Going back

He stood in front of the Exousians, who looked shocked at the sudden appearance of Broly. After a moment of silence their faces lit up not only because of his return, but to feel the oppressive aura coming out of Broly.

For the last few weeks they didn't feel any pressure from Broly, even if he used his soul, it wasn't as domineering as his normal transformations through ki. Part of the reason was that ki was a mostly destructive energy. There are some healing capacities to it, but it is mostly used to destroy, making it rather oppressive.

Of course, during the time where Broly was being suppressed, he still showed his power from time to time, but they knew that wasn't something Broly could hold up indefinitely. Now that Broly had returned with full power, they had relaxed instantly.

The other Super Saiyans and Zangya knew that this temple had to be something of importance to the whole island, so after seeing him return unscathed, they knew that he prevailed through the challenges of the temple. They were now waiting for his confirmation on what he saw and if they were able to go back to their universe.

"We are going to leave this place!" Broly shouted out with a majestic voice, stunning the Exousians for a moment before they shouted out its excitement. The S-Fighter were surprised as well. Broly had always did things according to his will and he did it with a domineering and kingly attitude, this time, however, it felt different. It was like his word held ethereal and absolute power.

Broly turned around and clenched his fist before everyone present was enveloped by a warm feeling. In the next moment they had vanished from the spot.

After showing his back, they realized that the sword on his back had disappeared. Beforehand there was Solutus' giant sword that couldn't be overseen. Now, however, it had vanished.

That was at least the case for the normal elites, for the Super Saiyans, they were somewhat able to perceive that a sword was still sheathed on his back.

If they tried to look straight at it, they wouldn't be able to see it, it was only a feeling that a sharp blade was still being carried on his back. They weren't sure if it was real or just an illusion.

They didn't think about it anymore as they had quickly arrived in the throne hall. Broly told the other elites to wait here and then teleported with the S-Fighters to a room that seemed to be made out of glass, however, they weren't watching the surroundings, but they were somewhat able to perceive the whole island.

Broly was here for the first time as well, so he was as astonished as the others. They saw the vast island in its whole magnificence. The forest that surrounded the abyss was far bigger than they had imagined.

They were rather fortunate that they were placed rather close to the abyss and temple. It was inconceivable vaster than they previously estimated. They noticed many mighty creatures that could give an Ascended Super Saiyan a run for their money.

Broly now knew how they would find their way back. In this room they couldn't only perceive the island but also search for another multiverse to target.

Normal beings' and even Broly's brain couldn't comprehend the area between the multiverse yet, so they had to rely on this room to navigate. If he was strong enough, he might be able to handle the complex dimension that was holding together the very existence, but that wasn't something Broly could do just yet.

Fortunately, they weren't trying to find another multiverse, so Broly wouldn't even need to rely on this room to navigate to their home. The reason why he had brought the others here was another one. Broly had thought about how he could use the resources he now had gained with this island.

He wouldn't only use it for travelling between the universe. That would be too wasteful. After weeks of remaining on this island, he saw the value of the environment. He would use it to train more Super Saiyans. There wouldn't be a better place that had the right danger level to let an elite Saiyan transcend their normal Saiyan limits.

He had only spent a couple of weeks in here but the number of Super Saiyans had already doubled. They were even able to look underground into the caves. They discussed several places for training purposes and quickly developed a rough training draft, from normal Saiyans to Ascended Super Saiyans.

They concluded that they would send the ones, who made considerable contribution in developing Broly's kingdom through the missions, here.

Broly also told Aize about how he thought he should adapt his training regime, so the Saiyans could integrate their instincts more instead of just a tactical fighting style. This island wouldn't only be their headquarters for when they want to move to other universes, but it will be their farm for producing Super Saiyans.

The more he thought about the prospects of this island, the happier he got. After talking about the future training, a bit more, Broly decided that it was time to get back home.

They navigated through the space and time cracks between the universes and traveled to a spot that had a rather thin barrier to enter. The reason he didn't want to just blatantly enter their universe was that they would most likely be discovered by Beerus or Whis. He would only move close to the thin barrier and then enter with their own bodies.

The colorful nebula that surrounded the island was in fact something produced by the island itself, it was part of it. It was responsible for making the island invisible for outsiders. It also used to create illusions to keep unwanted guests outside if they were too close to the island, unfortunately it was damaged during the attacks of the overlords.

Probably only Zeno would be able to locate the island if he searched for it, but Broly didn't have any intention to get Zeno's attention for now.

Broly had already thought about the perfect place that would hide the island and keep a safe path towards it.

The island was smoothly flying through space and time cracks without disturbing them even in the slightest, even the ones on the island itself didn't notice that they were moving.

As they headed towards their universe, Broly inspected the tattoo on the back of his hand. A hollow golden triangle like it looked like before it turned into a tattoo. What was different, however, were the colors that filled the triangle.

At the bottom left it was colored red like blood, the bottom right was blueish like the ocean and the top was filled with a healthy vibrant green. Red for lifeforce, blue for magic and green for his soul power.

It wasn't that this tattoo was his source of strength, it was more like it used the three energies to create a unique imprint, like an identification of some sorts.

While they were heading for Broly's picked destination, he took some time to feel the changes inside his body. He could use lifeforce and his magic like before, additionally it was supplemented with his soul making its affects far more potent. It was basically only a relocation of his power from his body into his soul, making it usable in every multiverse in existence.

Of course, he also realized its drawbacks, which was the consumption of his soul through these energies. Broly, however, didn't worry too much about the consumption. One of the best parts of the conversion was probably that through the additional energies, his soul was much more resilient than before.

Previously, if he used his soul to his limits, he would accidentally injure it but now he could exhaust its power and only need to recover the used-up energy with a short rest.

While Broly finished with his assessment of his situation, they had arrived at their destination. The others also realized where Broly chose to hide the island. Indeed, it was a place that was almost completely hidden from the gods and they were familiar with it.

Even if they were discovered they could use the excuse that they wanted to visit their home. The location Broly chose was Perditus, to be precise it was the space and time tunnel between Perditus and the normal universe.

He now didn't have to worry about the tunnel collapsing as he could brute force another way if it did. They wouldn't need to worry about being eternally trapped on Perditus.

There was only one thing left to guarantee that the island would be easily accessible for them. Broly looked ahead and saw a giant amount of lifeforce swimming through the cracks of space and time.