
Kale's energy was leaking out more and more. At the bottom of her feet green ki was circulating around her whilst moving upwards. Her veins were bulging, threatening to explode and her pupils began to fade away, leaving only white eyes behind.

The tornado like ki rose up until it covered her completely. The ki grew taller, reaching a height of 5 meters. Caulifla had a shocked expression on her face but she quickly calmed down as she already anticipated this kind of increase in power.

After Kale's whole body was covered with ki, Caulifla had no way of observing the transformation, but of course, Broly had no problem in that regard.

His vision easily pierced through the layer of ki and analyzed the changes of the transformation. At first the transformation went as wild as he expected and Kale almost lost control, but because of her training for the last few months, she was able to snap out of her emotional state.

The ki inside of her wanted to run wild and expanded into every corner of her body. Her body size rose to 2.5 meters, her muscles grew, and she completely turned into the berserker mode Broly had seen her in the tournament of power, however, instead of going wild, she stood still like she was struggling inside.

After waiting for a few moments, Broly noticed that her size shrank again until she was 1.8 meters tall, her pupils returned but this time they were blue greenish. She had regained her conscious and with a wave of her hand the ki around her dispersed.

She clenched her fist to feel the strength that was now ready for her use. Although she was able to turn Super Saiyan with her legendary ki, it wasn't her legendary state. A large part of her power was being suppressed by her.

Indeed, this made her control easier but now she couldn't use her full power. Broly still sighed out in relief. It may be true that she failed to control her full power, but wasn't he the same in the beginning?

This was her Non-Full Power Super Saiyan and with time she would be able to control her ki fully.

"Congratulations" Broly said to Kale who was immersed in observing the strength inside of her. After hearing what Broly said, she turned her attention wholly towards Broly.

Without saying anything, she deeply bowed. Drops of tears fell quietly on the ground. Broly was stunned for a moment before smiling slightly which shocked Caulifla as she had never seen him smile outside of a fight for the last 2 months.

"Thank… you!" Kale shouted out with a trembling voice. One could hear her sob in between. "What are you crying about, pathetic! You aren't in control of it completely, right? Don't be contend with what you have!" Broly said with a harsh voice.

Kale abruptly straightened her back and was about to shout out in confirmation but seeing Broly with a touched smile on his face, forced the words to be stuck in her throat. Only a few seconds later was she able to speak again.

"…Understood! I won't disappoint you, Master!"

Broly approached Kale and place a hand on her head. "I already told you how I did it, since you are in a similar situation you will be able to advance on you own in the future." Broly paused for a bit.

"It is time for me to leave. You two will be able to handle yourself for now and don't forget to continue practicing the fusion technique that I gave you a while ago. It is a powerful technique which will be able to help you out in difficult times."

Kale looked down and stayed silent while listening to Broly. A sad glint in Kale's eyes appeared. She suddenly slapped Broly's hand off her head. With the other hand she struck towards his chest.

The punch was fast and fierce. Broly tilted his body, easily evading her punch. He suddenly jumped up and evaded Caulifla, who came in with a flying kick. Without conversing they came to an agreement to attack Broly!

They both didn't hold back as they released a wave of punches and kicks at Broly. Broly was being pushed backwards as he evaded and sometimes blocked the incoming attacks. It was like he was leisurely strolling backwards.

With a ki blast Caulifla forced Broly to jump high into the air. Kale was already in the air waiting for him. She showed signs of losing control as she began to unleash attack after attack.

At one-point Broly caught both of her hands and was slightly pushed to the ground. He noticed Caulifla, who approached him from behind.

Broly squinted his eyes as he understood what they wanted. Without messing around further, Broly transformed into his legendary state, measuring a height of 3 meters. He was easily towering above the two. With the increased strength Broly swung Kale around into the approaching Caulifla.

They both fell from the sky and heavily crashed into some boulders. The smoke prevented any sight of them, but they had no intention of hiding. A moment later, two figures jumped out of the smoke and headed for Broly.

Even with his frame it was an easy task to evade their attacks. This was a difference of raw speed advantage and coupled with Broly's achievement in martial arts. It was practically impossible for them to land a hit.

They chased after him for a while until they were exhausted. Kale and Caulifla were panting heavily but none showed signs of giving in. Broly suddenly turned into a blur and without them able to react both received a punch in the gut.

They both fell on their knees, struggling not to throw up. "Don't underestimate yourselves. You two are strong and I am proud of what you achieved until now, but your journey is long from being over. Next time when we see each other you better put up a better fight."

Broly laid down two buttons in front of them. "If one of you really need my help, press your button and I will make my way to help you. Good luck you two." Broly patted them on the shoulders and then vanished.

After he disappeared, silence filled the surroundings. A few moments later Kale broke out in tears. Her crying echoed in the surroundings. Caulifla picked her up and embraced her. Her face wasn't any better as tears ran down her cheek.

"Next time we will finally able to give him a good beating." Caulifla quietly said to Kale. They were both saddened by his departure.

Caulifla didn't know what to do with her life before Broly came along. She only did what she wanted and with her strength there was no one who could put her in her place, but she never had great ambitions, a goal in mind that she could achieve.

It may sound like a good way of living but without orientation, she felt lost. Now she wanted to become stronger than her teacher. He was someone she wanted to surpass or at least stand equal to.

Kale on the other hand had Broly as her emotional pillar. He had pulled her out of the hell she was in and trained her, taught her how to become independent, so she would be able to change her destiny with her own hands.

He showed her that she needed to accept herself and stand proud for who she is. Kale believed that only he could have helped her. He was able to understand her because he was the same like her.

She felt connected to him and absorbed everything he taught as well as she possible could. She didn't have any family or friends, to her Broly and Caulifla were her whole world and unreplaceable.

Now he had left, and her world was about to crumble. She couldn't lose him, but she knew that she couldn't hold him back. She was aware that he was meant for something bigger than teaching the two of them.

She hugged Caulifla and clenched the button, Broly had left her, tightly. Her teary eyes were burning with determination, she would get stronger and be able to stand next to Broly, no matter what.


Broly knew that it would be difficult on them to see him leave, but it was necessary. Although he could give advices on how to achieve Super Saiyan, it would make them too dependent. They needed to find their own path, besides with leaving he had risen his own worth to them. After all, one only appreciated something, if one lost it.

He now was leaving Sadala. Although he first wanted to change the universe 6 Saiyans himself, he knew that these two would be able to do it as well. Great changes would happen with those two around. Maybe it will take them a year or two longer than him, but it was fine.

During that time, he could move out doing something else.