You are weak!

While Broly was talking to Gine, Aize and Taro were informed about Broly's arrival. The two immediately called back the squads who were out, searching for supplies. Shortly after their message was sent out, they all returned. Aize and Taro commanded them to hide near the entrance and inform them if any movement was being detected.

The two then went towards the building Broly and Gine were waiting. On the way they saw Daz going towards the building as well.

They entered the room where Broly was together.

"Broly! Hahaha. Good to see you!" Taro shouted out as he gave Broly a hug. "Hey girls. Hahaha" Taro turned to Alea and Cana and hugged them as well. Aize and Daz followed suit.

Daz looked at Zangya and Broly with narrowed eyes. "And you are?" Before Zangya or Broly could say anything, Alea spoke out.

"This is Zangya, Broly's third girlfriend. She is the niece from the city lord. Although Broly first didn't want to, Cana and I convinced him in the end." Alea said calmly with a smile. Broly and Zangya widened their eyes as they heard it and coincidentally met each other gazes. Zangya's ears turned slightly red but didn't break eye contact. Broly just returned her gaze.

Daz sensed that something was wrong but decided to just let it go after seeing his daughter being so open about it. She didn't seem to be disturbed, sad or mad, so if his daughter approved of this relationship, he wouldn't say anything. He just wanted her to be happy.

"It is an honor." Raditz suddenly went up to Daz and greeted him.

"I have seen you when I was a child. You are an elite-class warrior!"

Daz only smiled bitterly. "Thanks, but you should know that this title doesn't mean anything anymore."

Raditz only fell silent on these words. He always admired and envied the elite-class but after knowing that his little brother became a Super Saiyan, he knew that even low-class Saiyans could become unimaginably strong.

"Alright, let's tackle the problems, we have at hand." Broly broke the silence.

"Aize, Taro. I heard that you fought them several times now already. How strong are they?"

"If we go all out, Taro can handle 7 of them and I only about 3." Aize reported. "Alright show me your full strength." After saying that Broly stepped outside, back into the cave hall again. The others followed him outside.

"Go ahead." Aize and Taro flew into the sky and powered up. In an instant they became Super Saiyans, but they didn't just stop after transforming once. Their ki was rising as the stagnated air suddenly became violent and lightning appeared in their near periphery. Their strength made the earth tremble.

With a ki burst, their strength alleviated to a new plateau. Their hair became thinner and spikier. They were leaking tremendous amount of power that made everyone shiver, well for the normal Saiyan that is.

"So, this is a Super Saiyan!" Raditz were flabbergasted as he looked at the two-hovering midair. He was shaking under the power the two were releasing.

Broly on the other hand only shook his head and waved his hand.

"Alright that is enough." The two quickly landed and were a bit confused by his disappointed expression.

"You have finally reached Super Saiyan 2, but how come your strength is still so weak?" "Weak??"

"Yes. You two can't even defeat Cana with the same transformation. Taro, you are not even half as strong as her!"

They widened their eyes and looked at Cana, who was looking at them smugly as she put her hands on her hips, doing a pose with her nose pointing to the ceiling.

"Well, considering the training Broly forced us to do in our special training chamber and the help of Helen, it is no surprise that our strength is far above theirs." Alea added. "It is rather surprising that they could even remotely keep up with us."

"But we have the same training room…" Taro mumbled. "And who is Helen?"

"Broly's and Zangya's future daughter." Cana casually said out loud. "Huh?" The others became confused, but Broly wanted to move on. He wasn't too happy with the two slacking off so much.

'No wonder they have problem with some random thugs.' Broly thought. He just had too high expectations for his two friends as he compared them to Alea and Cana. After all, he was the main reason why the two girls became so strong in only a few years. Of course, the wish did its job as well.

"Anyway, let's not talk about that. Just remember to push more in your training routine. You know what? After we are done with our opponents, I will help you adjust your training. Sigh. Alright let's just look at our opponents as sparring partners. Alea and Cana you help Aize and Taro to kill them, but don't use Super Saiyan 2, stay in one. You would probably kill them in seconds if you don't and that wouldn't be as beneficial for your training. Of course, if you are in a pickle, just go all out."

Broly rubbed his temple. "Ah. By the way, why did we have to land on that clearing anyway? Could have just told us the location of this cave…"

"Well, we didn't want you to be attacked by them as you were landing, so we took a site a bit further away."

"But we can cloak ourselves? Forget it, it should be undetectable for now... How late is it?"

"It is around 5 pm. It still takes a while for the sun to go down. Our friends will surely attack then."

"Good, then let's eat first and then get our ship." They all went towards the cafeteria to eat.


"So, how is the situation?" A cloaked figure asked another who was looking what seemed like binoculars. They were standing far away on a mountain peak.

"A new ship landed a bit off their base. They left the ship in the clearing. It wasn't moved away but just made invisible. It appeared like it carried some important figures. From what I could see, they looked like experts by the way they walked. Maybe it is their reinforcement."

"A new ship… Good. Get the ship immediately. If it has more of those healing pills the better. You better have some results this time. Our lord gets impatient with you."

The cloaked figure with the binocular in hand laughed bitterly.

"You know it is almost impossible to get by those two, who are guarding the entrance." He packed away the binoculars before continuing. "Don't worry. It is unmanned now, we will definitely get you the ship."

"Make it quick. Adrien"

"Got it." Adrien pulled back his hood and revealed his fair skin and his pointy ears. Broly would have immediately recognized him as an elf. He jumped down the mountain and quickly entered the jungle. Not deep inside he flew up a massive tree to a door embedded in the side. He opened it and revealed what seemed to be a tavern.

The people inside were in a good mood as they were singing and dancing as they got drunk on their alcohol.

Adrien went upstairs and entered the door at the end of the corridor. He was greeted by 9 others who were tending their wounds.

"You are back already? Did they move out or something?" A guy asked as someone looked at his wounds underneath his bandage.

"Another group of theirs appeared. It seems to be reinforcement."

"More of those damn aliens! Why the fuck do they want to invade our planet?!" He shouted out, nearly standing up before being pushed down.

"Don't move! I have to check your wounds first." The woman who tended him growled at him.

"Don't worry, we don't have to fight them, we just have to get their ship, they had left behind. Most important priority are their healing pills and then those rooms."

"Unbelievable! Instead of focusing on those rooms, we should just kill them all! Why doesn't the lord just send the army?" Another guy said viciously.

"You know those would only be cannon fodder. Their average soldier far exceeds the strength of ours, we have to be careful. Besides those rooms seem to be for training purposes. Our lord intends to use them to create the next elite squad. If we can't defeat them, the next generation has to bear this burden. Sigh. Let's just focus on our mission. Do it as usual, search for the healing pills, if you can't find it, go for the rooms." Adrien said as he turned around, ready to leave.

"Do you think it is a trap? Maybe they intentionally placed the ship there." A young woman, leaning against the wall next to the door, asked.

"Maybe, but we have to risk it. We can't enter their cave, so this is our best shot. If it contains those healing pills, it will bring our lord to full strength. Then he can deal with those aliens. If we can only snatch away those rooms, we can play the long run and fight an extended war. We have to get what we can, otherwise we will be the ones exterminated this time."