Goku vs Aize

"Try me." Aize snorted.

Goku just grinned and then crossed his arms in front of him. His ki started rising, directly entering Super Saiyan but like Gohan his ki rose with no sign of stopping. The only difference to his son was that his ki rose far more quickly.

His ki reached a critical point. He suddenly uncrossed his arms, with a gigantic burst, his power rose to another level.

The created shockwave sent everything around away, even the arena cracked under his feet. The ki he was releasing was ridiculous. The spectators were shocked seeing this. They shielded themselves from the onslaught of stray energy. Just the pressure he was releasing was enormous.

Vegeta was gritting his teeth.

"Him too?" Vegeta had made tremendous progress in his second time in the training chamber but compared to Goku's strength, it wasn't mentionable.

Cell was frowning, like Vegeta he made good progress and was confident on taking on Gohan but Goku on the other hand. It was difficult to say, if there was a difference in power it was negligible.

Goku's hair stood on end and the high-concentration of energy, created lightning that swirled around his body.

Goku took in his battle stance with one arm close to the ground, in front of him and one behind, above his head.

Contrasting to the shocked expression of the spectators, Aize was looking at Goku indifferently. He stretched out on arm towards Goku and one close to the side of his face, Aize lowered his body slightly, steadying his body and ki. Goku seemed like a violent river, while Aize stood there like a boulder, cemented to the ground. For the outsiders, it looked like an unstoppable force was about to collide with an immovable object.

Both of them didn't move. The atmosphere was tense until a small rock nearby rolled of a small rise.

The atmosphere seemed to have been ripped and only a whooshing tone sounded out, followed with a loud bang.

Goku's body had vanished from the spot, instantly arriving in front Aize and punched out. Aize had only moved slightly, blocking the strike to his face with his underarm. For a second, they stayed in that position like a grand stature.

There ki intertwined and fought against each other. It was just a single second where they didn't move, and their gazes met. The next second, they both disappeared followed with numerous bangs that overlapped with each other. Shockwave after shockwave, parts of the arena were pulverized. The clouds had long been forcefully dispersed.

The Z-Fighters had to distance themselves slightly. Cell's frown was deepening. The intensity of the fight kept increasing. They all slowly understood for themselves that Goku was probably the strongest of them and if he lost, they wouldn't be able to handle Aize. Although Goku was confident in winning and he indeed was much stronger than everyone expected, so was Aize. He didn't seem to have problems keeping up with Goku and his martial experience was superb.

If Goku lost, they wouldn't be able to win, since Aize wasn't the only follower they were fighting against. Taro didn't go on the arena yet, since he knew Aize would be able to handle all of them. Now he had stopped eating and stood up, intently observing the fight. Seeing the increase of Goku's strength that had accrued in just 2 weeks, confused him greatly.

"How did he improve this quickly? From what I had sensed when you two were fighting 2 weeks ago, he wasn't even able to reach the next level. Now he not only reached it, but his strength had increased tremendously!"

"Hm? Didn't I tell you? They have a room where on day outside equals 1 year inside, they used it to train for the last two weeks. Well, one person can only enter twice for now."

"What? Seriously, what a hack…" Taro watched the fight again, while biting off a steak from time to time.

"Why are you always eating?" Broly looked at Taro speechlessly. Although he was a Saiyan, he didn't need to eat constantly.

"Gulp. This T-Rex steak is just too awesome, I can't get enough!" Taro said happily while lifting it into the air like it was a divine object.

"You have to fight soon, don't overeat." Broly said before focusing on the fight again.

Piccolo immediately told the others telepathically about the fact that Taro would step in soon. After hearing that Raditz, Gine, Trunk, Vegeta, Cell and the now healed Gohan prepared themselves mentally.

'How does he know about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber?' Piccolo thought as he looked at Broly, who suddenly returned the stare. Piccolo frowned after seeing and hearing Broly whisper to him.

"Good luck~"

'Does he know that I could hear him?' Piccolo thought.

Goku saw an opening in Aize's defense and directly closed in to abuse it. He punched out, aiming at Aize's stomach.

Goku's fist turned into a light beam and connected but not with Aize's stomach. Aize had raised his knee intercepting the punch and pushed against it. Goku knew he couldn't advance and retracted his arm. Aize saw this and followed Goku's arm with his leg. He extended his leg that was just used for defending and struck at Goku's shoulder. Goku wasn't able to lean backwards in time and was struck badly.

Goku's shoulder immediately started bleeding. A hole has been formed by the attack just now. Aize's foot was enveloped with a ki, forming a point to easily pierce his opponent's defense. Goku was confident in taking punches and kicks with his body, but the method Aize used would quickly bleed him out, if he was struck more often by such an attack.

Goku's skin and muscles were like paper in front of those attacks. Fortunately for Goku, the extensions weren't that long, otherwise his shoulder would be completely useless now. It felt like the attacks were extremely hardened, so it wouldn't collapse on contact if it met something incredibly sturdy, but what kind of person would have such a skin that would need attacks like that? Goku didn't think about it anymore and closed in again with a flying knee.

Aize blocked it with both his hands. Goku grinned seeing this. He thrusted his palm out with a small almost unnoticeable ki sphere in it.

His palm shot at Aize's head and was about to connect. Aize only sneered and opened his mouth wide. A ki sphere was quickly formed inside his mouth and shot out, meeting Goku's palm.

A huge explosion enveloped the two. An instant later, two figures backed out quickly from the created smokescreen.

Both flew around it and punched out. Their fists met, immediately dispersing the smokescreen to their side.

Aize thrusted out his other arm. Goku was about to meet it, but in the last moment dodged to the sides.

"Tch. You really like to cut people…" Goku mumbled as he looked at the enveloped arm of Aize. Once again it just covered his arm, barely extending out. His arm had transformed to a blade. Aize pointed it at Goku and in the next instant arrived just a meter away. Aize thrusted his arm-blade at Goku, who was only able to tilt his head slightly, before backing up again.

Goku felt the blood trickle down his cheek. It wasn't a deep cut, but it could have ended quiet differently if he was just a fraction of a second too late.

Goku wiped away the blood and held up both his arms in front of him into a stance.

"You don't look so good. Didn't you say I would lose against you?" Aize said with no expression on his face.

Goku only frowned as a response. He really thought that after seeing him struggle against Gohan's Kamehameha and falling for their sneak attack. He knew that Aize may be more powerful than him but that wouldn't guarantee his win. From what he could tell, Aize was struggling with group fights and against his son, his one on one capabilities didn't seem that high either. But now he realized that he had severely underestimated him, coupled with the progress in the time chamber, he was too sure in his victory. The ki control of that guy is unreal and his adaptivity in close combat as well. He was very agile and could easily dodge a barrage of ki blasts. Until now he had to use mirage attacks, distraction, feints and unconventional movement to get a solid hit in.

Broly saw the frown on Goku's face and somewhat knew what he was thinking.

Indeed, Aize's strongpoint wasn't to fight alone against many as he usually has someone to back him up, but he was very capable in one on one fights. He wasn't a combat instructor of the new generation for no reason. That was also a reason why he only used the basics against Gohan. He probably unconsciously regarded him as one of his students and therefore didn't cut him up.

To use sturdy and short ki blades, was something he developed to fight Broly. Broly's bones were impossible for him to break and his skin dispersed all the energy, preventing any damage to his inner organs. The only way to inflict damage for someone weaker was to first cut open his skin and one could then go from there. Of course, that was his theory and until now, Aize wasn't able to do so.


"Really weird, why is Cell fighting with the Z-Fighters? Either way, we will just proceed as planned." One figure contemplated out loud, while another was just listening and gave a slight nod. The two closed in to the fighting arena without being seen.