To the rescue

Mechikabura felt like he was hit by a meteor. His body was tearing through the air as he was sent flying. His body shot through a mountain peak without any sign of stopping. It looked like he was about to travel across the whole demon realm. His head felt dizzy the moment he was hit, but after a while he regained his bearing and slowed himself.

After coming to a stop, he looked down his body and saw several fist sized holes in his clothes. His pale blue skin showed several bruises. Mechikabura's face distorted in anger as he thought about how this lowly Saiyan was able to hurt him!


He was on high alert and directly recognized the sound of wind behind him. He directly spun around and pointed his staff in that direction. A red triangular shield quickly formed on the tip of his staff.

Mechikabura saw Broly staring at him from behind the shield with his hands still glowing slightly.


Mechikabura felt himself being pushed away slightly. The shield trembled slightly under the explosion like impact.


Right in the middle a large crack formed on the shield. Nothing seemed to follow up afterwards and the crack mended itself, however this only made Mechikabura more nervous.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.

In an instant, numerous cracks formed on the shield. Mechikabura clearly felt his shield being hit hundreds of times in a single instant!

As if to prove his unease, the shield splintered from the middle into thousands of pieces. A hand directly reached through the shield, grasping the tip of the staff. Before Mechikabura could retaliate or distance himself, the hand put pressure on the tip and directly broke it off.

As soon as the staff broke, purple red lightning shot out at Mechikabura and Broly, following with the staff imploding, seemingly vanishing into nothingness.

Mechikabura was shocked! His precious staff was easily destroyed, how could this be?!

"Impossible! You are obviously not strong enough to break it, I can sense it! How could-" Broly didn't wait for Mechikabura to finish and directly punched him in the face. Mechikabura couldn't dodge at all. Although he was powerful, his expertise wasn't close combat. Especially, his hand to hand combat was subpar.

Facing someone, who was only closing in on his strength, made him look completely inexperience.

Broly didn't give him any chance to rest and directly pummeled him into the ground. He released a relentless wave of strikes, hitting Mechikabura all over his defenseless body.

"You bastard!" With an outburst of magic power, a red sphere made from lightning covered Mechikabura. Broly struck it once and immediately felt his hand going numb. A lightning arc shot at him from the sphere. Broly directly dodged it by jumping backwards.

Mechikabura had some blood tickling down his mouth and was panting slightly. Clearly the hits had made some impact, but it was not nearly enough to bring him down. Fortunately for Broly, Mechikabura's staff was already broken, reducing his strength.

Broly squinted his eyes slightly before putting his arms to his side with his palms facing upwards. They were positioned slightly higher than his head and with a swoosh sound, two green vibrating discs appeared above his palms.

Broly swung his arms, sending the discs right at Mechikabura.

Mechikabura put both his arms forwards and shot out two beams, directly destroying the discs before they could reach his protective sphere. Mechikabura' view was blocked by the explosion.

He suddenly sensed something and quickly looked upwards only to see Broly with his hands cupped and a small sphere in the middle, pointing towards him. The veins on his arms and face was bulging, threatening to explode.

"Gamma-Ray Burst!"

There were only a few meters between them, there was no way for Mechikabura to dodge this attack. The lightning fast speed of the attack didn't allow him to put any extra protection as well. He only increased the magical output into his sphere, hoping it would last.

The sphere was instantly enveloped in a grand pillar of green light, pushing the sphere to the ground. The ground directly gave in like it was tofu as soon as the sphere hit the ground.

Mechikabura felt the impact as he was being pushed deep into the ground. He put his arms upwards and released his magic power in order to resist longer. His sphere was flickering and bending inwards under the intense pressure. He knew the moment his sphere broke, he would be heavily injured.

Mechikabura felt like the beam lasted for eons as he pushed everything into the sphere to hold on, but still more and more cracks formed at the front that was enduring the full brunt of the attack. Fortunately for him, the beam didn't last as long as he felt it was. After a few seconds the beam dimmed until it disappeared altogether.

Mechikabura's body was drained of much power, but he was still confident in winning this fight. He had already noticed that although Broly was nowhere near his powers normally, his strength rose by in inconceivable amount with some kind of technique. He had never seen this technique before, but he could tell as soon as Broly used it, not only was his energy usage perfect without any loss, but every attack seemed to have a property to push everything else away.

Space and time couldn't touch his fists, making every attack incredible fast and destructive. Even his counterpart, who was even stronger than him would be at his mercy with those attacks!

Mechikabura knew that if Broly mastered this technique further and not only use it on his fists, he would have no problem fighting someone, who would be normally out of his reach. He would be unrivaled on the same level!

Mechikabura knew that he couldn't let Broly live, he would grow too powerful if he developed further. Decisively, he shot towards the pinpoint sized light. He was deep in the ground, but with his powers, he crossed the distance in a second.

He flew into the sky, searched for Broly and quickly found him. Broly, back in his base, was standing on the ground with his arms in front of him. His body was giving off smoke and he was breathing heavily. Everyone would be able to see that his body was already on its limits.

He held a Senzu Bean in his hands and was trying to eat it, but he couldn't raise his arms. His ki and magic power was drained, his lifeforce burned and his soul felt like it was about to fall apart, if he couldn't eat the Senzu Bean, he wouldn't even be able to defeat a child.

Broly couldn't even sense his surroundings and didn't notice that he was detected by Mechikabura. He wasn't even sure if the demon survived let alone come back in a second. Broly was panting heavily as he felt all the damage in his body. Legendary Super Saiyan 3 was to pull out all the Saiyan power in every cell, boosting one's capabilities, but the sudden increase was too much for his body to handle and the cells burst open.

Even though his cells were strengthened to some degree through the wish, it was still too much to go all out all of a sudden. If he had slowly adapted to the form, he wouldn't have that problem, but now it was already too late to complain.

Kakos' fist style was problematic as well, it not only put a huge burden on the body but on his soul as well as it is the main source of power for it. He would have probably died if his soul wasn't strengthened by the Origins Spirit Crystal.

He was still too clumsy with it. He was like a child wielding a sledgehammer. He thought, he could use it to quickly end Mechikabura, but who would have thought that Mechikabura was on a completely different level and could last that long.

"Have you said your last words?"

A voice came from above Broly and slowly two feet with a burned cape landed in front of Broly. Broly struggled to raise his head and saw Mechikabura. He didn't die! Broly couldn't believe it. He had put everything on that last attack, but Mechikabura seemed barely hurt!

Broly gritted his teeth only able to clench his fingers slightly.

Mechikabura was laughing maliciously and his eyes were filled with hatred.

"Broly, I will make you pay back a million tim-" Suddenly a red blur came into view, kicking Mechikabura away.

Broly was stunned as he looked at the figure.

"Nice work, Broly. I will take over from here on. Haha." A voice that seemed overlapped answered him before dashing after Mechikabura.

'Gogeta, Super Saiyan 4. The ki he was giving off is unreal, good that he takes on Mechikabura for me… still could have fed me the Senzu Bean.'

Suddenly another figure appeared.

"Don't worry my dad got this." Gotenks stopped in front of him, shortly said that and ran off again.

"Hey…" Broly said weakly. Gotenks luckily heard him, stopped before running backwards to Broly again.

"Need something?" Broly only twitched slightly with his hand, showing Gotenks the Senzu Bean.

"Oh, I see." He took the Senzu bean. "Here comes the plane." Broly only silently ate the bean, while coldly eying Gotenks' grinning face.

'So humiliating. I am definitely going to beat you up…'