
Renso, the captain of the Sadala Defense Forces, just came back home from work. He opened the door of his house and looked around trying to find someone. He didn't find anyone inside and only sighed.

"Guess she is hanging out with these punks again." After saying that he sighed again, his sister had a fierce temperament. Caulifla was basically raised without her parents, so from young on she was harsher than her peers.

It wasn't like Renso couldn't understand her, but he couldn't get through to her. He always thought it was a waste of her talent that she only knew how to make trouble. She just turned 14 a while ago and it was time for her to search for a job if she didn't want to attend to a public or military school. He even tried to introduce her to the Sadala defense forces, but she wouldn't comply and quickly ran off.

"Excuse me, are you Renso?" A deep voice suddenly sounded out right behind Renso. He quickly turned around and only saw a muscular abdomen. Renso looked up, but a shadow was being cast, preventing Renso from seeing this man's face.

"Can I help you with something?" Renso said cautiously while taking a step back into his house. His alarm bells were ringing. He was the captain of the defense forces for a long time and was honed by the hard-fought battles that he had during the years, it wasn't far-off to call his sense for danger to be pristine.

He had only noticed this man after he said something. If this man didn't want to be noticed, Renso would have never been aware of his presence.

The man took a few steps into the house, forcing Renso to back off even further inside. The man had to duck inside has he was too tall for the door frame. He turned around and closed the door behind him.

"Sorry for the intrusion. I wish to talk with you about something. No, I should say about someone."

Now inside, Renso was able to discern this man's face. A handsome face with hints of savageness, but also majestic features. His body was in every definition perfect. A once in a billion specimen. Renso could feel the power hidden deep inside and it made him threatened to say the least.

The man had several golden ornaments and the fabric of his pants and sash were obviously high-quality cloth. He gave Renso the same feeling the king gave him when he had an audience in the past.

No, he felt that this man was far more intimidating and royal than the king himself. If they stood next to each other, he wouldn't know whom to bow to. He was not someone he wanted to mess with. Even as the captain and one who is considered to be strong on this planet, he felt like he wouldn't stand a chance against him.

Should he escape or attack him first?

Fear had already gripped him and didn't register anything this man said.

The man smiled at him, but Renso didn't feel anything good about it. For him it was the same as if a beast was playing with his prey.

"I am called Broly and I am here for your daughter Caulifla." Renso immediately squinted his eyes and his whole body turned into battle mode. No trace of the previous timid nature to be found. The ki inside him was boiling waiting for a release. Broly scratched his head as he finally got Renso's attention after several failed attempts at calling out to him.

"I heard she is somewhat of a brat. I want to help her get back on track. You agree that her current actions are just a waste of her potential, right?"

Renso finally calmed down after hearing what Broly said. "What is she to you? I don't remember her mentioning you." Renso was skeptical of this man called Broly. He hardly looked like a punk but rather like a royal relative.

"I know she has some unrealized potential of greatness. I want to see her unearth her strength to the fullest and I am probably the only one capable of doing so. After all, I am the strongest Saiyan alive."

Broly spoke with a forceful conviction, leaving no room for negotiations. Renso was aware that even if he didn't approve of this, Broly might just force him to comply.

He also knew of this latent potential of his sister and he lowkey believed that this man was the strongest Saiyan and could help her gain more power. Despite this, he wouldn't just allow anyone to come into her house and take his sister with him.

"You don't seem to approve." Broly tilted his head as he looked at Renso. Broly had sharp senses and he could somewhat guess what he thought based on the miniscule muscle movements of Renso's face.

"I don't plan to imprison her. I am just going to teach her a thing or two. I could have just taught her behind your back, but I thought you might appreciate where she spent her time. Even now you don't know where she is and what she does.

Additionally, I don't think I am as a bad influence as the several gangsters she surrounds herself with. 200 kilometers in the southeast across the lake is a rock formation, that is where we are going to train. If you have the time you can come and visit."

Renso had a lot to take in. He contemplated about it even though there didn't seem to be any downsides of this. He knew that everything Broly said was true. He couldn't control her now and if she wanted to be trained by him then there wouldn't be a thing to deter her from it. Maybe this Broly guy can indeed bring her back on the right path.

"I approve, but if something happens to her…"

"Don't worry it won't be much more dangerous than the military school." Broly interrupted him.

This sentence quickly shut him up. He still felt guilty that he wanted to put her into military school, but he couldn't think of a better method to get her away from the other punks than to keep her close.

"Alright. I guess… She is in your care." Renso said heavy-heartedly.

"Good… I will see you around." Without saying anything further, Broly stepped outside again and his body vanished in front of Renso's eyes.

Renso's house was a bit in the forest just outside of the city, so Broly would have to fly back to the city. He had visited Renso first as he didn't want the attention of the Sadala defense forces. If Renso knew Broly was training with Caulifla then he might help them out if their released power created some unwanted attention.

After visiting Renso, he wanted to find Caulifla and Kale. He was somewhat aware where she would be spending her time. It would be out of the public view in a remote warehouse or something similar.

Broly only needed to sense the strongest ki there and he would be sure to find her. He first thought Renso knew where Caulifla would be spending her time but seeing his helpless expression when he entered his own house, Broly knew that the girls probably didn't reveal their meeting place to him yet.

As he was flying through the air, he noticed a sudden peak in power. For his senses it was like a pillar of light that showed where it was coming from. It had overshadowed the other ki signature by a large margin and he guessed that this might be Caulifla. He was surprised about the ki he felt, it was even higher than he previously suspected.

He didn't ponder about it and directly flew towards it. He quickly crossed the distance and found a rather big remote house.


Cracks suddenly appeared on the driveway of this house, extending all the way to the main street. He didn't wait and directly kicked in the front door. He turned around the corner and saw a girl in her teens with her arms covered in blood. She had tears in her eyes and after seeing her arms, she started puking on the ground.

Broly could feel the lingering ki on this girl and knew that he found a different target. He frowned as he didn't expect her to be in that kind of state.

He looked at the closed door behind her. With his senses he already had a picture in his mind of the basement behind it. Numerous torture instruments, torn ropes and a man torn to pieces. It seemed like the man had something like an apron on.

He shook his head and wanted to pick up the girl who was shivering on the floor, but as soon as he came closer her ki became agitated. Broly retracted his hands and lifted her up with his telekinesis.

He quickly brought her out of the house after making sure no one was watching and flew some distance away. He turned around and glanced at the house. In the next moment, the house was enveloped by a large blue sphere.

The blue sphere vanished as quick as it came and only left behind a large crater where the house used to be. After Broly left, a group of people on motorbikes arrived at the crater.