Last Line of Defense

As Broly approached the group, who were having a battle, he saw that some natives were personally suppressed by Aize and Taro. Their opponents were stronger than the average Saiyan, but they were nowhere near enough for the two Saiyans to go Super Saiyan 2.

"Hey Aize, where are the others?" He asked while the other was still fighting.

"King Broly, they went further to the north, there seemed to be a barrier around a castle. I went to investigate and subjugate the guards still outside."

"I see. When you are done here gather every single one of them in the castle after I have conquered it. For now, I want you two here and make sure that they don't escape."

"Understood." Aize saluted.

Broly and Zangya left the two behind.

"Could you be anymore stiff?" Taro mocked Aize.

"I am a soldier, maybe you should act as one as well."

"Well, we are his friends, so I don't worry about it."

"Yeah? Why didn't you say anything then?"

"Cough. He seemed busy right now… oh man he just gives off this vibe right now."

"Than his aim was probably reached. He needs to show this kind of bearing. Although he is our friend, he is our King, don't forget that."

"I know…"

Aize looked at Taro who fell silent.

"I think you shouldn't call him King though, if you don't want to. We have already built enough respect from the other Saiyans, it wouldn't be weird if we are more personally with Broly. Besides you always grimace, when you say something you don't want to. It looks stupid."



"Hm? So, that is the barrier they were talking about." Broly said as he looked at the pale green sphere around a medieval castle on a small hill. There were houses around the barrier at the foot of the hill or rather carved out trees. It was easy for the Saiyans to round them up. Most of those inside the trees were weak civilians. There was only 1 figure hovering in front of the barrier. Broly approached Cana who was observing the barrier.

Broly stopped beside her.

"How is it? Aren't you able to break through?" Cana looked at him and smiled teasingly before she bends her knee while bowing her head, giving him a curtsy.

"My King~. The barrier is difficult to break through. It would take me at least 20 minutes to break through. Way too exhausting, you do it. You only need like a second. So good luck."

Broly raised his eyebrow at the way she talked to him.

"You don't seem disturbed by my aura."

"Psshh. Don't you realize that you sometimes release that aura in bed, when you pick up the speed? You give off this manly aura like you want to dominate everything around you, it is really arousing~." She approached him and caressed his inner thigh. Teasingly staring at him.

"… We have a war to wage, concentrate."

"Alright~. Then go ahead and break the barrier."

Broly was speechless but was more so happy that she was unaffected. He hadn't realized that he sometimes used it unconsciously, maybe he should be more aware of it in the future. After all, he was using the technique, he learned back on Perditus, to release his aura but he thought this shouldn't normally be his go to. The aura is used to intimidate one's opponent, affect their emotions, it shouldn't be his way to rule… or in bed. He only did it intentionally now since the other Saiyans haven't seen him in action. They may have heard of his actions of eliminating the CEs but beside Cana no one was there to witness it.

He did show his Legendary state at the coronation, but it was only for a moment and shouldn't be as rememberable as a fight or another showcase of his destructive power. It was not like he believed that they would intentionally ignore his order, but they were in a blood boiling fight right now. It would be easy for them to lose themselves in the fight. If they didn't follow his orders, he would make an example out of that Saiyan, but he couldn't afford to lose his already few Saiyan subordinates. Instead he used his aura to intimidate those around him and remind him of what he was capable of and that he wasn't to be messed with.

As he looked and analyzed the barrier, he found out that he couldn't sense ki nor lifeforce through it but magic power. To be precise the whole barrier was created through magic. Magic has many different uses, like mind control or paralyzing. Protection barrier powered by magic were also very strong. Even someone like Babidi in the series was able to hold on for a few moments against Piccolo.

Without thinking further Broly's size increased a bit, his muscles expanded slightly, and his hair changed golden. He opened his blue-greenish eyes and stared at the barrier in front of him. He held his right hand upwards and a spear seemed to manifest itself from thin air, starting from the middle. The spear glowed green and the spearhead in particular was shining brightly. Green lightning appeared around Broly while holding his spear. He looked like a thunder god about to judge a mortal.

Bluish lightning lines appeared on the spear as Broly inputted magic power. Its strength by now was a complete overkill for this barrier and Broly knew it.

With a calamity like atmosphere surrounding Broly, it quickly attracted everyone's attention.


He was grinning as he threw the spear at the barrier. It seemed to tear through space and time as it left behind a green-blueish line of light. It instantly reached and penetrated the barrier. With loud pop and glass shattering clinker, the barrier fell apart.

As the barrier was falling apart, every other person was staring with wide eyes.

The natives knew of the prowess of that barrier, it had sustained hundreds of years without anyone able to break it after being activated. That was also why they had moved here after the last invasion. It was a sanctuary and their last line of defense. Now it was easily broken, and the natives immediately understood the might of the frightening figure hovering in the air. If that figure wanted all of the people outside of the barrier dead, he wouldn't even need half of the energy he used to break the barrier.

All present had this scene of a godlike figure throwing his lightning spear at the barrier burned into their scalps. A moment they wouldn't forget.

The Saiyans were stunned as well. They had seen Aize and Taro in action several times. But this was something on a completely different scale. Many were ecstatic that they had such a powerful king, but more were just glad not to be his enemy.

Broly landed inside the castle and with a look he destroyed the gate. Although they could all fly over the gate, it was more of a symbolic action. Their gates of their sanctuary were singlehandedly opened by the enemies. Nothing could now stop them from going in.

Broly walked down the main path towards the main building at the end. Soldiers suddenly stormed out of the door from the side buildings. Broly instantly sensed that those were the strongest soldiers the natives had left. Their last line of defense.

Broly just kept walking through the crowd of soldiers. Although they, the royal guard, were the strongest soldiers, this was only as an average. Compared to the elite squad, they were still far behind. They were cowering as they pointed their weapons at him and showed fake courage. In the end no one dared to attack him, they knew that they wouldn't be able to last a fraction of a second against him. Every single casual attack from him would be able to decimate them.

As Broly walked past them, they broke out in cold sweat and their legs gave in. A 2-meter-tall man with a cross scar across his face and bulging muscles standing at the far back was screaming at them to attack but no one listened to him. Through the armor he wore, it was obvious that this person was a general, but no one cared about him now.

"Fine! I will do it myself!! Haaaaaa!" The general gripped his spear and stomped the ground, shooting straight Broly. He quickly arrived in front of Broly and with his momentum he thrusted his spear forward. His spear was covered in white ki as it shot through the air.


The spear instantly snapped in half. It wasn't able to leave a single scratch on Broly's chest.

"Impossible!" Before he could retreat, his head was grabbed by Broly. The general futilely tried to pull himself away as he was raised into the air, but it was already too late. In an instant a cracking sound was heard as his head was crushed. The general's body became limp as blood spewed onto the ground.

Broly threw away the body to the side onto the soldier who were watching in horror. They didn't even dare to move the body away as they looked at Broly walking undisturbed through the crowd. The blood on his hand, the few drops of blood on his face and this terrifying grin on his face, made the soldier only think of one thing…

"One does not simply attack a King." Broly's low voice boomed through the streets.

… 'This is the devil!'