Back in Elpis

He watched the island disappear in lava for a minute, before continuing his journey.

After another month he had traveled the whole planet and was not far from Elpis. He had undone his transformation a week ago, as he stagnated with his mastery. He wanted to strengthen his base again and get used to it again.

In the last year he started growing in height again. He hadn't noticed at first, but his legendary state didn't stop his body from maturing. In his base, he was now 2,1 meters in height, almost as tall as the adult counterpart from the movies. If it really depicts how tall he would grow, it would be only a few more centimeters that he could grow. It seems the additional lifeforce had accelerated either his growth or his rate of maturing.

He was standing on a tree looking at the seemingly tiny sparkling city in the distance. The only thing he carried with him, was a fist-sized brown bag at his waist, hidden under his red sash, in it only his tablet. He didn't have any need for any other items.

"It is time to return and then hopefully leave this planet." With only his clothes and his bag on him, he walked towards the city. After an hour he had reached the gate of Elpis. As usual the traffic was high. He also saw more people in cars traveling around. Compared to the war times there were only a few patrols guarding the walls and the gate.

He walked up to the gate, wanting to enter. A guard squinted his eyes, as he saw Broly approach.

"Stop! Your identification and your papers for your purpose of entering." The guard blocked his way and outstretched his hand.

'Hmph another one thinking that they can enter as they please. You beggars should just live in your villages.' The guard thought. He looked disgusted at the dirty clothes that guy wore.

'Although it seems to have been expensive clothes in the past, but now there are even holes in his pants and he doesn't even have a shirt. Probably another one who couldn't make it outside after the war and now returns with the last valuables he has to get back in. He probably has it under that sash'

A greedy glint appeared in the guard's eyes.

Broly didn't seem to hear him, as he looked around, not slowing down. He pumped into the guard. The guard was surprised for a moment, but his lips curved upwards shortly after.

The guard sprung backwards to the ground, while screaming.

"AAUGH!" He exaggerated screamed as he rolled on the ground while covering his face with his hands. He took a glimpse through his fingers, as he thought. 'Hehe. You can forget about entering, I make sure you will leave with nothing!'

But he didn't see what he expected. Broly seemed to be still occupied with looking around, as he stepped on the guard.


"Hmm? Oh, I didn't see you there. You shouldn't lay in the way, what happens if a car runs you over?" Saying those words, Broly stepped over him and proceeded into the city.

"What the fuck?! Hold still!!" The guard pulled out a laser cannon out of his holster and pointed it at Broly.

Seeing that Broly didn't stop, the guard screamed out.

"Who do you think you are! Stop right there in the name of the law!!" Being ignored again, the guard lost it and pulled the trigger. On contact the shot exploded, covering Broly in a smokescreen.

The guard smirked at the thought of killing that guy. 'Hmph. That's what you get for disrespecting me! I decide who gets to enter the city!'

As the smoke settled down, the guard's expression changed into a shocked one.

"How- how are you still alive!" The guard stammered, seeing Broly completely unharmed, staring right at him.

"Oh? You wanted to kill me?" Broly smiled at the guard.

The guard realized that he messed with someone he shouldn't have!


His heart beat one more time, before stopping, never to beat again. The guard collapsed on the ground with a pain-stricken expression on his face, as he gripped his chest.

The whole situation created quite the commotion. Other guards showed up, but Broly had already disappeared.

In the city lord's palace were dozens of new faces, all talented in their own right, but it was nothing in front of Broly, as he speeded undisturbed through the corridors. He quickly arrived at his room, unlocked it with his fingerprint and went inside.

He closed his door and went into his bathroom, which was the first door to the right. He undressed and took a shower.

After a hot shower he dried his hair with a towel hanging on the side.

'They still put fresh towels in here?'

He headed to his closet in his bedroom, to change into some new clothes.

'I wonder if I can even put them on.'

He opened the closet and found some battle armor being hung up, but they were far too small for him and they were for females…

He put his towel around his waist and looked around. He realized that this couldn't be his room, it was decorated, with a bunch of plants and pink curtains.

'Did someone move inside?' Broly sensed movement coming from the bed. He didn't notice someone being there at first, as he usually turned his ability to sense lifeforce off to hone his other senses.

He walked across the room towards the bed and saw a young woman hugging her blanket. She was lean but well-toned. Her black hair spread over her pillow and a brown tail wrapped around her waist.

The contrast of her big butt and her smaller waist would make most men drool. She wore shorts that seemed to be a size too small, as her butt was stretching it. Her tank top did great to emphasize her bosom as well, which didn't lose out to her butt at all.

She turned around, stuck her ass up to the ceiling. Broly couldn't resist and gave it a good slap. His slap sent waves on her skin, as he enjoyed the tingling sensation coming from his hand.


"Nice. Oh? You woke up."

She pointed at Broly as she screamed out. Broly waited for her to stop screaming.

"It's you, Broly! You are finally back." She jumped up and hugged him. She could only reach his chest, as she was only 165 cm tall.

"Eh? Alea, you have grown up! You should be 18 by now, right?" He said while gripping her butt, he squeezed her for a bit and enjoyed the soft, yet firm sensation, until his hand lost contact. Alea escaped his grasp and had a fierce blush on her face. She covered her butt, as she shouted at him.

"What are you doing!!"

"Grabbing your ass. By the way what are you doing in my room?" Broly asked.

She was still covering her butt with her hands, as she looked at him in disbelief and just responded.

"Since there were more disciples, we couldn't just let your room be unoccupied. So, I thought I would just reserve it for you, I didn't think you would just assault me, when I am sleeping!"

"Oops and thanks, I guess. Do you at least have my Gi from back then? I kinda need something to wear."

"Huh?" She looked at him, up and down, before her blush spread to her ears. "Yes, wait here!" She shouted out before rummaging her closet, until she pulled out his white Gi and threw it at him.

Broly caught it and put the pants on, as he couldn't get into anything else.

"At least go to the bathroom!" Alea shouted and turned around.

"I need to get new clothes asap. Well, for now I let my ankles get some air and who needs a shirt, anyway?" Broly said as he looked at the mirror on the wall.

"Let's go eat something, I am starving."

"Hmm?" She stole a few glances at him.

"Let's eat, you can stare later."

"I- Alright let me change first, while You wait outside." Alea pushed him out of the door, before slamming it shut.

He leaned against the wall and looked at his hand, I guess my libido was affected by my body.