
In the next 3 years on their journey, the 4 have been training diligently. Every year they would land on a planet to resupply. Their bodies needed more energy after becoming stronger, so they had to stop on a planet to get more food. Although they could also get on without food and rely on their energy, but that was too exhausting and Saiyans loved their food. It was also their time to get out and see different things other than the inner walls of the ship.

Zangya was already considered as one of theirs. Cana and her especially became good friends, although or maybe because they used to quarrel all the time.

After constant training they were maxing out on the settings of the rooms. It had been only 5 years since they started training with it and now it became easier every day. Of course, the effort they took was not small at all. They were constantly on the verge of death and pushed their bodies to their utmost limits. With Broly and his control over lifeforce hidden injuries were almost impossible.

Talking about lifeforce, Broly's growth in it was tremendous. He gained tremendously with his training. His best gains were with the lifeforce pearl. For a long time, it wasn't affected by his efforts. It wasn't affected until his strength increased and became more proficient with his ki.

He was able to move it with massive amount of ki and it also slowly broke the pearl down. He moved it into the place where his ki generated, which took him a few months to do so but after he was done, the pearl was automatically being corroded by the ki. By doing this he was able to give his ki, lifeforce properties. His ki was able to strengthen his cells, making it unnecessary to use the lifeforce, he generated. With the surplus of lifeforce, he could either use it to further strengthen his cells or use it for attacks and for healing purposes.

Usually he would gather his lifeforce into a single point to create a pearl of his own. The pearl he was corroding was built with a foundation of someone else's pearl and he was unfamiliar with its exact structure, so he thought about beginning from zero.

While the pearl broke down inside, he would observe its structure and try to learn from it. He also realized that the lifeforce of the pearl that came from the black sun, he absorbed, was not as easy to be manipulated as his own.

His own lifeforce was still the best to use techniques with and with the already existing pearl he would use it to strengthen his body step by step.

He would store his lifeforce in a single point trying to create a pearl and if he needed it, he could just use this pearl as a reserve for anything he wanted.

There wasn't the problem that he couldn't move it easily. His own lifeforce would listen to him even when it was almost solid.

Now with this surplus he started to inject it in his other techniques, so they could be strengthened by it, but he quickly realized the problem with this method. The lifeforce was exceptional on its own like the Genkidama but mixed with ki it didn't support the techniques at all, making it unnecessary to combine them. He instead picked up a project he had on hold for a long time.

Burning lifeforce. By burning it, he could boost the strength of his body tremendously, but this wasn't easy to sustain. At the beginning even when he saved a few months of lifeforce it would be uncontrollably burn up in just a few seconds. Although his strength would rise tremendously, afterwards his body would go into a weakened state and with the short burst, it would be almost impossible to fight with it. It was only useful as his final attack.

But this didn't stop him from analyzing the process and try to optimize its effect. After 1 year and 7 months of optimizing it, he came up with the perfect balance of strength and the amount of lifeforce he could use. If he only used the lifeforce he generated, he could sustain it endlessly, but it would only boost his strength by 1 percent. If he used his saved lifeforce of a month and burn it with the highest cost-effect return, he could boost himself 10x for 2 minutes. 2 minutes couldn't be underestimated in high-end battles. Broly was very satisfied with the result and from then on, he saved his lifeforce for a year, which would sustain him for 24 minutes, which would be long enough to finish a fight. Of course, there was the option to burn it at faster rate which would boost his strength more but the load on his body and the rate his lifeforce was being burned was increased exponential.

He also has finally mastered his legendary state completely and his multiplier reached 450x in the end, which was 2.25 times higher than a transformation into Super Saiyan 2. Of course, it couldn't hold its own against someone of the same base strength plus Super Saiyan 3. According to the series, it was 4x times as strong as Super Saiyan 2 which would mean it was an 800x times multiplier to one's base.

Broly couldn't help but grin at the thought. If he used his Ikari on top of his Mastered Legendary state, he would be already close to Super Saiyan 3 with a multiplier of 675x times his base. He was still in his first 'normal' Super Saiyan and with new transformations his strength would be immeasurable.

In the 3 years of training he didn't manage to improve a lot with his Ikari, but still with his mastery of Oozaru, his experience with Ikari and his mastery over his Legendary state, he thought that he should be able to go Legendary Super Saiyan 4, but he was hesitating. A feeling told him that he was missing something and that it wouldn't end good for him if he tried it anyway.

He listened to this feeling and decided to put it on hold for now. He decided to improve his Ikari and reach the other Super Saiyan transformations before he tackled Super Saiyan 4.

He knew that he could theoretically skip Super Saiyan 2 and 3 as they were only deviants from the original Super Saiyan, but it would boost his understanding and mastery of Super Saiyan and he believed this weird feeling would at least vanish by then.

In the future he would concentrate more on the transformations, because he couldn't improve his body by much anymore or rather the gains weren't worth the time he invested.

After Broly had reached the limits of gravity and the other technologies to train him, his progress through training slowed down tremendously at 20 billion. The others could still go on in their base form and it would last them till they reached Broly's level now.

Obviously, he was not the only one who improved.

Although Alea and Cana were becoming stronger as well, they were nowhere near to the next level of Super Saiyan, but they had reached 600 million in their base by now.

Zangya had made tremendous progress.

Now her transformation boosted her 10x times instead of the original 3x and her base strength increased rapidly as well. It had reached 3 billion, compared to her original 700 million, the increase was a lot, to say the least.

They were happy to see their strength improve so fast. On the other hand, Broly of course was dissatisfied with his slowed down progress but his mood had improved after seeing the blue planet in the window. According to the map the next Origin Crystal awaited him there.

The Origins Energy Crystal, what abilities would he gain from it? He couldn't help but want to quickly find out. Of course, there was the possibility that he wouldn't gain any ability at all, but it would be beneficial no matter what. On Perditus they used normal energy crystals to feed the tree of might, which should mean that inside was lifeforce, but the Origins Blood Crystal already kept lifeforce inside, so it had to be another potent energy source, which the tree could absorb. He was getting excited to find out what it was.

Broly dressed up in his battle armor with the green fur and stepped outside with a mouthpiece. He quickly accelerated towards the planet. The others stepped outside and secured their ship before following Broly.

They quickly arrived and landed on an ice block. To be exact the whole planet was frozen and there was no place which wasn't covered in ice, but Broly didn't care about that. He used his lifeforce vision and senses to see if there were any other creatures on it.

He thought that if creatures lived here, they would know of the crystal or at least give him some clues.

He quickly orbited the planet and skimmed over it with his senses until he found a faint signal.

He almost missed it, since the lifeforce was deep inside the planet. Without hesitation he crashed through the millennia old ice for kilometers in depth.

After a minute of penetrating the planet he arrived in a small cave. In the center of the cave a purple crystal was embedded into the ground, the crystal was the thing that contained the lifeforce.