
"Ow ow ow." Violet whined as she rubbed her bruised arm. "Broly, I thought you said you would be going easy." She whimpered.

"I did." "He did." Broly and the others said in unison.

"Alright, enough for today. Let's go eat again and then rest for the day. We can spar again the same time tomorrow."

"Hell no!" Zinjo screamed out. "Dude. A simple no is enough. It is not like I would beat you up ten times worse if you don't show up tomorrow." Broly said with an evil grin.

"Gulp. On the other hand, I need some exercise after the months in space…"

"Good boy."

After eating they went to the open-air hot spring together. Broly entered the hot water and unlike before, he thought the temperature was too low. On his journey he usually bathed in water near lava after all.

They relaxed and had some casual talk for a few hours until they started leaving. Broly 'asked' them again to spar him the next day. Broly wanted more people to gang up on him, otherwise the fight would become boring for him.

Broly was the last to leave. He put his clothes on and went to his room to see Cana leaning against the wall next to his door.

"Hey. What are doing here? Were you waiting for me?" Cana only then came out of daze and looked at him before smiling seductively.

She came closer and hugged him before whispering to him.

"I just wanted to ask if you could have another 'spar' with me." Broly was stunned for a moment before grinning. He opened his door and felt a push from behind. Cana pushed him inside in a hurriedly manner until they arrived at the bed.

[A/N: NSFW scene starts here! The end of the scene has been marked as well if you want to skip it. You have been warned!]

He turned around and saw her face becoming red. He picked her up and threw her onto the bed before climbing into the bed as well. He put his knee between her legs as he leaned over her.

Now she seemed to be rather apprehensive, as if her usual confidence was just a facade. She didn't look straight at him but to the side seemingly looking for something for her to focus.

She felt Broly's hand touching her chin as her face was pulled to the front. He leaned in and gave her deep kiss. At this point her head was completely crimson red, as if it was glowing. Broly didn't gave her anytime to rest as he continued his deep and wet kiss. He pushed her body into the bed as he tasted her lips.

As the minutes went on her response became stronger. She became more aggressive as the time passed. She run her fingers through his hair and pulled his head closer with one hand. With the other hand she caressed his wide shoulders and strong back. Unconsciously she had wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed her hips against his, begging for more.

Broly felt this and pulled himself away from the kiss. A string of salvia connected their lips, as Cana tried to move closer begging for his warmth. He unwrapped her legs and stood up. Her eyes followed his movements as she panted heavily.

He took off his shirt and revealed his body in his full glory. She bit her lip as she slowly looked at every muscle on his chest, she slowly traced her gaze down to his dick. She widened her eyes in surprise which quickly turned into her breathing becoming more heavily. Her eyes fixated on his gigantic member, as she unconsciously stripped off her shirt.

Broly back on the bed, pulled her pants with her underwear right off. He looked at her vagina glistening under the light of the room.

He leaned against her body and gave her a kiss as he put his fingers on her lower lips. He gently caressed her entrance before inserting a finger. He started thrusting his fingers inside and grabbed her breasts with his free hand. She had already closed her eyes as she fiercely gripped the sheets of the bed.

"Broly~~!" She moaned his name while indulging in her pleasure.

Feeling her becoming increasingly wet, he stopped, spread her legs and went between her legs. Knowing what was about to happen she opened her eyes and looked at Broly's erect member being placed right in front of her entrance.

"I don't think that will fit." She said while licking her lips. She showed no indication of stopping. She was already too aroused. Her pussy was already as wet as it could be. She only waited in anticipation to be penetrated by this giant rod.

"I will make it fit." Broly said with a grin and slowly pushed forwards. He lower lips spread, welcoming his penis as it pushed deeper inside. She felt the burning rod been inserted. It was painful, but for her, a Saiyan, it was nothing. Shortly after the pain was replaced with pleasure as he started repeatedly thrusting it in her. She could feel his dick pushing deeper inside with every thrust until she adapted, and it rammed against her cervix. His dick was so huge that he could see a bulge forming on her stomach, which only made him more frenzy.

Broly grunted as his thrust got faster and stronger. Cana's body started convulsing after each thrust and her hips pushed against his. Broly suddenly stood up and lifted her up, carrying her while her legs wrapped around his waist. This time he rammed his whole dick inside, pushing deeper than ever before, entering her cervix.

Cana's body twitched, her eyes rolled into the back of her head while her pleasure filled smile conveyed her pure ecstasy. Her legs slowly lost strength as they loosen up. Broly did not realize that every thrust of him was making Cana lose herself deeper in pleasure.

After 30 minutes of constant assault, Cana was already a sweaty mess as her body was constantly convulsing and she barely was able to stay conscious through the pleasure.

Broly pulled back a last time and went balls deep inside her and released it all. Cana jolted up by the sensation of massive amount of liquid filling up her inside. She had already lost her strength to hold her onto Broly and was only being held up by Broly's giant dick. Thick, hot sperm was dripping out of her vagina and ran down her leg.

Broly saw her fanatically but exhausted stare at him, he almost thought her pupils changed into hearts.

He pulled her off is dick, as soon as it was outside, sperm was flooding outside onto the floor. He carried her back to the bed and gave her deep kiss. Cana closed her eyes. She felt him pulling back and a stingy smell approaching. She was able to open her eyes and saw Broly putting the tip of his still erect dick on her lips. He didn't have to push it inside as Cana was already slurping up all the remaining liquid and swallowing it. She tried to take it inside her mouth but was only able to fit his head on her own.

Broly seeing her failed attempts only aroused him. He took her head and thrusted it inside. Her throat began bulging as he went deeper. He stopped halfway for a short moment, only to have Cana grab his backside and pull him closer. She looked up with only lust inside her eyes, seemingly begging for him to continue.

Another 10 minutes passed with Broly using her mouth as a sex toy until he ejaculated deep inside her throat, making her swallow it whole.

He pulled out and it bounced upwards before falling back on Cana's face, who was lovingly staring at it while panting heavily. Threads of her salvia were still connected to his dick.

"Ready for another round?" Broly asked smilingly.


Until morning only moans and grunts could be heard out of their rooms.

Panting heavily Cana rested her head against his chest. Her hair stuck on her face because of her sweat.

Broly was satisfied as he thought about the night he had. He petted her head before standing up.

"Leaving already?" Cana said weakly.

"Yes, gotta train." Cana smiled at the response. "I'm coming as well after I can move again"

Broly gulped as he saw her vagina still leaking his thick liquid onto the sheets.

[A/N: NSFW End]

He left the room that morning and headed towards his training room. With his battle armor equipped, he trained under 1300g gravity which was his current limit with his base form. From what he knew from the series Vegeta trained up to a gravity of 500g till the Buu Saga, but this didn't mean Broly was merely 2.6 times stronger than Vegeta at that time. The higher the gravity the more energy one needed to counteract it, which could be seen by the fact that Vegeta in the Buu Saga was certainly not only 5 times stronger than Goku pre Namek, who trained under 100g. Besides if he pushed himself further, he could easily max out the gravity, but he chose against it. He wanted to train for the whole day and not just for a few hours, he not only needed strength but the endurance to go with it. Besides next week would be his trip to the rift and he wanted to relax beforehand.

He would have enough time if he traveled towards Namek in the future to train his body. He had already asked the best scientists in the city to integrate the best gravity chamber they could come up with into his personal spaceship. He already looked forward to the result.

He hadn't trained his body for a long time and noticed his pace was exceedingly faster than after he had run out of excess lifeforce. His body has already grown up by a lot, making it easier for his body to grow even stronger. Before he had prematurely tortured his underdeveloped muscles but fortunately, he had lifeforce en masse, keeping his body healthy and increasing his progress.

He first thought that he might have been healthy even without the lifeforce as the Saiyan physique would let him grow through injuries, but this only included mayor injuries, best life threating ones, to stimulate growth. The accumulated inner injuries were not fixed by this. It may be not as determining as for humans, but it would in the end slow him down in the future. To prevent this, he avoided any injuries in his cells.

After the journey this was even less of a concern for him. He didn't have to worry about any inner injuries as his use of lifeforce-control reached new heights, making it easier for him to detect and fix any problems some cells might have.

After some time, a bell rang out, indicating someone at the door. He turned off the gravity and let the people in. Of course, they were his sparring partners he would train with today. After he had beaten them up and Blitz and Yenari were constantly complaining, he thought he had abused them enough. They went to eat again and went to the open-air hot spring. As the day before, he left last and as he reached his room, he saw Cana leaning against the wall again. This time she didn't even bother to wear any clothes but came directly in her bathrobes.

She was gripping her robe tightly until she saw Broly coming. She looked at him with a red face and steamy eyes pleading him. He opened the room, and another night was spent without rest.

This routine repeated itself for a whole week until a morning when Broly got information about his crew and about the mission in general.

He looked through the documents and he was only responsible for protecting them from the distorted space inside the rift, as the others shoot out some devices, which would run some tests and then go out again. In short bring them in and out.

He looked at the nude Cana who was sleeping on his bed and threw a towel at her, waking her up. "Get ready in a few hours we are going up."