
A week later Alea, Aize, Taro and Broly went for another mission. This time it was a simple investigation mission to the west. There were some reports about disappearing people, usually they were stronger individual with plenty of experience.

After their increase they wanted to adapt to their power, but unfortunately it turned out to be investigation, maybe the city lord arranged that way, so they would take a longer rest. Although they were unsatisfied with the type of mission they got, they still carried on. They went to the village that made the last report and have them tell about the missing person's routine. They followed the instructions from the villagers and soon found a few markings of scratches.

Varying in sizes and depths, the footprints were also all different. This didn't tell Broly anything, but the others were more familiar with those hints.

"Maybe it is the CE?" Taro said aloud, as they flew further west and with it the markings became more obvious.

"Don't be ridiculous, they only appear on full moon! It is still 2 years until that. There is no way they would show up now." Aize immediately retorted.

"What else could it be? That number of varying creatures of different shapes in a singular spot, only the stronger ones disappeared, meaning only those with stronger lifeforce. Which should be their scouts to test the waters, before they go on a full-on assault. Obviously points at the CE"

"Aize, you said they only appear in full moon?" Broly inquired.

"Hm? Yes, they do. Pretty much every time they start their attack, it is on a full moon. Since we only have a full moon every 3 years, they only attack then and with the moon they retract their forces."

"Wait. Has that something to do with your tails being removed?"


"I know about that!" Alea suddenly chimed in, seemingly eager to show of her knowledge.

"My father told me that we have to cut off our tails before the full moon comes out. It takes some time before they regrow, so every few years we have to cut it off. Apparently, the CE completely lose it when they see one with a tail. They will prioritize you and will not cease until one is dead, in addition it is said that we can transform into giant apes. Most Saiyans are not able to remain conscious in that state making one an even easier target, so the higher up decided to cut it off."

"They prioritize those with tails? Or are they prioritizing Saiyans?"

"Ehm. It seems they prioritize Saiyans, since dracos still keep their tails."

'Weird. Even after I am able to sense lifeforce, it doesn't appear that Saiyans contain different lifeforce than others. The tail only seemed to have a greater amount of lifeforce but that should be it. So, what have tails to do with them being able to sense Saiyans. If they can sense lifeforce, wouldn't they recognize Saiyans even if they cut off their tails? Unless a Saiyan loses something with the tail and they don't actually sense the lifeforce in the tail but something else? Hmm?'

As they were flying over a small river, Broly discovered what appears to be bloody figure.

"Guys. I think I discovered something!"

Without waiting he flew down, landing a few tens of meters away from the figure. He scanned the area, trying to sense any other lifeforce or ki signature in the vicinity, indicating an ambush. After he didn't sense anybody, he directed his focus on the figure. He realized that the lifeforce was a bit on the low side. He quickly approached what appears to be young woman. He stabilized her before feeding her a healing capsule.

By then the others were already landing near him. After seeing him heal her, they went out to secure the area. It would take awhile for her to recover, it wouldn't be wise to move her now and risk to worsen her injuries.

Although Broly realized that her dress was not drenched in blood but just that this was the color of it. He still didn't want to risk anything, so they waited for her to wake up.

After an hour and two capsules, she finally woke up.

Her eyes felt heavy as she tried to open them. After struggling for a minute, she finally could see a stranger who was crouching next to her. After the initial shock, she saw the badge at his belt indicating that he was from Elpis. She looked down at her body seeing the dirtied and ragged dress that she wore. She remembered what happened. She remembered her village burn. She remembered her father sacrificing himself for her.

She broke out in tears as she threw herself at the stranger, crying in his arms.

Seeing the woman cry in his arm, he knew that she had be through much to accumulate so much pain that she would throw herself at a stranger. She was obviously traumatized by the events.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He tried to ask in the gentlest voice he could manage.

"… CE…" In between her sobbing and mumbling he recognized the word CE. Without waiting he picked her up princess style. Before commanding the others.

"We are going back! Now!" Although he wasn't the official leader, but he was still the strongest and they could read the seriousness in his voice, so without hesitation they followed his orders.

It didn't take long until the woman cried herself to sleep again, while they were flying. After a few hours they arrived at the city lord's infirmary.

They went to the city lord and reported what they have seen and what Broly believed to have heard the woman say.

"Alright. I will inform the defense. Broly stay with the woman until she wakes up. She may calm down easier after seeing you again. Inform me through your badge. The other three of you should go back and tell your leader to meet me in the city hall as soon as possible."


Shortly the heads of the various races were assembled before they decided to call their people back. If this news was correct, they had to prepare themselves, but before they take further actions they wanted to wait until the woman wake up.

Broly was sitting next to her bed meditating. Over the time the process of taking over control accelerated. The weaker the remnants ki got, the stronger and faster he got. He was close to having full control.

After a day she woke up, seeing the stranger again, sitting cross-legged on the table with his eyes closed.

She let out a relieved sigh, before it hit her again. Remembering the last few days which felt like a horrible nightmare to her. She was close to the tears again, before her train of thought was interrupted. A green pulse started radiating from the stranger. The pressure kept growing stronger threatening to crush her until she let out a painfilled groan.