The Legend

Broly's gaze was filled with rage, there were bulging veins on his face.

Cana was stunned for a second, before reassuring herself.

"Hmph. I am the legendary Super Saiyan, you can do nothing to me!"

"You ignorant brat! Only because you transformed ahead of me, you think you can beat ME?"

Unconsciously she stepped back, as she felt Broly's ki rising. Broly was enveloped by his green ki which pierced into the heavens.

"Uwaaaaah ahahaha! Fwahahhahahahaha"

The earth was trembling. The ground broke apart. Broly's ki was rapidly rising, it felt like his strength was limitless. Black clouds sprawled across the sky, lighting illuminated the night as bolts of white lightning shot towards Broly.

The broken ground beneath them crumbled into dust as it flew into the sky. Cana was terrified as she felt the frightening energy spewing out of Broly. Her legs started shaking under pressure Broly gave off. She couldn't help but distance herself a few meters backwards. No trace of her previous arrogance to be seen.


Broly suddenly stopped laughing, the sky turned quite as if the previous thunderstorm was just an illusion. His green ki retracted into his body.


Broly's skin started to crack as green light shone out of his body. A terrifying roar came out of Broly's mouth.


His body exploded as the energy burst out of him. A spherical explosion started growing, destroying anything in its path. Impulses of green light erupted out of him, changing the light scheme of this planet into a green one, before gathering back to him.

Cana was sent flying by the shockwave, only after a few hundred meters was she able to regain her foothold.

She couldn't believe what she saw.

"Y- You, B-Broly?"

In the hundred-meter massive crater stood, a 2,5 tall, figure. A man with a massive frame and bulging steel like muscles. Broly stood there as his green flame-like ki was enveloping his whole body. His hair turned completely green and stood on end. His pupils disappeared, leaving only white back.

Cana was barely able to hold her ground, as she looked into his complete white eyes. Her instinct was telling her to run, to escape. She couldn't help but fear the man, who stood in front of her. She tried to move but she couldn't, her body wasn't obeying her anymore.

"The legend…" was the only thing she could mutter. She fell backwards onto her butt, as her face was filled with terror.

Broly growled seemingly struggling with this immense power. His body was tense, twitching from time to time.

A moment later he started to relax again as he showed a smile. But in his current form he seemed even more evil with it. It looked like a devil's smile, a simple smile conveying his sadistic nature.

He was mocking her as he watched her tremble before him.

"So, you are the Legendary Super Saiyan! Hahahaha. What a joke! I show you what the legend really prophesied! The only payment, your life!"

Cana shrieked as she heard this, still sitting on the ground. She seemed to have flashbacks, from the time she thought she would die with her father. Thinking that today would be the day she dies, surprisingly gave her courage to stand back up and face Broly.

"Oh? Heh. It wouldn't be fun otherwise. Haha"

With these words he disappeared from Cana's eyes, before she felt her head being grabbed and being picked up. She struggled to get out, but she couldn't budge the hand. Her backward kicks had no effect. Suddenly she felt something hit her, it felt like a comet struck her back, sending her flying thousands of kilometers, only to be stopped by the mountainside nearby.

She was coughing out blood and panted heavily. The one hit already brought her to the verge of death. She was embedded in the mountainside. She took out some healing capsules, with her still intact arm. Her back almost snapped with the one punch he gave her. She needed to recover fast.

As she took in the healing capsules, she saw a massive figure standing at the entrance of the little cave, she created on impact. He was watching her heal. She could see that he was unconcerned even if she completely recovered. She saw his smile, revealing his attention to torture her.

"Didn't you say I wouldn't be near you in strength. Hahahahaha!"

"Fuuuu. Take this!" Having recovered she turned around and shot out a ki blast. But she didn't stop, she kept firing ki blasts endlessly. Only after a few minutes, after she exhausted herself, she stopped and popped in another healing capsule to recover her lost ki.

A huge smokescreen was created, and a huge figure just walked through it. Under the barrage of her ki blasts, half of the mountain was blown up, but he was completely unfazed. There was not even a scratch on him, even his clothes were fine.

"Hmph. This this all you got?" He mocked her with a grin. "If that's the case, it is my turn."

He straightforwardly grabbed towards her head again. Seeing this she used a ki sphere to stop the approaching hand. That's what was supposed to happen, the hand didn't even slow down as he grasped her golden hair.

He lifted her up and smashed her into the ground. Thunder-like explosions sounded out as he repeatedly hammered her head into rocks.

Her face was completely bloody, her eyes were unfocused. She nearly lost conscious due to the hit to her head. She felt dizzy and had this strong urge to just lie down and sleep. She could feel than, Broly put a capsule in her mouth, she was slowly recovering. Her focus came back, but before she could try to escape, she was picked up by her leg and flung down the mountain.

After she landed, she quickly used the ground to keep her momentum and tried to flee. All of a sudden, a voice sounded out right behind her, making her look over her shoulder.

"Let me help you. Hahaha" Broly said while pushing his palm, which held a small energy sphere, closer to her back.


She slid across the floor, bouncing a couple of times before landing inside a small pond. Broly quickly followed her in and fisher her out. He held the unconscious Cana up by the throat. She was already out of her Super Saiyan transformation and was already one foot in the grave. He slapped her a couple of times, until she woke up in a groan. He forced her to eat another healing capsule, which would only extend her suffering.

One capsule couldn't heal the dozens of broken bones all over her body, her head had suffered the worst injuries.

Broly started to squeeze his hand which he held her throat with. It started cracking, as Cana could only release quiet groans.


"Hm?" He let Cana fall in surprise and turned around. Broly saw Alea with an outstretched arm, indicating her as the criminal that shot his back. Aize and Taro approached from the sides as well.