 1-meter tall sphere clashed against a 3-meter-long ki wave. Although it looked unimposing in comparison to other ki attacks the moment the attacks met, the terrifying energy created a dangerous shockwave. The collision gave birth to powerful whirlwinds as lightning permeated throughout the stage. The stray energy strong enough to kill the majority of the people present. The other younglings were already brought away from harms way. The audience started to fly into the air as they watched in shock from a distance as the whole stadium was tinted in a green hue on one side and an orange one on the other. The two lights shone into the already dark sky.

Broly's sphere was being slowly pushed away at the beginning. It even began to show signs of being cut in to two in the area the attacks collided.

Broly and Zinjo still pushing all they had into the attacks pulling out their energy to the utmost limit.


Suddenly the blade began to crack, followed by an explosion. Zinjo was drained of energy with no strength left, he fell to the ground. The explosion was swept away as the sphere shot towards the lying Zinjo, creating a path of destruction. Just before the sphere landed on the unconscious Zinjo, it got diverted by another sphere into the sky.

Exploding far away from the stadium, dominating the sky. The green energy shone onto the planet like the midday sun.