
For the next few days the Exousians went deeper into the forests. At one point the flora started glowing in a blue shimmer, there were floating land pieces and all kinds of creatures. There were malicious treants that lured a group of Saiyans with their fruits and humanoid tree-like creatures that were glowing green and commanding different animals to attack the Saiyans.

Fortunately, Broly and the other Super Saiyans were able to rescue the elites out of numerous difficulties and with the elves they never ran out of water or places to stay. They could sense running water and easily find caves for them to stay the night. Usually those were homes of vicious beasts, but they were always able to defeat them.

A few were unluckier and lost an arm or a leg but no one until now died which was a proof that their title as elites wasn't just for show, after all, almost all beings were comparable or stronger than they were.

Of course, if they were stranded without a Super Saiyan as a support, they would have suffered far more casualties, especially early on before the first would be able to transform.

At this point Broly had already noticed the ones that were standing out in this group of elites. Most of them were able to become an elite because they had high power levels and high potential. Now the very best of them were coming into the limelight.

Broly estimated that if they stayed here for another week or two, there would be at least 3 to 7 additional Super Saiyans. Indeed, in the near future of this 50+ Saiyans, only 3 to 7 would transcend.

The others had potential as well otherwise they wouldn't be called elites, but Broly knew they would need a few months to develop under the right circumstances, which in retrospective of Saiyans' history was impressive enough.

After a week since they arrived on this island, they had headed deeper into the forest while being on constant alert of the numerous ambushes of mighty beasts.

While they were walking, they suddenly heard a roar coming from a few kilometers away.

Broly heard an elephants trumpeting coming with it. Broly usually wouldn't bother with the fights among beasts but he felt that the trumpet sound was affecting his emotions.

The sound seemed to have magic imbued in it, making anyone that heard the trumpeting fearful.

"Might as well take a look."

With that Broly had to walk towards the battle sounds. The pressure on Broly's body hadn't lessened at all since he was on the island, if anything it got stronger as time went on. Broly first thought it was because they had moved deeper into the island, but even through the night the pressure grew. Broly didn't take long to figure out the reason.

The pressure had indeed limited his powers but under the constant pressure his body and his energies got stronger, tougher and more refined. It was not very different to a gravity chamber only that it affected his ki, magic and lifeforce as well.

Broly of course was happy to make that discovery. As long as his body could improve, the pressure would get stronger as well. It would make an ideal training ground. The only downside was that he couldn't increase the pressure manually to make the best out of a training session. There was also the nature of the pressure as its main focus is suppressing Broly's power and not to put his body under stress.

After walking for a while, they arrived. Broly saw a group of mammoths facing off a monstrous black dragon. The dragon was unlike Shenlong but had more characteristics of a western dragon. Four powerful arms with intimidating claws and two wide wings that were creating whirlwinds with every flap. The scales on his back were forming sharp spikes and its two long horns on its head made it look devilish.

The dragon was spewing out a wave of purple lighting arcs that scorched the fur and instantly paralyzed several mammoths under attack.

There were 8 adult mammoths protecting a few children in the middle. Beside them was a corpse of a younger dragon that had numerous holes in its side and a corpse of a calf with biting marks was not far away. It seemed like the young dragon tried to prey on the calf but died under the attacks of the adult mammoths. Broly intention at first was only to take a look. He didn't want to interfere but after seeing the dragon fly freely in the air, he came to quick decision.

Broly's soul enveloped his body and he immediately vanished from the spot.

The other Exousians wanted to help at first but they were shut down by the other leaders. They understood that Broly wasn't out to kill it.

Broly appeared directly in front of the dragon's face. It was shocked at the sudden appearance, but it quickly reacted and opened its jaw.

Darkness filled its mouth and Broly could feel the powerful presence of magic, but Broly was a step ahead of the dragon. He outstretched his hand and with a ki shockwave, the dragon was knocked to the ground without being able to resist. It formed a long and wide trench on the ground as the wings were still wide open.

Broly followed up without giving the dragon any rest. Broly appeared above the dragon and pressed his hand onto its forehead, pressing its head into the ground.

The dragon directly fainted as a result. The mammoths saw all this happen and fearfully stepped backwards. Seeing that Broly didn't move towards them, they quickly retreated into the forest.

Broly didn't bother to give them a chase.

He told the other Saiyans to carry the dragon. Broly started walking towards the source of the connection while the Saiyans dragged the dragon with them. 'Kulaan' That was the name of the dragon and the only thing Broly could get out of its mind.


A few hours later Broly stood at the edge of a steep cliff. Broly let his eyes wander across the cliff and its edge. They were at the boundary of a humongous abyss. The abyss had a consistent colorful fog stretching across, giving no one the chance to see the ground.

In the far distant horizon, Broly saw that the trees of the forests were following the boundary in a slight curve. Broly was astonished as he couldn't see the end of this abyss. From his view he also could see that the walls of the edge were perfectly smooth, not something nature would give birth to.

Broly felt magical and spiritual energy tickling his arms after he stretched it over the edge. Broly leaned over the edge and threw done a 3-meter-wide boulder he had picked up from the side into the abyss.

Everyone was quiet, they didn't even breath, so they could hear the stones impact, but even after 20 minutes, nothing could be heard.

"Kulaan, come here!" After saying that, the black dragon nosedived through the air directly towards Broly's side. With a mighty flap the dragon stopped near Broly and descended next to him.

Broly gave him a glance and saw that he was looking fearfully into the abyss. "Go down there." The dragon vehemently shook his head after hearing Broly's words. It seemed to dread whatever was down there. Broly raised an eyebrow as he looked coldly at the dragon. "That wasn't something you can reject. Go down."

Even the Saiyans felt chilly when Broly was speaking. The dragon was trembling heavily, but it slowly approached the edge.

The dragon looked down the edge for a moment before jumping high into the air. His wings were flapping furiously but it barely had any effect as he plummeted to the ground.

Kulaan quickly turned around and tried to slow himself down at the walls but his claws couldn't pierce into the stone and he fell into the depths of the abyss like the stone before him.

Broly frowned as he watched the dragon fall through the fog. The soul connection to the dragon had dimmed severely, like a veil covering his eyes. Fortunately, it wasn't completely severed. Broly only had to wait shortly until he noticed that the dragon had stopped descending after approximately 2 minutes of falling.

Broly still waited for a few dozens of minutes but even then, the dragon didn't die. He also was kind of aware what awaited him down there. "Alright, we are going down!" Broly said and directly jumped off the edge and rapidly plummeted downwards.