

Four 2-meter-tall figures suddenly appeared around him. Completely in what seemed to be black armor. They were class A CEs! Broly sensed that that was not all of them.

More and more CEs of class B emerged from the surrounding. Their gigantic bodies blocked out the light, casting massive shadows.

They stopped moving until they completely surrounded him without leaving a single gap for him to escape. The four class A suddenly rushed forwards attacking Broly from all sides. Broly easily dodged all of their attacks, only by leaning slightly to his sides. He rushed out of their encirclement and headed towards a 50-meter-tall CE and struck out with a punch. On impact the head of the CE exploded turning into tiny bit of black liquid before quickly disappearing.

Broly again felt the pure lifeforce he drained from them and looked at the others who have surrounded him. If he could absorb their lifeforce, his would leap up another qualitive level.

He started hunting down the weaker class B CEs, quickly killing dozens of them. They could hardly resist Broly in his Legendary form. Even their highest-class A were no match for him. The CEs seemed to notice this, the class B distanced themselves watching as the higher ranks battled against Broly.

Broly was surprised by their combat power. They weakest of them reached the strength of someone, who had a power level of 200 million. A force to be reckoned with even in the vast universe, if he takes what he had seen in the series for a fact.

The strongest of them were double as strong as their weakest, but they still couldn't even scratch him. His battle power wasn't a simple 50 times multiplier from his base but a lot higher.

The weakest of them appeared behind him and delivered a kick in the back of his head. Without looking he grabbed and pulled it to front and stabbed out into the chest with his free hand. He felt the rush of the lifeforce flowing into him, but unlike the lower classes he couldn't absorb everything. A good part of it flew elsewhere.

The other class A didn't stop attacking and bombarded him with attacks. Broly killed his way from bottom to the top. First the second weakest died, quickly followed by the other two in an unceremonial matter. They were swiftly disposed of, in only a few minutes. From time to time they roared but Broly was dissatisfied with their reaction, so he didn't play with them, hence their quick deaths.

After killing all the class As, the lower-class C emerged and charged at him. The class B watched from the backs. Broly frowned as he saw that. It would hardly benefit him to kill them one on one and it would take to much time as he had to make physical contact to absorb it.

So instead of wasting his time with those class Cs, he directly dashed towards the class B in the distance. But they didn't have any of it. When they saw him approaching, they fled. Obviously, they couldn't truly escape but waste a few seconds.

Broly noticed this as well, they didn't appear to fear death but only wanted to stall for time. They were waiting for something.

As if reading his mind, a blur appeared behind him out of nowhere. He couldn't sense its lifeforce or any other energy leaking out of it. He was only able to see it in the corner of his eye, as it clawed at him. Without thinking he thrusted his arm out slapping the attack from this figure away. The directed shockwave the attack generated, destroyed a small hill a few hundred of meters away. Broly rotated around while punching with his other hand at this newcomer.

It blocked the attack and was sent flying a few meters before stopping again in the air. Now Broly could take a better look at it. Now seeing him with his eyes he could again see the immense lifeforce they had in them. Everything was very similar to the class A CEs with the exception of its face. Instead of the featureless face, a male Saiyan face welcomed him. Its eyes were completely black as well the veins running through it.


An explosion sounded out behind Broly. He looked back to see another of these CEs throwing backwards out of the created explosion.

A golden comet like figure shot towards him, positioning behind him. Surprisingly it was Cana who saved him from the ambush.

"What do you think, you are doing? This pathetic heroic act won't change my attention to kill you!" He only glanced at her for a second and let her position herself in his back before watching the CEs movements again. He was not afraid of her. Even if Cana wanted to attack him now, it would still better to ignore her than attack and potentially expose an opening. Besides even if she doesn't want to, she would distract at least one of those CEs away from him.

Cana bitterly smiled but her eyes were still filled with determination.

"I know. You can kill me after we annihilated those things. At least this way I can pay back my debt even if it is only by helping you get rid of them."

"Hmph. You think I need the help of a weakling like you?"

"You shouldn't, since they only have the strength of an upper-class A, but I saw how you almost get ambushed by them twice, so I thought there might be something wrong with them."

"They were only able to ambush me because they don't leak any energy!"

Cana looked at him confused, before speaking.

"They do. Although I'm not well versed in sensing. I still feel the tremendous power they give off."

While they were talking another 2 of these CEs with faces appeared and surrounded them.

"Stop bullshitting me! Why are you even still alive?!"

On que with his scream, the other side started attacking again. Broly confirmed that he couldn't sense any lifeforce or pressure from them. He couldn't even clearly hear them. If he didn't use his eyes to look at the lifeforce of them, he wouldn't even be able to see them.

"What the fuck is going on??"

He couldn't detect any anomalies with his senses if he spread it out. He could clearly feel the trees, small insects and the other CEs. Only these newcomers were a complete blind spot for him, if it weren't for the fact that he could manipulate the lifeforce in his eyes to see theirs.

'They have a way to escape my senses! But why only mine? Cana doesn't seem to have that problem.'

He saw her fight one of those newcomers but was well dominated by it. She was sent flying with a punch, but the CE didn't follow to finish her, instead dashed towards Broly.

"You are after me?! Hahahaha. Even without my senses, you trash will always be trash!"