
After confirming that Kale slept, he left shortly afterwards. He created a barrier around the small camping site.

With the addition of soul power, the strength of his magic attacks and lifeforce boost rose significantly. Creating a barrier to hide and protect Kale from the beasts in this forest was child's play.

Kale was already sleeping even though the sun was just about to set. She must be really exhausted after the eventful day.

He didn't bother with her anymore and flew towards the city again. The search could have been a bit troublesome for most as the Saiyans here could hide their ki but with his senses that had once enveloped the earth in its entirety, searching for a kid nearby wasn't difficult.

It took a few minutes to find her with that method, which was the reason he first wanted to find her through ki sensing as it was much easier. In the end he had noticed the sudden spike of ki. At least now, he already found Kale and didn't have to search for her after realizing that she wasn't with Caulifla.

He flew to the next roof of a warehouse in the outskirts of the city and sat down cross-legged on top of it. He always had a huge sphere of awareness around himself. He always kept it up 24 hours a day.

Although he could handle to expand it further than the current few dozen kilometers, it was too troublesome for him to expand it as the information his brain received, exponentially grew with its diameter.

He couldn't use it in a battle as he had to focus on actual fighting and couldn't distract himself with sensing the surroundings to a level where he had to put effort into it. He had also dropped trying to expand his senses further out, since he quickly realized the flaws of it.

By the time his senses would have helped him in battle significantly, he would have already grown so strong in every other area that the increase of a few more kilometers was negligible.

By then his enemies that he would face, would also be much faster and stronger. Broly didn't see the point of training this if he could spend his time more productive for now. If he couldn't advance as quickly in the future, he might focus on that again.

His senses expanded and enveloped the area rather quickly, still it would take a while before he covered an area where Caulifla might be in. Planet Sadala was much larger than earth and was therefore slower to scan through.

It took him half an hour before he found a teen that was eating food, while punks lingered around a warehouse in a remote stony surrounding.

Broly opened his eyes and flew towards who he guessed was Caulifla. In a few seconds he arrived right in front of the door.

There was a small round table with three punks playing cards. Broly ignored them and went for the door. Only now did they realized that a tall strong looking man was approaching their base.

They haven't heard any alarms of their sensors, so they were shocked to see someone they didn't know at their doorsteps. They quickly sprung up and blocked Broly's way.

"Who the fuck are you?! Huh?! You better piss off if you don't want any trouble!!" The punk with a spiky mohawk hairstyle immediately drew a small knife and licked the blade as he threateningly looked at Broly.

'Since when do Saiyans use knifes? Wait, I use a sword, I shouldn't judge.' Broly didn't bother with those punks around him and just grabbed towards the door handle. The mohawk punk in between him and the door was being ignored.

Seeing Broly grab towards 'him', he tried to stab Broly in the stomach but something unbelievable happened, the blade snapped in half. The mohawk punk with the knife was dumbfounded and so were the other two. Broly pushed the mohawk punk against the door. Since he couldn't grab the handle with him in between, he just pressed harder.

The other two came out of their daze and immediately raised their baseball bat and their crowbar and struck Broly's back.

Crack. Ding.

The baseball bat splintered into thousand fragments and the crowbar was sent flying as the punk couldn't hold onto it.

Broly pushed on until cracks appeared on the wall around the door and in just a second, he pushed the punk through the door.


The solid steel door fell heavily to the ground with the punk on top of it.

The punk had difficulty breathing as he laid on the door. Broly stepped on this face and walked inside.

The eyes of the other two widened as they looked at the door and the crumbling wall. Their knees were shaking. They didn't know what to do. It took all their effort to come up with something like ringing the alarm.


"Hm? Are the security forces here again?" Caulifla said as she bit into the giant meat slap that was pierced by her fork.

"No… It isn't known which forces he belongs to, but… he is strong!" Someone on the side said panicky. He seemed to be frightened by the reports.

Caulifla looked at the long dark tunnel that was leading outside. She sensed someone coming from there.

"He? Only one?"


"What the hell??" "What is he??" "He is a monster!!"

All kinds of screams sounded out closer after every second.


Painful screams filled the hall way. Caulifla had already put down the meat and jumped down of her elevated platform.

"Don't worry I will take care of him!" Caulifla said with confidence. She was the strongest in this gang, which was the reason why she was able to become their leader at such a young age. She was even comparable to some newer elites of her brother's unit.

With time she will become a force to be reckoned with. Even the higher-ups had started paying attention to her but since she was the little sister of Renso, they mostly ignored her actions if they didn't cross their bottom-line.

After waiting for a short while, a tall man walked towards the hall they were waiting in. He scratched his head as if he didn't just go through numerous of their guards. Although they weren't exceptional strong, they still have battle experience, to say the least.

Well, that was how they saw them. To be able to defeat them was no easy task. Only someone like Caulifla or Renso would be able to do something like this.

Broly just walked towards Caulifla as he inwardly shook his head, thinking about the Saiyans he just encountered. Every one of them could have easily been the king of the Saiyan race in his universe, but their fighting style was pathetically amateurish.

He didn't even need to fight and just let them attack. They practically took themselves out by attacking. The rebound of their attacks had almost caused every one of them to break at least a limp or two. He couldn't believe how incredible incompetent they were.

Once again, he couldn't help but feel that the potential of these Saiyans were simply wasted. He didn't think about it anymore as he arrived just a few meters away from what he previously guessed to be Caulifla.

Now he was sure that she was the one he was looking for. 'At least, the elites are way stronger.' Broly thought as he watched Caulifla.

"Who are you?" Caulifla said with a smug expression on her face. She almost couldn't help herself from just pouncing at him. Her fighting instincts were screaming for a battle.

"Didn't your brother teach you some manners?" Broly's voice resounded in the hall. The punks on the side wanted to call out something like 'Who do you think you are', 'Do you know who you are speaking to?', but they couldn't open their mouth.

They felt like they would die the moment they do.

"Hmph. You think you are someone great because you could beat them?! You don't stand a chance against me!" She stomped the ground, directly heading for Broly. With a tornado kick she aimed for his head.


Broly's head nudged slightly to the side as he just took the attack head-on. What a joke, their bases weren't comparable in strength.

His body was tempered with numerous energies and training sessions. Even if these Saiyans were stronger in average, hardly anyone here would be able to deal with one Super Saiyan of his army, not to mention natures freak called Broly, who could beat up normal Super Saiyans like they were trash.

Broly grabbed her leg with lightning speed and slammed her on the ground, knocking the wind out of her.