
Their rest was quick to pass. The next day, a lot of movement were registered. The army was already assembled as well as Broly's group.

They again stood on the wall watching the war unfold. Very similar to yesterday, the CE had increasingly powerful individuals in their ranks, which resulted in a few bypassing the fourth defense line. The defense line struggled hard to eliminate every CE that came attacking. After all there were barely a hundred, who could go against the class C, but there were more than just a few hundred who kept attacking. They were largely outnumbered, weren't it for the fact that the CE were weak against ki attacks, Elpis would have fallen already.

The defense lines were threatened to break completely. The city lord started to appear to reduce the stress on the other race's leaders and veterans. The city lord was only supposed to appear when a class A emerged, but he couldn't stand still after it escalated to such a degree.

Even in the presence of the city lord the CE relentlessly were heading towards the wall. The last defense line had a somber face, as they saw the sheer size of the attack. They could feel the shockwaves from the clashes and smelled the blood that was spilled. They knew that they couldn't let even one through. Otherwise it would lead to a massacre in the city.

Every CE which broke through the fourth defense headed towards Broly, apparently attracted to his tail. Broly wanted to meet them head on. He didn't use any ki attacks, he wanted to know if they could extract his lifeforce. As he could control his lifeforce he was confident to negate their influence, but he wanted to test it out before it gets even more serious.

"Alea. If you see me not handling it, just shoot some ki blast. It is better to be injured than have my lifeforce absorbed."


Broly dashed forward directly at the closest. He crossed the few hundred meters distance in an instance. He dived under the slash of the first CE. Without stopping, he rushed at the one right behind the first and punched out.

It was sent flying, without any resistant. The second could hardly react to the sheer speed that Broly displayed.

Without waiting, he span around and kicked the approaching CE away. He quickly followed up. Before the CE could rebalance itself in the air, Broly already appeared above him and punched him into the ground, immediately creating a huge crater. Broly wasn't going to stop with that, he quickly crashed towards the crater. With his fingers extended, he stabbed into the chest of the CE. Before he could pull his hand out the CE started fading.

The second CE finally caught up to Broly and tried to attack from the back but was quickly hit by a ki blast from Alea. It was badly injured by the surprise attack, it bled its black liquid onto the ground, which quickly faded as well. Broly didn't hesitate and grabbed the head of the CE with one hand and the body with the other.

He tore apart the head from the body and threw it onto the ground like garbage. Both parts faded away and Broly retreated to the wall.

"And how was it?" Alea asked him, seeing Broly in thoughts as he looked at his hand.


"Can they absorb your lifeforce?"

"No… but I can."


"I can absorb their lifeforce."

The others were surprised by the revelation. It was unheard of someone forcefully absorbing foreign lifeforce, of course with the exception of the CEs themselves. It was surprising as the CEs main strength was absorbing lifeforce. This was what they made them so dangerous. Now not only have they failed to absorb Broly's but were absorbed by its target instead.

Alea stepped forward.

"Can you absorb my lifeforce?" She struck out her arm waiting for Broly to grasp it. Broly thought for a moment before holding her arm. He tried to forcefully absorb Alea's lifeforce but to no avail.

"No reaction at all. Maybe there are other conditions?" Broly thought out aloud.

"Never mind, focus on the war again."

He tried to direct his attention towards the ongoing war as well, but he couldn't help but feel a bit distracted. The lifeforce he just absorbed was astonishing pure, it seemed to enhance his own lifeforce, purifying it. Although the changes were miniscule, they were still there.

From the corner of his eye, he saw someone dashing forwards to the fourth defense line.

"Hm? Hey!"

It was Cana, who rushed forwards.

"Stop!" Broly roared as he quickly followed behind.


"Fuck! What is she doing?!" Taro cursed as he and Alea tried to follow them, but they were stopped by Aize.

"Wait! We have to stay! The last defense would have a huge hole without us, let Broly bring her back! Alea you too! You are the second strongest of us. We can't afford you guys to leave!"

"But…" Alea tried to say something but couldn't refute his words. Taro furrowed his brows in dissatisfaction, but didn't say anything.

Broly almost caught up on her, as he saw her firing ki blasts at a few CEs which were overpowering two veterans, a woman and a man. He saw how they struggled to keep themselves alive. Broly accelerated until he looked like a beam flying directly at the attacking CEs. He crashed into one of them, plunging his entire arm inside the chest of one. Again, he felt it to be surprisingly easy to absorb its lifeforce. The other CE was taken care of by Cana. Broly already saw through the lifeforce, that both were already dead. Before he could premade her for her actions, he saw her quickly ran up to the woman's corpse, checking on her. Not feeling a pulse, she panicked before trying to give the woman a healing capsule.

"Cana they are already dead. You can't save them, go back to your position." Broly furrowed his eyebrows after she saw her running to the man giving him a capsule as well. He saw that more CEs were approaching but also the reinforcement from the city headed this way. They had to go back otherwise there would be too many at one place. He already attracted the CEs with his tail and the flow of the battle in the third and fourth row already slowly shifted towards their direction.

They quickly had to move.


"I- I thought I saw my parents…" She was still sitting next to the woman with her head down.

"We don't have time for this! We are going back!" Broly grabbed her arm, forcing her up and sprinted towards their original position.

"No! I will kill every last one of them!"

Broly suddenly felt a finger being pulled. While running he looked back at her. He saw her gripping his index finger and her ki flaring up.

"Arghhh!" Cana broke his finger and quickly escaped his grasp, after he loosened up.

She shot towards the frontline.
