Cooler vs Hit

The two watched the other. Although now Cooler's main aim was to kill Broly, he was indeed interested in this assassin that the god of destruction placed so much trust into.

When he heard there were other universes and after his mind was freed from Broly's control, certain ambitions took place in his heart.

He was previously an emperor of a galaxy and now he was even stronger. He could feel that he would only grow exceedingly stronger in the future, especially after the control of his mind was removed.

With a free mind his power grew tremendously. It was like a barrier to his potential has been removed.

For now, he would see what this Hit had to offer. From what he was able to comprehend from Hit's and Zangya's fight was that Hit could somehow teleport and release invisible attacks.

Cooler remained cautious as he looked at his opponent. Hit watched Cooler as well. Hit was able to sense the strong force coming from Cooler.

The gong sounded out and Cooler instantly moved out. He didn't hesitate as he closed in and tried to strike down Hit.

With a chop of his hand Cooler aimed for Hit's neck, however, before he could reach him, Hit disappeared. Suddenly Cooler felt a pain in his sides. He stumbled to the side as he put a hand on his side.

He looked at Hit, who still had his arm extended. He was confused as to how Hit could be that fast, but he instantly realized something.

It couldn't be the same as teleportation! No, it was more than that.

Even if Hit could freely teleport, Cooler should be able to sense him if he had appeared next to him, but he didn't register anything until he was hit. Additionally, it seemed like the attack landed at the same time, Hit had disappeared.

He was confused, but more so furious. His violent ki burned brightly like a fire. He then abruptly rushed towards Hit once again.

His speed was amplified several times as he rushed to the assassin, who gave a quick glance towards the contestant area of universe 7, to be more precisely to Broly.

Cooler quickly arrived and punched out, directly following with a tail whip.

This time Hit didn't use his time ability, but lightly pushed the punch with his palm out of the way. He then caught the tail with his other hand.

His open palm clenched to a fist and punched at Cooler's chest.


The punch of Hit was heavy, making Cooler slid backwards for several meters. Cooler's feet pierced into the ground to stop his momentum.

As soon as Cooler stopped, he grasped for air. His chest carapace had a deep fist sized dent. After taking several deep breaths through his visor, Darth Vader's eyes glowed in a menacing red.

"You will pay for that!" Cooler screamed out as he released tremendous ki.

A golden fire was instantly occupying half of the stage on Cooler's side as his skin turned completely golden. Only his hands and feet remained visibly purple.

The spikes on his lower arms seemed sharper and more dangerous than ever. Cooler stomped the ground as he dashed towards Hit. His speed incomparable to before.

Instantly arriving in front of Hit, he slashed out with his spikes. His slash was accompanied by a sharp whistle as it sliced through the air.

Hit was surprised but this speed wasn't something he couldn't handle. He stepped backwards and tried his best to redirect the attacks as retaliated from time to time.

Some slashes and punches made their way through his defense but surprisingly he didn't fell back to his time skip ability.

Suddenly Cooler raised one's hand high to strike down heavily. Hit's eyes flashed the moment, Cooler's chest opened up.

Hit disappeared before revealing himself again with his fist in the throat of Cooler.

"Grhagh" Cooler took a forceful step backwards as he could feel the blood accumulate in his mouth. He spat out a mouth full of blood. He could feel that his throat was severely injured by the attack just now.

Although he had to take a step back, he didn't forget to use his tail to retaliate. Hit tilted his head in the last moment, however, he couldn't escape the whip completely. He took several steps back to create some distance.

Hit could feel blood flow down his cheek. He wiped it away, before he pointed his fist at Cooler. Preparing to release some invisible ki blasts.

Cooler's upper body was heaving heavily, not because he was breathing heavily with his injury but because he was furious.

Even though his throat was severely injured, it didn't affect him much. Frost Demons have terrifying vitality.

They could survive with half their body that withstood an exploding planet, float in space for extended periods of time and still survive all this with little energy left to begin with. If they could survive something like this, a destroyed throat wasn't worth mentioning.

Even if his chest was slashed open, he could probably still fight on freely. Of course, pain resilience was something else as their race was naturally strong, they hardly experienced much hardship.

He was about to charge forward again, but he felt a sharp pain coming from his right leg. Instead of moving, he stumbled to his knee. He found himself under invisible attacks as he kneeled one the ground.

He raised his arm and shot several ki blasts to give him some time to reorganize himself, but his attacks just flew through Hit as if he was a ghost.

"What-" Before he could finish his sentence, his jaw rocked to the side from a heavy impact. Hit watched as Cooler's body skidded over the ground. Hit placed his feet down and squinted his eyes as he watched Cooler get up slowly.

At this point he had the feeling that Cooler was still holding back, but seeing Cooler's current state, he couldn't help but shake his head to dismiss this thought.

Maybe he had just overestimated this Frost Demon. Hit disappeared and emerged behind Cooler to strike him, but a ki blast suddenly exploded in his face.

He slid out of the smoke, immediately followed by Cooler's imposing figure. Hit disappeared again and emerged several meters on the other side. He looked on as Cooler released dozens of ki blast in every direction.

Hit instantly understood what happened. This was just a lucky hit from Cooler. The ki blasts stopped and Hit took on a boxer like stance.

Cooler had already found him and was about to close in again as he knew that he could probably only overwhelm Hit with his raw power and speed. He would just counterattack Hit's ability with an attack in every direction.

Although wasteful and crude, it was the easiest way he could think of to counter that strange ability of Hit. Just as he started moving, Hit seemed to multiply.

Cooler was shocked. "How could this be??" He had long learned ki sensing, but yet every figure he was now seeing and sensing, were the same.

"Fuck this!" He knew that he would only suffer if this continues. He flew into the air and raised his hands. It only took an instant and a giant sphere that looked like a sun, appeared above Cooler.

The time to create this attack was the same as before, but the power was on a completely different scale. He didn't even hesitate as he threw the sun towards the arena.

Whis and Vados reacted quickly and each created a barrier on the ground and around the spectators, so this 'planet' and the audience wouldn't be destroyed and killed.

Hit squinted his eyes as he looked at the ginormous attack heading towards him. He looked solemn but there was no fear or concern in his eyes.

Hadn't he escape a similar attack by Broly? This would be no different! He headed into the sun without a moment of hesitation and used his time skip to evade its destructive power.

As soon as he evaded the supernova, he saw Cooler still in his throwing position. It seemed like he was prepared for Hit to catch his attack.

Seeing Hit going through his special attack, he was flabbergasted, but before he could react, Hit already arrived with a powerful charge.

Hit's fist shot through the air and with all his weight behind it landed in Cooler's face. Cooler crashed into the barrier and collapsed strengthless to the ground.

Hit had won once again. Cooler looked at Hit with resentment in his eyes as he was brought out and healed by Whis as he did with the other contestants.

Cooler was now sitting with the other spectators as he coldly looked at Broly's back on the arena.

Broly hadn't even given him a glance after he was defeated and only focused on Hit.

Broly cracked his neck and did some stretches. He rotated his shoulder and did some other warm up exercises.

He smiled at Hit as he spoke out, "Sorry about that. The fight was too interesting, and I forgot to warm up."

"Oh? I hoped you learned something from the fight." Hit smirked slightly. Although this person was a dent in his pride and reputation, Hit couldn't help but feel more excited than angry.

He wanted to fight against Broly and achieve greater heights with his powers once again. He could only do this by fighting opponents equal or stronger than him.

Unfortunately, such beings were far in between in his and seemingly in other universes as well, but now he once again stood in front of someone like that.

"I sure did. I didn't think you would improve it by that much." Broly responded as he finished his little warm up.