
Cana went up to Broly who furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey are you alright? What are thinking about." "Sigh. Nothing, let's go outside." Broly answered with a slight smile on his face. The crew went outside, and the mood was good. According to the scientists, the first look at the data seems quite promising. Maybe they would only make some small adjustments to previous prototype and they could stabilize the rift.

After the gathering that told the leaders that they would need around a week to create the first devices, which are based on their prototypes. Those should be able to stabilize space inside. The higher-ups were of course delighted and started celebrating. There was much alcohol and food involved. Broly was occupied with devouring the buffet with Alea and Cana. Many leaders wanted to introduce their race's female geniuses to Broly but were quickly scared away by the combined harsh looks from Alea and Cana.

Broly obviously noticed their actions and was quite pleased by having two beauties guarding him. He already saw them as his, so seeing their affection made him feel pretty good.

After a while Cana said that she wanted to sleep at her place today, so he shouldn't wait for her. Broly was a bit confused by the sudden change. For the last week they had shared a bed with each other, which made her actions a bit weird for Broly, but he didn't think much about it. Maybe she needed some rest, he thought.

After the party almost died out, Broly and Alea left for their rooms. Alea was drunk. On their way to her room she was constantly touching Broly, saying that she wanted to sleep with him. After the time spent with Cana, he wasn't as hasty to get into her pants, so instead of accepting her advances he pushed her inside her room and tucked her in. She quickly dozed off and Broly left. He didn't want to take advantage of someone who was drugged and barely able to stay conscious, although he did wake up Cana once with a surprise…

He entered his room and undressed himself, ready to go to bed.

"What are you doing in my closet?" Broly suddenly said out loud. After saying that he heard something fall inside. He opened his closet and saw Cana covered in his clothes.

"What are you doing there?"

"Ah. Eh-I forgot my pajamas. I was just looking for it in here, didn't think you would be back already."

Broly rolled his eyebrows. 'That's why you completely entered the closet and closed the door behind you, which gives you almost no space to bend down. Yeah, right…'

He picked her up and put her on his shoulders. He closed the door and took her to bed. He laid down beside her and started sleeping. She looked at him and snuggled up on him. With a smile on her face, she fell asleep.

A couple of days passed. Broly as always was training. He and Cana weren't intimate with each other and Broly quickly found out why. These days Alea invited all the S-Fighters to drink and would try to seduce Broly. He found out that as soon as Alea made some kind of advances Cana and the others would leave the two. Cana being mischievous, always hid inside the room but always with a perfect view at the bed.

After the third day he told Alea to meet him at his room later at noon. She hesitated for a moment, but it was still relatively bright outside, as the sun would only set soon, which was enough to give her courage to walk in. She saw Broly sitting on a chair, placing his chin on his hands. As soon as she walked in, she wanted to say something, but was distracted with the bed on the side.

She blushed before asking. "Ehmm. Broly wh-why did you wanted me to come here?" Broly appeared in front of her and sealed her lips with his and embraced her. "You don't have to be so anxious."

Her face became even redder. She only nodded slightly without looking at him directly. Broly held her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. "I am not even sure why you feel the need to sleep with me. You don't have to force yourself. I know that you used alcohol to give yourself courage to approach me but if something troubles you, just say it."

She blanked out for a second. She gritted her teeth, seemingly fighting with the decision to tell him or not. After a few minutes of them standing there, while hugging, she started talking.

"I heard about your nights from Cana…" She stopped, struggling to continue. "She told me everything in great detail and you know I-I don't think I can handle you." Broly seems to slowly get what she was getting at.

"She told me that you lose yourself. I thought if you were a bit more drunk you would easier fall asleep and I would be number…"

"Hahahaha." Broly started laughing, which surprised her, making her pout that he didn't take it as serious as her. "So-sorry. You shouldn't think that I would treat you the same as Cana. She is a masochist after all and likes it rougher. Of course, I would hold back with you."

"That's not what she told me…She said that she would like it either way…" "Eh? Wait what?" Broly was surprised, he was pretty sure that he figured Cana out.

"She said that no matter how she approaches you, you always go wild and do it for hours until she loses herself in pleasure and forgets about the time."

"Oh… I- I think I have to talk with her later. Okay how about this? I give you full reign and I won't do anything."

"Y-y-y- you mean I- I should lik- do it myself?" Alea stuttered as her head started glowing brightly red.

"Well, it will make it easier for you to adapt, when you control the pace, won't it?" "Yes, but I never…" Before she could say anything, he gave her deep kiss and caressed her behind.

[A/N: NSFW Scene start.]

He squeezed her butt and twirled his tongue around hers. He retracted his kiss and a sliver of salvia connected their mouths. Her eyes were a bit dizzy, coupled with her crimson face and ears and her glistening lips, she unconsciously gave him an unbelievable seductive look. Broly slowly undressed her. He kneeled down before rolling down her tight battle trousers, which were closer to leggings than anything else.

He looked up her sweaty legs and thighs before staring at her panties, who were tightly highlighting her private parts. The pants were already wet, and a seductive feminine smell drafted from it. Broly pushed his nose against her crotch and took a deep breath, taking in the scent.

His head was pushed away. "Broly~. Don't it- it is embarrassing…you said I am going to be in charge…" He saw her legs were slightly twitching, as if she was already close to climaxing.

"Okay sorry, couldn't help myself when I saw your thick thighs and wide hips... Your thin waist and your bosom are too appealing as well. Your body is too attractive, it is good that we talked about me holding back." He said with a grin.

Alea had a daze look on her face with all the compliments thrown at her. It made her happy that Broly found her that attractive. She couldn't help but start panting. She pushed Broly into the bed and sat on his stomach, while kissing him passionately. She struggled to open his battle armor. Broly helped and took off all his clothes.

Alea gulped hard.

"She wasn't exaggerating."

Broly grinned. He was quite happy with her staring at his member. Suddenly he noticed that someone entered the closet.

'Naughty little Cana.'

Alea didn't notice that and went down the already hard rod in front of her. She like Broly took a sniff at his member, taking in his strong manly scent. From the base up to the tip she gave it a lick, making it throb.

She placed her lips at the tip, giving it a few kisses until she took in the tip and started to run her tongue all over it. She noticed that he was more sensitive just below the hole, as it twitched whenever she run her tongue over it.

She looked at Broly who was slightly grimacing, which made her giggle. She sat back on his stomach, still stroking him with her hand, before whispering.

"You can take a punch to the face without flinching but are squirming when I lick you for a bit." Broly only smiled at her sentence and just enjoyed the sensation off being jerked off by her. His mind wandered to the thought that he had to take them both at the same time. He unconsciously took a glance at the closet.

She took off her chest armor, revealing her ample breasts, like Cana, her nipples were brightly pink. Her breasts were bigger than Cana's but weren't hanging in the slightest.

Her body had a natural slutty charm to it, especially when he touched her soft butt or her breasts, it was like she was meant for sex, despite her initial shyness.

She lifted up her butt, almost squatting and placed his hot throbbing rod right at her entrance. Her love juice was dripping onto his tip down his shaft to the base. She slowly lowered herself and it slid between her lips inside.

Broly could feel the hot and wet sensation wrapping around the tip. He wanted to thrust it inside, but he knew that she was still adapting, and he promised that he wouldn't go wild on her.

As she lowered her body, she grimaced in pain before blood appeared, dripping down his member and her leg. Her body froze as her inner walls tightened around his rod. Broly on the other hand was caressing her nipples and breasts.

She slowly relaxed before continuing down until she had ¾ inside her before Broly felt like he reached the end. Alea knew that he was already at her cervix, she wanted to lift her butt and start moving, but her legs lost strength and gave in. His member completely entered her, her stomach was bulging, and she threw her head back as her body arced backwards. Her love fluids squirted out all over Broly's member and stomach. Only after over a minute she leaned forward again, she fell on his chest, while trying to support herself with her arms. She looked at Broly with hazy eyes as she bit her lip.

She tried to move towards his face to kiss him, but with her movement his member moved out as well. With every sensation down there, her body convulsed.

Broly grinned widely, as he saw her losing herself in pleasure. He loved the look they gave him, completely lusting after him, while they are begging for more.

As he looked at her, he knew that the sex would only turn fiercer as time went on. After a while she started moving again, she always shook after it entered her to the base. She was drenching him in her fluids, but Broly knew that she wasn't the only female that enjoyed herself in this room.

Slowly she became faster and readjusted herself into a deep squat position, so she could move even faster. After a few minutes she was already almost climaxing again, until Broly suddenly gripped her hips and strongly rammed it in. He started violently thrusting it in her, after all the time he couldn't take it anymore. His hard rod was already throbbing strongly, ready to release it inside her. She still on top looked like she completely lost herself in pleasure. With her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her tongue out.

He rammed it inside her like there was no tomorrow and with a final thrust he went balls deep and released it all inside. Her stomach was bulging even more because of all the liquid gushing inside until Broly pulled out his member, letting all the fluid flow outside. She was panting heavily as she collapsed on Broly's chest, she lovingly stared at Broly, with her final strength she leaned towards his face and gave him a deep and passionate kiss.

She rested for a while before sitting up. She looked at herself and his stomach which were covered with their liquid. She blushed and embarrassed said that she would clean it up. She wiped her thigh and crotch with her fingers and liked them clean. She then began to lick it all up off his stomach, before swallowing it. With her head down at his stomach, her butt was wiggling in front of his face, he grabbed it and lifted it over his face. He grabbed her soft yet tight cheeks and spread it before he began to eat her out.

"Broly~ Wait. I am too sensitive~" She started moaning and unconsciously leaned backwards until she completely sat down on his face. A short minute later she started convulsing and climaxed. Broly opened his mouth and sucked her off gulping her juice down.

[A/N: NSFW Scene end]

She again collapsed next to him, while panting. He crawled behind her and embraced her. She felt his wide arms around her and dozed off shortly after. Broly saw that Cana opened the closet, she entered midway, with her clothes being all messy. She climbed into the bed and snuggled up at Broly's back.

"Next time I want all three of us to… 'spar'." Cana whispered. Getting it off while only able to watch made her frustrated.

Broly laid on his back, pulling Cana and Alea towards his chest. He looked at Cana before talking.

"Of course." He gave her deep kiss. She fiercely blushed and rested her head on his chest, hearing his heart beat, she fell asleep.