
Although Broly was observing the changes closely, he didn't let any emotions appear on his face. To Pehr Broly was deeply meditating and even though the strength Broly was emitting was powerful, it wasn't to a degree that would make him shiver in fear.

Pehr was waiting for the Luck card to take effect but he knew that it would take a while, so in the meantime he didn't have anything better to do than to go through his other cards beside the two he wanted to use for Broly.

Broly was waiting for the effects to show as well. He was extremely interested on how the energy in the space and time threads were behaving. He was analyzing it, so he may emulate the effect himself in the future.

This power was heavily encrypted and difficult to discern as almost no energy of it was wasted. Broly could barely understand its functions through the energy waves, but he could guess its function through the word Luck that was boldly carved into the card.

It took him several hours to analyze a part of this power. With every part he understood of its power, it got easier to understand the rest of this puzzle.

It took him two days to understand how this card operates. During the process he got exceedingly more disappointed. It was like he was watching a once phenomenal magic trick only to have the simple sleight of hand be revealed step by step.

Another two days passed, and the card finally showed its effect.

Pehr had a shocked expression as he looked at the giant meteor that was heading straight their way. Broly only glanced at it from the corner of his eyes. He had already seen the giant meteor when it was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

The meteor was a solid metal ice block that would need a power that exceeded that of a True Emperor to destroy it, but that wasn't all to the incoming threat.

Several dozens of emperors and True Emperors could be seen riding the meteor while locking onto Broly and Pehr. There was even some whose strength had exceeded that of a peak True Emperor's.

Such a force could swagger everywhere in the universe. Even Broly would normally be astonished to see such a force in one area and not only that. They all seemed to have come with the same purpose.

After knowing to what extend the card's influence towards the surrounding and the strong beings in this universe had reached, Broly had only yawned slightly.

He had waited a day until the meteor was finally visible to the naked eye and as expected Pehr was secretly ecstatic.

"I think they are coming for us, what should we do?" Pehr asked as he looked at the meteor with a shocked expression. Broly inwardly rolled his eyes before responding, "I will take care of it, don't worry."

He then stepped forward and transformed into his first legendary state. For dramatic purposes, Broly let the ground crack beneath his feet and the storm of ki almost carried Pehr away.

Pehr positioned himself slightly behind Broly as if he was waiting for something. Broly felt the intense and greedy stare on his back, in fact he could see it clear as day as he was still observing Pehr's every movement with utmost caution.

Although the card was such a disappointment, maybe he still got an ace up his sleeve, who knows how strong this golden finger of his was. Until he was dead, Broly wouldn't relax.


On the other meteor.

The weakest emperors didn't dare to make any sounds as they listened to the conversation of the strongest among them. They were currently talking about the two figures they were seeing on the red meteor of their target.

After finally seeing the meteor they had prepared themselves for battle, however, instead of the giant ape, the so-called god of death, that was supposed to be mediating on this flying rock, two figures could be seen, looking in their direction.

After observing them for a while, they noticed that one of them had a tail around his waist, wearing it like a belt. The other one was wearing a large sash, so they couldn't confirm it but seeing them together raised suspicion that they were at least working together.

They quickly connected the dots and assumed that the giant ape had to be a transformation of one of these two. Although they couldn't confirm anything, who would dare to question this group, even if they made a mistake? In their eyes those two were already as good as dead.

As they were waiting for the meteor to close in, they saw a tiny green light appear, heading towards them.

"Are they attacking us?" After the words were spoken, the surroundings fell into silence. After a second, they all started laughing at the attack that was shot at them from such a long distance away.

The strongest of them remained silent but still had a sneer on their face. Even their attacks would lose considerable amount of power with that much distance.

"Is that light getting larger?" "Of course, it is getting larger, it is coming closer, so-" The words that this emperor wanted to say was stuck in his throat. The laughter on this meteor quieted down shortly afterwards as well.

The light wasn't only gradually getting larger. With every two seconds, the light tripled in size. Even after reaching a planetary scale, it continued to grow.

They finally recognized the light as a giant energy sphere that would explode the moment the creator decided it to happen.

They also felt a pull on their body towards the energy sphere. The weakest emperor was suddenly slowly levitating towards the energy sphere. No, he was being pulled towards the sphere and although he was struggling to get away, the pull just kept getting stronger every second.

"Fuck…" A being whose strength exceeded that of a True Emperor suddenly jumped behind the meteor they were standing on and fired a ki wave at it, pushing it towards the green sphere. He knew that they had already wasted their shot at escaping and could only hope to resist.

Seeing one of them jump away, pulled them out of their daze and without exception they each followed suit and released their strongest attacks. Colorful lights filled the usual bleak empty space as they pushed a giant meteor towards a green sun.

It didn't take long until the meteor crashed into the green sun but instead of a terrifying explosion, the sun just enveloped the meteor as if it was devouring it whole.

The faces of these powerhouses instantly went pale as they saw the sphere heading their way. The one that had one, didn't hesitate anymore and pulled out their lifesaving trump cards that would boost their capabilities or was able to influence the space around it.

Some were able to pull themselves away and escape. The survivors could be counted on one hand. The others were hopeless in front of this feat of power as they were either stuck in place or fell into the green sun.

With a grand explosion that destroyed everything in its area of influence, the group was annihilated in a single instance.

The ones that survived would never appear on the universal stage as they hid away in the deepest parts of the universe, fearing for the pursuit of the god of death.


As Broly was supplying an energy sphere with power, Pehr positioned himself behind Broly. His vicious smile and his greedy eyes were revealed to the world as he activated the blood red card.

The card appeared next to the luck card and with a flash a blood red light headed straight for Broly's head.

'This is… a soul attack?' Broly didn't turn around as his soul enveloped his whole body in an instant. He struck behind him without turning around, smashing the blood red light into pieces.

Pehr's face froze as he looked at the twinkling lights. The lights didn't fall to the ground but instead hovered in the air.

'What… why is…' Pehr's thoughts were in a disarray. He couldn't understand what just happened. The system had never failed in its functions. He just couldn't connect the word failure with this system of his. Broly finally turned around as there was no need to supply the sphere with more energy.

"Was that what you were hoping for?" Broly observed the red lights. Since it was destroyed and the energy leaked out, Broly could tell with a glance what this light was supposed to do.

"Steal my lifeforce to power yours?"

This so-called bloodline purification was just a way to raise the quality of one's lifeforce and open the seal of the Saiyan curse just a tad bit more.

Broly was also directly able to tell the limitations of this power. The lifeforce had to be similar to ones own lifeforce, otherwise the differences would be too high to absorb and integrate it.

If Broly was correct Pehr would probably need several thousand Saiyans or someone like Kale to raise the strength of his lifeforce significantly.

"Although your powers are somewhat disappointing, you are still great research material. I really want to see, what is going on in your head" Broly waved his arm and a giant sword appeared in his hand.

Hearing Broly's words and seeing the sword pointed at him, Pehr finally came out of his shock. Without waiting for anything to happen, he activated another card that had the word 'Escape' carved into it.

A blue light enveloped his whole body.

"The next time I see you, Broly, I will absorb every bit of your bloodline! I will surpass you and make you kneel before me! Should have killed me immediately, now your doom is already certain!"

Pehr said with a distorted expression. He was angry, after all, he had wasted two epic-class cards.

"Pfff. Hahahahaha" Broly couldn't stifle his laughter and broke out into laughter. Pehr wanted to curse at the laughing Broly but his expression changed as he noticed that, although his body was enveloped in the blue light, he wasn't moving at all.

"Yeah, I already sealed this place. You are getting nowhere" Broly smiled mockingly at the pale Pehr.