Three Kittens

Next to Hit were Kale and Caulifla, who had their mouths wide open as if they had seen a ghost. They were as shocked as Hit to see Broly in a place like this.

They had already taken it upon themselves to avenge his death by murdering Hit, but who of these three would have guessed that Broly was still alive.

Additionally, he was announced as a contestant of universe 7, which would mean that they would have to fight him if they wanted to win.

"…How could this be??" Kale mumbled as she looked at Broly without blinking. After calming down from the shock her body was filled with a warm sensation. Although confused, she was happy that he was still alive.

She abruptly stood up, almost throwing her chair to the ground. She quickly ran up to him and waited for a second until Zangya finally let go of him.

She then gave him a hugged Broly's waist as tears appeared on her face. Broly looked down at the seemingly frail girl. He patted her head to calm her down. Caulifla approached him as well and lightly punched his upper arm, while tearing up herself.

Broly sighed slightly before pulling Caulifla into the embrace. She was a bit startled but didn't resist in the end. They stayed like this for a while before they separated again.

"You asshole! Could have told us that you were still alive!" Caulifla shouted as she crossed her arms, trying her best to look angry, but she couldn't hide the smile that had creeped into her face. Kale on the other hand nodded heavily as her body was giving off a dangerous vibe.

"Yes! Next time we hear that you die, we will kill you!" Broly only smiled helplessly, hearing this.

"Shouldn't have believed some rumors. As if I would die that easily." "Tch." Broly turned his head and looked at Hit, who was gritting his teeth. However, his face quickly relaxed again after showing his dissatisfaction. Hit returned Broly's gaze as if to say that he would settle the score today.

"Alright. We will catch up later, after we are done with whatever we are supposed to be doing." Broly glanced at the deities that were floating above their head. The Super Dragon Balls around this planet wasn't easily overseen either.

He already knew that the tournament would start now as opposed to a few years in the future, which in turn would mean that the tournament of power would start sooner as well.

He now had to pretend that he didn't know what was going on, otherwise he would have already laughed out in anticipation.

Soon he will meet the forces of the Dragon Ball multiverse, but now he had to pacify the three beast that were glaring at his back.

He turned around and saw his wives glaring at him. They were silent during the reunion between him and his disciples, but they didn't seem that they would remain silent.

As if that thought had triggered something from these three lionesses, they approached him with Alea in the front with a smile that didn't reach her eyes on her face. "Hey Broly, long time no see."

The icy tone in her voice sent shivers down the people's spine. Even Champa, who was about to hurry them froze before coughing and pretending to think about something else.

Zangya behind her showed her support, even though she seemed more indifferent. Cana on the other hand had an evil smile on her face.

"Would you mind introducing these… children to us." Alea said as she pointed at Kale and Caulifla with her chin.

"Sure. This is Caulifla and Kale. I trained them when I was in universe 6." Broly pushed the two girls slightly forward as he introduced them to his wives. It seemed like they were fearful of Alea but after getting some reassurance from Broly, they politely greeted Alea and the rest.

Alea approached the two with quick step, looking like she was about to pounce at them.

"So, you two think-"


Alea's head lightly swung backwards and a red mark appeared on her forehead.

"Owww!" She crouched down and held her forehead with teary eyes. She glared at Broly, who flicked her forehead with his finger.

He shook his finger.

"Show some manners." Broly said with stern tone. His wives couldn't believe and were monetarily stunned. This wasn't how this was supposed to go!

"Are you seriously jealous? Or do you fear that I would start an affair with these two?" Alea was confused and begrudgingly nodded her head. Zangya added from the side to confirm the possibility, "You started an affair with me."

Broly rolled his eyes. It has been a few years since he would bang any hot female without restrain, but after being with these three, it had made him want to settle down.

"Yeah and it has been quite some time since we last saw each other!" Cana fueled the flames.

"Do you think I would just take the next best woman and lay the bed with her?" Broly shook his head slightly as if he was greatly hurt by their assumptions before he seemingly came to a revelation.

"I see. So, you fear that your female charm isn't enough to keep me at bay? That you are less attractive than these two brats?" Broly asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Tell me, would they be able to steal me from you?" This caused them to take a closer look at Kale and Caulifla before looking at their own assets. Alea sprung up with a happy smile and jumped at Broly to give him a hug.

"No threat at all!" She said happily.

"Hey, what is that supposed to-" Caulifla angrily shouted before she was quickly shot down by another glare of Alea.

Kale on the other hand had a blank face, no one knew what she was thinking.

Broly couldn't help but to think that he should probably spent more time at home with his family and friends.

Broly's little reunion with his wives ended in a group hug. Seeing that, Champa coughed loudly and urged them to sit down.

Whis quickly approached Broly and explained the current situation. Broly had already guessed it and therefore wasn't surprised. He also glanced at the two gods before he looked into the sky at the Super Dragon Balls.

All of them were gathered, which would mean that the leader of the Universal Intelligence was already taken care of.

The 10 contestants sat down and received the tests. It was a very basic one and even a child could solve it. The contestants had no problem completing and passing it.

They then returned towards the contestants' area of their respective universe, facing each other. Located between the two sides was the arena with an announcer on it.

While Broly listened to the announcer, he could hear the chatter of the spectators on his side. It was mostly complaining coming from Chi-Chi and Bulma about him having more than one wife, while Master Roshi and Yamcha were silently praising him as a hero.

When these two saw him look over they even gave him a thumbs up. Broly was stunned for a second due to this reaction. Shouldn't he be seen as their mortal enemy? His threat of him destroying the world was still standing.

He even saw Krillin subconsciously wanting to join in on the praise but was quickly put into place by his girlfriend No. 18.

Even though Broly had changed the history a little bit, they still got together. Broly didn't bother with them anymore and inspected Hit for a second.

Hit wasn't as leisurely as he was in the series. His eyes were open, and his gaze was focused on Broly. Broly could tell that he was eager to once again fight and defeat him, only this way he could wash away his shame.

Broly could tell that he got a lot stronger after their little bout. He was getting excited seeing Hit's strength.

To see the improvement of his disciples would be nice as well, however, he doubted that these two Saiyans could bulldoze through his entire team to get to him.

Broly inspected Cooler, who was glaring at him like Hit did. When he was training in Whis staff he noticed that both his soul connection to Cell and Cooler were severed.

This didn't really affect him in any way, but it was still frustrating to know that his control was being released.

He also was sure that only few could do something like this, which obviously included the deities, especially Whis, who had given him a meaningful look after he came out.

When Broly looked at Cell, who came as a spectator, he didn't see the same hatred as he did in Cooler. However, his eyes were filled with determination.

After the introduction of the rules ended, Broly spoke out in order to add a rule. He had asked them to create a barrier in the air around the arena, so one couldn't just fly into outer space and have their duel there.

They quickly agreed to his request and Whis quickly created a strong barrier. Now the announcer started to introduce the fighters of the first round.