
Broly stood in front of the frightened elves and looked around. Aize landed beside him and reported about the subjugation's results. On the Saiyan side except for some minor injuries, they had no losses. Most of the elves were captured. There had been a few that used some suicide techniques but beside that, no one was killed. Although many of the captured elves had numerous broken bones or were severely beaten up, they weren't life-threatened.

Aize also reported of the ones that seemed to have some position in the army. Broly waved Gine and Daz over and asked if their captives could be housed somewhere. They discussed it for a short moment and it was quickly decided that the civilians, mainly woman and children, will be staying in this valley. As of right now they didn't have enough place in their base to accommodate them all. The soldiers would be brought back and would help the Saiyans set up the base. With this they could also threaten the soldiers to obey, since their wives and children were stationed here monitored by Saiyans. Even if by any means were able to capture the Saiyan base, those civilians, the families of the soldiers, would be a good pressure point.

Broly stationed a few squads that had often worked with Aize and Taro here to watch them. Taro and Aize would be placed here as well and would prevent the other Saiyans from doing something stupid. Broly didn't think that the Saiyans responsible for over watching the civilians would just start raping the elves, since Saiyans were mostly interested in battle but he couldn't neglect that possibility. Broly also thought it was more likely that a fight would start and get out of hand, destroying the buildings that they needed right now. To prevent this the two were here to resolve any kind of trouble and report it to him if necessary.

He ordered them to separate the two groups, that would stay here and those that would come back with them. While they were being separated, Alea arrived and told them that they found several food storages with plenty of food. Of course, this would still be too less because of the increased number of people, especially considering that Saiyans were eating like black holes.

They even had big fields for crops that were supported with magic lights to simulate sunlight, making it possible for them to grow underground. Broly told Aize to gather those that seemed to be holding some power in this elvish city. A few dozens were quickly gathered in a side building and were left standing. There was only one chair in the room. Broly calmly walked past them as they hastily opened a path for him. He sat down on the chair watching their uneasy faces.

"You are going to work for me." Broly's icy voice sounded out. It made the elves shiver. Only one seemed to be barely affected. He looked like a battle-hardened warrior with the numerous scars as well his standing position, that would allow him to react to attacks quickly.

Broly pointed at him.

"Speak your mind."

"You think I will offer you anything after everything you have done to my people? I will never help you!" Although he sounded fierce and determined, Broly still was able to hear some slight tremble in his voice.

Broly rolled his eyes.

"My people may have broken your bones and ravaged your houses, but you are still alive, are you not? Besides you guys should really consider the whole situation, since this doesn't involve only you. I want you to know that if what you can offer is not worth the effort of keeping you alive then… I think you know what would happen."


"You see, we just want you to give us some taxes in form of food or water supplies. You build a house here and there, but besides that you get to live a normal life. But if you don't comply, we Saiyans can get really nasty. How about this, one of you can stay behind gather a few people you need as guards to make sure they won't get hurt by our people and motivate the civilians to make some farming."

"…We don't really have a choice now do we? I, Gren, will do my best to serve you…" The same one spoke out while gritting his teeth. Broly had hoped that he would do so as he was the strongest of the group here and maybe in the top 3 in total. He looked like someone, that other elves depend on and had some status, considering that the others weren't as chatty as him. This was perfect as it would give them a false sense of security if he stays here and help his people by 'protecting' them. The other elves seemed to have accepted their fates as well and seemed more cooperative in the future.

Broly waved his hands and signaled them out.

"Seems like those elves aren't stupid."

"Elves? Your Majesty, they are called Grebnoach." Daz said from the side.

"Gebnouck? …They will be called elves from here on." The elves would probably want to say something about it, but even if they dared to speak, Broly wasn't going to consider it. It would be too bothersome to remember that name…

He let Gine be the middleman. She would overlook the whole process and make sure that everything went smoothly. Since she already worked for the supplies back on Perditus, he had faith that she was able to handle the logistics. She also was a kind person, it would be easier for her to establish a good relationship with the civilians as the go to person.

Broly then gave the waiting soldiers, that would be coming with him, under direct command to several generals of the elves that were with him in the building. With the exception of a small group of 20, which would be placed under Daz. Broly thought it would be easier for the elves to follow the orders if they come from one of theirs. It was also a way to show that they still could regain positions of power, although for now Saiyans were still above them in ranks. He also wanted to establish an elvish elite squad, who would carry out order and punishments for the other elves in the future.

After everything was said and done, they walked out and started to sort themselves accordingly. Broly started hovering above the elves and started speaking.

"I am Broly, the King of all Saiyans! And now I am your King too! Work hard for me and it won't be disregarded. All soldiers are to follow us back to our base and the civilians will be staying here! I will say it once, I will not tolerate any disobedience!" Broly finished and started flying out towards the Saiyans' base.

A while later they were a few kilometers away from their base, before Broly stopped and with a wave of his hand, he cut down a whole area of gigantic trees. Afterwards he leveled the area and then went on to expand this area. The Saiyans were using the hacked trees to build houses and the elves directly carved out the trees, which were left standing in the area. For the elves it was their go to methods to establish the houses inside the trees as the average tree was gigantic enough for them to live in.

They had worked through the night until the sun set again. After all this time a major area was constructed in the middle of the jungle which could house the 700 elvish soldiers and some of the Saiyans that would be staying here. A few Saiyans had complained why they had to work for their captives and establish houses for them but were quickly shut up by others. Even their King helped, it would be disgraceful for them to complain about this menial work.

Of course, Broly didn't just do this because he was such a kind person. After their show of power, the elves knew how unmatched they were, but Broly didn't need sickly scared slaves. If they didn't had houses a place they could retreat to, call it, at least for now, a home, it would help their mentality a bit. They would be healthier and hopefully more willing to work for him. He wanted them to believe not that they had to but that it was preferable to work for him.

If that meant to build a few houses for a day and a half, he would just be done with it earlier. He stationed a few Saiyans here that would also live here, mainly for monitoring reasons but also so that the races would interact with each other.

After he was done, he went back to his ship and looked over the list Daz gave him, which listed the Saiyans that were most adequate to handle administering work. It was mostly Saiyans that weren't excelling in the strength department but had shown their cleverness in past missions.